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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by E__V__O

  1.  Should go watch this guy, he's pretty chill and gave me a shoutout :D

  2. The moment of devastation begins with the outcries

  3. Stop with all the drama and get lost, keep it private not public for everyone to see.

  4. I need to get in contact with Reag. Can anyone help me?

  5. But I want magic to be more overloaded... BennyBoo

  6.  Mhmm, Stake and eggs

  7. I know the techies are busy, but have they tried to fix the broken VIP perks?

  8. Updated app with new SP teacher guide up-to T3 and some lesson explanations.

  9. @Telanir 

    Scary mount isn't on the donation list anymore, remove from shop png.



    MyPet is still broken.





  10. Is it possible to change lockpick rules being able to steal from donation chests? Cause that's all I see now.

  11. 70c0cc571485566ef53fd7eb64799f84.png


    3-12 hours guys, Give them time xD


  13. Midnight screening of rogue one... My god an amazing movie.

  14. My app is a "Hot" topic at the moment! Also look at my shiny new profile pic by clicking on this link!


  15. Wow this looks really cool.


  16. It's so pretty 


  17. Don't loose and you'll be ok.



  18. For a second, I thought Defy made a Coup application for the Magic Team.



  19. "Forgot to push a button" 

    Puts server in Dev mode.

  20. Who is a member of the magic team and able to help me at the moment?

  21. Any good lore writers / grammar edit guys/girls willing to help a poor soul with editing lore?

  22. Whoever I accidentally knocked down and couldn't revive when the restart happened, I have your items. Find me.

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