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Creative Wizard
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Application Comments posted by E__V__O

  1. 4YfBIBv.png


    Welcome to the server! Make sure to give about five minutes after this post before logging in for successful implementation, if you’re already logged in make sure to log-out and back in for the change to take effect. Once you’re on the server you’ll be greeted with our persona system, simply type your characters name, age, ext.


    Once you have reached the part of RACE. If you cannot see the option for Snow Elf, click Elf. Then once you’re done with your persona card, type this in-game;


    /cex culture Snow Elf


    This will enable you to select your race, if you have any issues while in the game don’t be afraid to ask a Community Team member, to find us do:




    Which our MC-Names will pop-up, simply;


    /t [MC-Name] [message]


    To contact us, if your request isn’t immediate, do;




    Which creates a request for any Community Team member will pickup and take when free.


    Again, if you need any out of game assistance, contact me through discord; Jenny Bobbs#0001, the forums as you have just done! Or through the New Player Discord found here: https://discord.gg/7HKkDFq


    I hope you have a wonderful time.



  2. Changed Status to Under Review



    Hello aimclhch! First i’ll like to welcome you to the server by filling out this whitelist, although I have to temporarily halt your full arrival to the server. First i’ll like to throw out some good pointers that your application is one of the easiest flowing I've taken liberty to read and review which I can tell you’re an engaging person. The reason I did halt you however is due to your biography needs to include at least one example of server lore, be it history or city name. As I can see you’re apply for a snow elf you can find their history and or city name here: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Snow_Elves


    If you require further assistance or help, don’t be afraid to shout me out by commenting below, sending me a forum message or contacting me through discord here: Jenny Bobbs#0001. If you believe my response time is a bit too slow you can also go to the new player discord found here: https://discord.gg/7HKkDFq . Where you can ask another community team member for assistance.


    Once you have finished with the edits on your application, feel free to contact me, via any method listed above. Otherwise i’ll periodically check the application every few hours. You’ll have 24 hours to make these changes to your application!


    I hope you enjoy your day.



  3. 4YfBIBv.png


    I first want to welcome you to the server of LoTC, give the implementation period up-to five minutes to log-in which you’ll be redirected to spawn to enter your character details! Now this might be a bit tricky at first but the first thing you type into chat at this point is usually your characters name so have that at the ready!


    If you require any assistance at all, I do recommend the new player discord I liked above and here: https://discord.gg/7HKkDFq or typing this command In-Game:


    /creq [text]

    Which you’ll open a ticket for any Community Team member to take and assist you! If you otherwise feel like you’ll prefer to message one of us directly, do:




    This command will bring any/all active Community Team members which you can message at anytime.



    /t [mc name] [message]

    Is how you’ll do that!


    Do enjoy your time on LoTC!

    - Jenny.

  4. 1yPM0YR.png

    Hello! First i’ll like to welcome you to the server Moo_bot and hope you’ve logged on to see some of what the server has to offer! Now due to the application being put on Pending doesn’t mean anything significant, the details you have in your application are correct I just wish for them to be expanded on just a bit, specifically the parts about metagaming and powergaming. If you could put this into a completed sentence and expand on what you’ve written it’ll be good.


    To the only other thing I picked up and now I congratulate you for using some of LoTC’s culture terminology of the Farfolk, I would like if you could put a piece of an event or location that has happened on LoTC server. This can range from a world devastating event-line or the name of a human city your character resides in would be perfect! You can find this via our wiki: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/


    If you’ll like to message me, you can do so on the forums by clicking my profile then [message] or finding me through discord here: “Jenny Bobbs#0001”. If you feel like my responses are not coming through as you like in a timely manner please head over to our New Player Discord and ping a Community Team Member to which they’ll gladly assist you if i’m not available.


    New Player Discord:



    You have 24 hours to fix up your application from the point of this comment! Message me if you have completed it sooner and i’ll swiftly come to another review! Thank you and have a good day!

  5. xD66w6G.png

    If you need further assistance please message me on the forums or discord: ttwesten#9293 or if I am unavailable when you are refer to the new player discord here: https://discord.gg/uCwe7rv which can give you access to a wide range of players to assist you.


    You can reapply after 3 hours.

  6. T4JBJW3.png

    Hello! Although this can be contributed to a quick fix, I have to halt you here. Primarily for the definition of metaa-gaming power-gaming. Although what you have is a good measure to know, it isn't exactly correct. I just wish you to fix up the definition and expand on it for as best as you can. You can find an expanded range to assist you across all media of the internet, or scour through our own wiki which explains it here; http://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/ . 


    Added on, your biography mentions a lot of your character however not of a city name, date or time upon the server. If you can try to include any/all of these within your biography you'll be on the road to success in joining the server. You can find this with the link above.

    With the character information however, at this stage I cannot accept you for this. "Powers" that leads to a "special-snowflake" character are not allowed on the server. If you wish to peruse such a feat I recommend learning magic. However to do such requires you to be accepted for at least one week on the server. So for now, remove all things in your application that relates to your character having "powers" or magical feats.


    Character itself, the skin you put down is not a dark-elf rather light skin, you can find a more appropriate skin here: 

    With this fix-up you'll be swinging on the server in no time which we'll be happy to company you to join.  If you do however need any assistance you can message me on the forums here or go to the new player discord found here: https://discord.gg/uCwe7rv , alternatively if you just wish to private message me my discord ID is here: ttwesten#9293


    Thank you for applying and I do hope you can fix the application up within 24 hours for when i'll review the application next. If you want a faster review, please don't fret to message me.


  7. Changed Status to Under Review



    You require to include a biography of your character to give a sense of development with a backstory being constructed for them. This backstory doesn't have to be long however it does need to include a city name, date or time upon the server. If you can try to include any/all of these within your biography you'll be on the road to success in joining the server. You can find this with the link found here: http://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/.


    With this little fix-up you'll be swinging on the server in no time which we'll be happy to company you to join.  If you do however need any assistance you can message me on the forums here or go to the new player discord found here: https://discord.gg/uCwe7rv , alternatively if you just wish to private message me my discord ID is here: ttwesten#9293


    Thank you for applying and I do hope you can fix the application up within 24 hours for when i'll review the application next. If you want a faster review, please don't fret to message me.

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