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Posts posted by OhDeerLord

  1. For a 'Final Project' in one of my classes we were tasked with making a poster of sorts.


    My idea came quickly, a movie poster and the events to base it around.


    I want to preface this saying the names written down are not the peoples real last names- Nor even my own. I parodied them for the purpose of having 'actors' listed on the poster.



  2. What's a memorable thing Quav's done?

    Have to be a little self-serving here too- what's something memorable dwyn has done?

    1 thing that's just memorable for you and maybe 1 that was impactfull on quav as a character?

    What's something you dislike about quav?

    If you could change one thing about the server what would that be?

  3. We are acting like savages, and abandoning our fellow elves in their time of need. OUR brothers and sisters need us, yet you refuse to try and negotiate the terms of the Emerald Dominion. You have given up on elvendom. Leaders of Cerulin, I will state once more. You do NOT deserve to wear your ears. You are no more than Valah. For even Oren has the decency to help their fellow man. 



    Dwyn tenses and frowns as he hears the speech, his breath catching as she reaches this point- he's quick to raise his voice

    "We were invited to Haelun'or moments before the posting of the Emerald Dominion- And do you know what happened? They murdered our high chancellor- who stood unarmed, awell as our newest chancellor. They beat me and removed my ears, then threw me down their stairway to be the living whitness to what happened."

    Breaths out, shaking his head "Only after murdering several of us did they post this 'Emerald Dominion' and expect us to bend to it. After inviting us to a peaceful meeting where we tried to negotiate terms- We were denied any negotiations and Kalenz ordered the murder of my lifemate, and our high chancellor."

    "I do not hate Kalenz, but I can no longer see him as a man that seeks peace. He threatened my lifemate with torture to try and break me.."

  4. Do you like me? :p


    I know, basic question ^

    We don't talk that much -shrugs-


    What is your least favorite thing about Dwyn?

    Personality wise, looks wise. Anything. And why?


    Hmm, perhaps his anxiety, sometimes it makes him a bit weak and finiciy, but in the end it's a way to vent my own anxiety about things


    perhaps looks wise its how I cant ever have people be happy with his skin, he either gets called a woman or get told to shave(when he grows a beard)

  5. I'll marry you


    Awe danks

    Who is Dwyn's favorite child.


    It's Aelu right?



    Uuuhhhhhhh... Well he raised Yaehahn, but has a lot of respect for the man Aelu's become



    Do you have any unique role play tips?
    Any suggestions to creating and/or finding role play?
    What are the main three reasons you continue to stay with this community/server?



    Hmm, Unique.. I'm not sure whats unique but okay-

    Something I've noticed recently. Sometimes- You need to take someone's err... reputation? Into account. I know everyone usually says like, don't take IC ooc- but I'm not saying stuff like that-

    I'm saying like.. If someone has a rep for droping off characters, maybe not get super invested.. A friend of mine married, and had a child with someone like this- Even after they'd been told that person skips around on different characters and such

    Lo and behold that person drops the character right after the baby was born.


    For creating and finding roleplay- First and Foremost, find a town. Offer yourself up for work or if you can- find a guild. You might not find it at first, but often times settling with a group is the best way I've made friends.

    Also, as weird as it sounds- Keep yourself open to some romance! Some of the best people I've found to RP with have been through keeping an open mind and eventually becoming a part of a big family. Family are friends you don't need to put effort into finding! They come right to ya!


    And three reasons I continue to stay.. Well I've been around a long time- Since Asulon- and what's kept me around.. hmm..


    1. Friends, I've got many people that play this server

    2. Er.. Responsibility? I suppose. It feels weird to say this but since Anthos I've been in some sort of position, not of power per say, but of... respect? Apparently I've made a name for myself, someone told me recently that they were nervous about talking to me because I was some sort of.. Big name. It was really weird. 

    So i've kind of had this responsibility to stay around, if not as an actual leader- as a voice/advisor to leaders.

    3. It's fun, the server I mean. Even with all its drama, with a combination of odd events, family/friends icly, and responsibility i have quite a bit of fun on the server.

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