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Posts posted by OhDeerLord

  1. Dakelthel stands in the Archon armor with a confused look plastered across his face as Dak'ir makes his speech. His brows furrow and he wonders what the nether is he supposed to do now with his cousin stepping down and his supposed means of redemption being disbanded. He shakes his head and grumbles as he walks, making way to the docks to sail back to the Ame city where he's been staying, taking off the Archon armor and stuffing it in a chest when he reaches his room.

  2. "Oh. More stupid mali" Dwyn blinks slowly as he finishes reading the notice "While being under humans isnt ideal, its how the world is. They outnumber us" he folds away the paper and shakes his head "It would be foolish to piss them off when nothing bad is happening. Spare for the bandits we'd still be harrased by no matter who we were allied with."

  3. Dwyn looks over the new notice, raising his brows slightly "Well I can't imagine this will be well revived by some more troublesome mages." He sighs "But they are exactly the ones we need to worry about. Those who don't understand the dangers of magic" Dwyn sets aside the new laws, and goes back to carrying hay to the animals in the barn, chatting among themselves and greeting the druid once he enters.

  4. Dwyn Tinuvial has joined the Ahviran, taking the role of one of the Keepers of the Naelurir.


    He can be contacted via bird for lessons or advice, and will be spending time in the main city offering lessons on the aspects and the balance of nature.

    A Druid and trained in traditional healing as well as some Drudic healing, he can be contacted for help with injured folk, as well as the above stated duties of a Keeper.

  5. Reference (Plz): Forum Icon
    Description: Tan woodie with zig zag tattoo on face
    You want words? If do, what words: Dwyn Tinuvial
    Background? (I suck at dem): transparent
    Anything extra: nub
    Say something nice to next customer: hi your face is adequate
    Say something r00d 'bout me (Not r00d Enuff to make me cri): i will yell at you alot someday idk
    Say something nice bout me: your doing free art and thats always cool
  6. MC name
    Character's name and age
    Dwyn Tinuviel - 340 or something. I've been attuned for about three and a half months irl.
    Character’s Race
    What magic will you be learning?:
    Elorna-  Nature’s Communion, Control of Nature, Blight Healing
    Arinislia - Druidic Healing
    Who will be teaching you?:
    Elorna (Birdwhisperer) 
    Arinislia (Delmodan)
  7. MC name: TheIdleMuse(my alt account)
    Character's name and age: Maur'ae, 162
    Character’s Race: Mali'Ame 
    What magic/s did you learn?: Fire Evocation
    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Maur'ae had a few lessons with Art Camoryn(Leowarrior14) with the intention of learning Illusion, being taught how to connect to the void and meditate. But they lost contact- Maur'ae continued his meditation on his own and found books on various evocations, having an affinity for fire he studied that. He's been studying since he met Art.. When the Mali'Ame and Mali'Ker still lived in Annil'sul. (I can't remember the exact date.)
    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:
    Fire evocation is the creation/drawing of fire from the void into our world, manipulating it as you see fit. This is done often by imagining fire within the void and using a good ammount of energy and focus to evoke it in our plane. A fire evocationist cannot control fire that is natural to our world- only the fire that they themselves draw from the void. It takes years of practice to be able to properly wield fire, and even moreso to do it without becoming exhausted from a fireball.
    ((I didnt quite understand the previous denail, but I tried to clarify more?))
  8. MC name: xRenaix
    Character's name and age: Maur'ae, 162
    Character’s Race: Mali'Ame 
    What magic/s did you learn?: Fire Evocation
    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Maur'ae had a few lessons with Art Camoryn(Leowarrior14) with the intention of learning Illusion, being taught how to connect to the void and meditate. But they lost contact- Maur'ae continued his meditation on his own and found books on various evocations, having an affinity for fire he studied that. He's been studying since he met Art.. When the Mali'Ame and Mali'Ker still lived in Annil'sul. (I can't remember the exact date.)
    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:
    Fire evocation is the creation/drawing of fire from the void into our world, manipulating it as you see fit. A fire evocationist cannot control fire that is natural to our world- only the fire that they themselves draw from the void. It takes years of practice to be able to properly wield fire, and even moreso to do it without becoming exhausted from a fireball.
  9. I suppose I just personally think you should let people know your doing base art, and not drawing their requests from scratch when you do do their requests.


