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About Casamir

  • Birthday 06/22/1988

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  1. Sometimes I feel too many people view LOTC as Minecraft, I honestly feel that if we where trying to be a Minecraft RP we wouldn't make such non Minecrat Lore. Treat LOTC as a seperate entity, it's LOTC not MC.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Informant

      The Informant

      That'd be like going into WoW and wanting to make it into an extremely futuristic game with guns and lasers. When you roleplay in WoW or in LoL or in any other sort of game that people choose, they don't throw all the existing lore out the window. Same applies here.

    3. The Informant

      The Informant

      That'd be like going into WoW and wanting to make it into an extremely futuristic game with guns and lasers. When you roleplay in WoW or in LoL or in any other sort of game that people choose, they don't throw all the existing lore out the window. Same applies here.

    4. Casamir


      Look at Minecraft as a book, Lotc the tale written within it's pages, the book starts blank, and the story is written, does it remain book? or does it become the tale of LOTC?

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