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Posts posted by Idioticozzy

  1. House Roberts


    House Name: House Roberts

    House Standing: Landed house.

    House Lands: The Barony of Highwood.

    Liege House: House Tarus

    House Family Members Living: TBA

    House Family Member Important: TBA

    House Heirlooms: Ra'Tahl; the sword of Ferror's great Grand sire. Made of Elven steel, and created by Elven hands. In current possession of Ser Gerrard Lane as a sincere wedding present.

    House History: TBA

    House Colors: Red and Orange

  2. I Asriel Delmarine would Like to become a squire of a knight, but I have been having trouble of finding one to take me in. My Father was a Knight and I served as his squire but he was murdered. I have a blood line of one of the first human kings, if you could set me up with a Knight and Have me serve the Holy Empire as his Squire.

    As it happens, I am looking for a squire, if you prove your worth, you may come into my service...

  3. * Ferror stands from his seat, understanding what the Knight John is saying*

    "I agree with John, we must fortify our Northern reaches with Watch towers and such, I have heard rumors of how the War nation treat there allies, just a year ago they raided the lands of the "Kha" a sworn ally of them. And do you remember when Renatus was on it's knees, fighting for survival? Who came then to help? No one! We MUST fortify our lands, and claim the contested land to the North of us, for the safety of the realm!"

    *Ferror sits back down, panting slightly from his long speech, and waits for a response.*

  4. My liege lord, I am Ferror, squire of Gideon, but he may move me to a different Knight or noble. My father was Ser Oscar of Galahar, A knight of old Oren. He fought for the freedom of Oren against the evil king. And he was there for the destruction of it aswell. I ask of you, my king, to put me on the list of squires, and perhaps asign me a Noble knight or Lord, if thy hath too.

    ((Time zone is GMT 0, London.))

  5. *sighs, bringing his head down, and thinks up an oath to swear, he finally thinks of one, and begins to speak*

    "I, Ferror Roberts, son of Ser Oscar Roberts, swear to uphold your rule to power, to protect your people and your borders with either sword or word. I swear to protect you and your royal family, and I swear to fight for you untill my last breath, when my duty is done, and my oath is broken. That is what I swear to you, now, sire, what do you swear to me?"

    *Ferror Looks up into the king's youthful face, pondering what he will next say*

  6. *Ferror slowly walks up to the Black Keep, fatigued by such a long journey on foot. He pulls down his hood and brushes himself off, realising how dirty and scruffy he must look. As he walks up to an old looking scribe, he asks for Ferror's name, which he nervously gives. He shakes from his ankles, This King Godfrey is said to be a descendant from the One Horen! So he thinks he has his own right to be nervous. He finally walks into the grand Throne Room and nervously studies the crowd within it, which in turn study him back. He unsheaths his sword, and several guards come running at him, startled by the gesture, but with a wave from the king's hand and a nod that it tells them it is alright, they stop and turn around, with a slight look of dissapointment on there faces. Ferror continues to place his old sword infront of King Godfrey's feet, and finally kneels down. Ferror begins to speak, but stutters slightly. After serveral embarrasing moments he gets his voice back, and says*

    "My lord liege. I, Ferror Roberts, hath come to thou realm in seek of thou vassalage. My father had once served as a warrior of Oren in the days of Aegis, and under The Grand Duke Tarus. I wish to fulfill my fathers wish, which is also mine, to become a Warrior of Combat, of Justice, A knight Of Horen."

    *Ferror says the last sentence with certain dignaty, and he finally looks up into the king's eyes.*

  7. *A small brown bird flies to Halboron, a small messege is attached around its small leg*

    Halboron Elendil,

    I have arrived at the settlement Glenwood, but I am wandering where the Ranger's are located? I have not seen any Ranger's around, and after asking several people, they have no clue.



  8. OOC

    MC Name: Idioticozzy

    Sword and Bow Levels: ((Sword 57 Bows 47))

    Have you ever been banned or had a ban report posted on you: No I haven't.


    Name: Ferror Roberts

    Race: Human

    Weapon of choice: Bow and a Rapier

    Combat Expierience (Guilds, training): I have had no combat experiance other than training with my father, Oscar Roberts. But he has told me stories of when he was once a great knight of Oren. ((new character))

    Factions you have fought against: I have not fought against any yet.

    Do you have any non-combat related skills: I am quite a good cook, so when you need some food, ask me.

    Why you wish to join us: I want to aspire to be like my father, he was once a Oren warrior, he has passed away from natural reasons, so now I am on my own.

  9. ~ Kharajyr are not known to Asulon - We are yet to expand onto Asulonian lands, where we will meet face to face with you apes (Jk XD) for now please do not act like you know we exist ~

    THIS! ^^

    to all those newbies that don't know you have to find us or get told of us by some other person to know we exist!

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