    I do see now you say you do it for free- but you still have a price listed on your main post! Miight wanna edit it

  10. ******* christ can't do anything interesting without an application now.



    this is ridiculous.


    if this is about people abusing magic and villainy just- ****. This is what we're supposed to have the blacklists for.


    jesus christ on a bike /why/. All of the other things that could be worked on and /this/ is the change that is made??

  11. It started as a normal day, he was tending the cows and carrying over a new hay bale when he heard the crying of a baby. Frowning the mali'ame drops the bale and makes his way up Yaehahn and Arveldir's tree at their homestead, shocked to find a little bundle, dark skinned like a mer but with bright green eyes. Instincts react first and he picks up the baby to shush and calm it, finding a letter set beside it- tearstained but intact.


    As soon as he reads it, the elf falls to the floor on his knees, face buried in the baby's blankets as he starts to sob. The memories of raising Yaehahn fill his mind, her bittersweet story and hard-fought life. It wasn't supposed to end this way.


    Broken, his only daughter lost to the Elven curse, ironic as most of her life was spent worrying for the human curse in her blood. It wasn't supposed to end this way, that repeats in his mind, looping. They were supposed to keep her until she aged grey, she was supposed to be surrounded by her family and happy, not alone on a trip gone wrong.


    The elf known for his smile would not smile again for quite some time. But there were things to do. A baby to care for and a funeral to prepare. Dwyn picks himself up off the ground and cradles the baby in his arms, staring down at her and swearing to pour all the love Yaehahn would have experienced into this child.


    He barely registers Ac'Aelu and Celahir were in the room with him, consumed by his grief, the only light being the warmth in his arms, dragging him out of darkness and giving him purpose.


    Bath, Food, Blankets, Crib.

    'Keep yourself together, Dwyn.' He thinks to himself, closing his eyes tightly and fighting back more tears, rocking the baby in his arms, the last new piece of Yaehahn he will ever see.

  12. Not tooting my own horn but I've had quite a few people tell me my name is 'infamous' and that a lot of people know about Dwyn way before meeting him.


    Also, on the wood elf racial page I'm listed as a notable wood elf there -shrugs-


    I've done a lot more than just be on the council, I reformed the military in Leanniel, I had my own successful town for a while, was a major part of the splinters in thales- And was the first to find peace with the high elves during that time as well. And thats just Anthos and Thales- not including whats happened in Athera.


    edit: Also seriously, Art- who was our nation leader for quite a long time- Is vouching for a few people. I truly do think he would know who was notable within his own nation.

  13. I actually like Nexus. It allows small communities to grow- I own a homestead where my family lives and we keep active. I also used to own a town under nexus and it was really nice.


    I don't think removing it outright is a good idea, perhaps some tweaks maybe but I actually like being in control of my own region through the nice interface.

  14. Name: Dwyn Tinuvial

    MC Name: xRenaix

    Skype: You have it bae


    Race: Mali'Ame

    Age: 328

    Gender: Male


    Skill: Breeding(Master), Cooking(Veteran), Woodworking(Adept), Lumberjack(Proficient)

    Chosen Job (Pick One): Breeding, though my close second skill is Cooking. I use these skills in tandem to care for my animals as well as make good use of the meat that is gathered.


    Do you understand the quota system?: Yes.

    Do you understand that the theft of any goods will result in a banishment from Laureh’lin, dependant on the amount stolen and to be decided by the Chancellery?: Yes.

  15. Pending


    Talking with the AT lead we have decided to give you ONE LAST CHANCE this month to apply. So you'd better work with me in order to fix this application.


    You need to fix your spelling errors in this application. It makes it difficult to read and you'll honestly have difficulty on the server if you cannot spell very well.


    Your lore is very outdated and at the very least you'll need to make your character older and add some more recent events. 


    There is currently no family by the name of 'Grayhame' on the server. If you are trying to join a family- It does not exist currently. 


    Your only ambition is to join the order of Saint Amyas, you need more ambition. 


    Not protecting yourself from arrows is not a weakness. Something like 'can't swim' or 'is afraid of spiders' is what we want.


    Make these changes and contact me within 24 hours

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