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Creative Wizard
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Application Comments posted by E__V__O

  1. qgcl0pt.png

    Hello! I appreciate your interest in LoTC though sadly I have had to put your application on halt for now. I’ll explain below.


    1. The Watanabe name has already been taken by another player being; https://www.lordofthecraft.net/profile/98433-moo_bot/ if you have their explicit permission stating that you can use their surname i’ll be able to re-review your application to the server.


    Once you have permission you can comment on this thread with the quote in a screenshot or have the individual in question personally message me. You can either comment on this post below, send me a forum pm or message me through discord found here: Jenny_Bobbs#0001 

  2. Changed Status to Under Review


    Your application is great! I loved reading your bio although the reason I put you on Pending isn’t due to any reason by the basis of application just a single inconsistently with your character skin/description. 


    In your character description it is refered that you have;


    bright flowing silver hair.

    When on your skin is previewed as: 



    I don’t see any silver in your hair rather then just red, also might I ask why you have no white in your skins eyes and left to an ashy dark gray?


    If you could confirm via comment on this application, message me on the forums or through discord here: Jenny_Bobbs#0001 I would appreciate it to help confirm the situation.




    Once you have confirmed with me these issues and or if you want to edit your character bio/description to make these inconsistencies gone or even edit your skin to make them present i’ll re-review your application.


    You have 24 hours to contact me / fix your application so we can re-review the app!

  3. Changed Status to Under Review




    If you want to contact any of the community team members like myself in-game do these commands;



    To get a list of community team members currently online.



    /t [mcname] [message]

    Message anyone on the server, get the minecraft name from the above command.



    Creating a request for a community team member to assist you with.


    Thank you and I hope you enjoy your time on the server!


    Here is the New Player Discord if you need help: https://discord.gg/uj3vMw



  4. Changed Status to Under Review


    I will be putting both these replies on both of your applications as they’re slightly /different/ I won’t hide one from another.


    First-off, I can tell you’ve not read the rules on the server due to this post: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/180463-fire-onesmafascina/ and not reading the dot-points from the “before applying” which is listed above your application. On this rule: 

    • You cannot create an otherworldly or magical character.


    Secondary your character is plagiarized from Marvel being “hulk” which can be quoted and seen in your application which is not acceptable.


    Looking over your application further you have absolutely no understanding or have read the server lore in a basis of creating the character and will be treated as a ‘meme’ application which is why I have put this straight to denied and not pending.


    If you’re serious in applying for the server please contact a Community Team member within the game(server), on the forums or through discord. (Mine is: Jenny_Bobbs#0001), alternately you can go through and get help on the New Player discord found here: https://discord.gg/FV8kJK


    You can reapply after a 24 hour period.


    Thank you,



  5. Changed Status to Under Review


    I will be putting both these replies on both of your applications as they’re slightly /different/ I won’t hide one from another.


    First-off, I can tell you’ve not read the rules on the server due to this post: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/180463-fire-onesmafascina/ and not reading the dot-points from the “before applying” which is listed above your application. On this rule: 

    • You cannot create an otherworldly or magical character.


    Secondary your character is plagiarized from Marvel being “hulk” which can be quoted and seen in your application which is not acceptable.


    Looking over your application further you have absolutely no understanding or have read the server lore in a basis of creating the character and will be treated as a ‘meme’ application which is why I have put this straight to denied and not pending.


    If you’re serious in applying for the server please contact a Community Team member within the game(server), on the forums or through discord. (Mine is: Jenny_Bobbs#0001), alternately you can go through and get help on the New Player discord found here: https://discord.gg/FV8kJK


    You can reapply after a 24 hour period.


    Thank you,


  6. Rn9opsW.png



    If you want to contact any of the community team members like myself in-game do these commands;



    To get a list of community team members currently online.



    /t [mcname] [message]

    Message anyone on the server, get the minecraft name from the above command.



    Creating a request for a community team member to assist you with.


    Thank you and I hope you enjoy your time on the server!


    Here is the New Player Discord if you need help: https://discord.gg/5uMrNr



  7. qgcl0pt.png


    Hey! I just want to say your application by far ticks all of our criteria, the two issues have arose which needs to be fixed, placing in location of a settlement/nation or event and removing the “swinging so hard it conjures tornadoes”.

    1. Putting in at least one location, from an settlement/nation/event within the biography.
    2. Removing any sense of magic or ‘special snowflake’ ability such as conjuring tornadoes in the biography.

    That is all you have to do!


    If you feel like you need some assistance feel free to message one of the Community Team members while within the game, myself on the forums or check out the New Player discord found here: https://discord.gg/5uMrNr Each option will give great information.


    I will re-review the application once updated, either message me on discord: Jenny_Bobbs#0001 when you’re done (or need help) and i’ll take a rereview or i’ll check on it within 24 hours periodically. 


    You have 24 hours to make these edits.

  8. Changed Status to Under Review



    Hey! I just want to say your application by far ticks all of our criteria, the only issue would how lack-of a city name/event location/landmarks. You can find all that relevant on our wiki here: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/

    1. Put in somewhere a location/city name/ event location somewhere in your biography, I believe after the “Local Government” sentence can be a good place to sneak one in. 

    That is all you have to do!


    If you feel like you need some assistance feel free to message one of the Community Team members while within the game, myself on the forums or check out the New Player discord found here: https://discord.gg/5uMrNr Each option will give great information.


    I will re-review the application once updated, either message me on discord: Jenny_Bobbs#0001 when you’re done (or need help) and i’ll take a rereview or i’ll check on it within 24 hours periodically. 


    You have 24 hours to make these edits.

  9. Changed Status to Under Review



    Hey! I just want to say your application by far ticks all of our criteria, the only issue would how lack-of detailed the biography is. I understand it might be hard to do in getting into roleplay.

    1. Having some personality of your character into your biography gives us an understanding of your character.

    That is all you have to do!


    If you feel like you need some assistance feel free to message one of the Community Team members while within the game, myself on the forums or check out the New Player discord found here: https://discord.gg/5uMrNr Each option will give great information.


    I will re-review the application once updated, either message me on discord: Jenny_Bobbs#0001 when you’re done (or need help) and i’ll take a rereview or i’ll check on it within 24 hours periodically. 


    You have 24 hours to make these edits.

  10. Rn9opsW.png



    If you want to contact any of the community team members like myself in-game do these commands;



    To get a list of community team members currently online.



    /t [mcname] [message]

    Message anyone on the server, get the minecraft name from the above command.



    Creating a request for a community team member to assist you with.


    Thank you and I hope you enjoy your time on the server!


    Here is the New Player Discord if you need help: https://discord.gg/7HKkDFq




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