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Posts posted by Idioticozzy

  1. Name ((MC)): Idioticozzy

    Name ((IG)): Thomas_Tidworth, or, when I am feeling mysterious, The_Jester.

    Real Life Age: 14

    (sub)Race: Northerner.

    Combat experience: For my old character: Ranger, Knight, and overall protecter of Oren. for my new Character, nothing because I have not started him yet, it sort of depends on the villain application being accepted.

    Would you consider being a spy?: My new character prefers violance, but, if it pleases you, he will begrudgingly accept the mission of espionage.

    Past military experience: Ranger of Oren, Knight of Oren.

    Past criminal experience: None.

    Current Occupation: Since I am still on my old character, I am a wanderer, Also, a part of the old Knights of Oren. Well, the surviving ones...

    Useful, Non-military Skills: My new character is quite the trickster, and very cunning, and if not in his 'work clothes' he will seem to be a nice young lad.

    What have you heard of us IC?: Well, my new character, nothing, my old character, has heard some bits and bobs from the Renatus guard.

    What have you heard of us OOC? Your posts, your people signatures which clearly state that you are recruiting, and of your general awsomeness.

    What skill level do you currently hold on the following? Note, to rank past Initiate a skill requirement of 40 is required in one of these fields.

    Swords: 43

    Axe mastery: 4

    Archery: 41

    Wrestling: 2

    Preferred weapon: Sword or Bow.

    Screening Questions

    Accepted villain app link (Required): http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/39151-idioticozzys-villain-application-the-jester-unread/

    -not approved yet

    Are you wanted in any countries?: Not yet. :P

    Why do you want to join?: Because Thomas thinks that this path will help him on his path, and he thinks that he could help the dark brotherhoods path too.

    Define powergaming thoroughly: Powergaming means that the player doing it thinks that he is 'invincible' somewhat, and cheats by doing things in Role play that others would and could not do. for instance, one can't break the chains of manacles by pulling them apart, but if a player was powergaming, he would somehow bite through the cast Iron and run away free while avoiding all the attempts of the guards grabbing him.

    Will you ever mention or hint the name or existence of this organization IC? Never, only if you would order me too.

    "Legal" stuff:

    Will you tell anyone about your association with us ever (including OOC) or reveal any amount of information about who we are or what we do? And yes this is entirely necessary. Definetly not, never, unless you tell me too do otherewise.

    Do you realize that breaking any server rules may result in banishment at our discretion? Indeed.

    Do you realize that revealing any information about us either IC or OOC will result in banishment and multiple contracts for your head? This may extend to a permadeath. Yes I do.

    Will you take multiple screenshots of all jobs related to the Dark Brotherhood? Of course!

  2. I might think of joining this guild, if my villain application get's accepted ^^, but if I do decide to have a crack at your application (heard it's quite hard :? ) and get in, be warned, my character is abit...different...

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