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Floop Lightforge

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About Floop Lightforge

  • Birthday 05/16/1987

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    Texas, United States
  • Interests
    Graphic Design, Animation, Coding, Game Design

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    Floop Lightforge

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  1. In my opinion, restricting 256, or even 200 y for that matter to the insane 300/500 vip donations, is sorry, but Money hungry. We have to pay insane amounts of money to be able to build rp structures that would not only improve the look of server, but that are some cases, needed for rp, this is becoming a pay to play server, and Its starting to annoy me. There is my opinion. -Floop.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NekoDanie


      Considering its the day of patch. Yes things need to get fixed and tweeked. If we didnt care we wouldnt listen to ANYONE's comments and suggestions and would just make everything cost money. We want people to play and enjoy the server to its fullest at the same time we want to keep it running. So understand things from all spectrums of lights/colors before simply seeing it merely black and white.

    3. Floop Lightforge

      Floop Lightforge

      I understand you need the money, and I could understand putting a VIP on this boon, but it is a bit inconsiderate on Lord of the Crafts part, for putting a much anticipated boon into a restricted rank that in this economy, many people, such as I, cannot really put that kind of money into a server, given an enjoyable one. I understand the reasons for making the expensive rank more desirable, and am truly sorry if this came out to slander our community, but it is a bit wrong, just my opinion.

    4. Floop Lightforge

      Floop Lightforge

      . I’m not trying to force any changes. I do love what has been done with the server so far, and am enjoying all improvements, I guess it is wrong to judge It all based on the first day of the patch. This has been one of the few issues in my months of playing on this server, and calling it a pay to play was not valid.

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