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Posts posted by xDK

  1. *~ The LuTeng ~* - 2nd Generation.





    Flyers are dropping from the sky and you choose to pick one up. The paper is roughly ripped from an old book.




    The LuTeng is a secret net of people, who work towards one goal. This goal can change from time to time, which makes it difficult to know exactly what it is they want. Nobody really knows who works within the guild, but many knows the higher ranks. For many years the LuTeng has kept its distance to the realm, many would even say that the previous leaders had left the guild to die off in the wind. This is not the case anymore; “We have established a solid footing and is ready to take on the tasks ahead.”


    “For those who shall follow will become untouchable.” ~ The Wicked Witch.





    The motives of the LuTeng is the same as it has always been. Having an overview of everything and kill those who offend them, or those who stand in their way. The LuTeng has always been a group to fear, not because of the things you know about them, but because of their secrets. “We as a group consist of a large network of people, and we will act if things moves differently than what it is meant to.”


    "The time has come for us to take action." ~ The Wicked Witch.





    Why should I care to join such a group? The LuTeng can make you stronger both physically and psychologically. We are here to test you, to see if you have the abilities it takes to help us with our ideals, either if that is to sit on a throne, or to be a fighter. We are also here to help the realm, but we do not consider each other brothers or sisters, you will most likely not even know who is in the network, besides you. We do not frown upon the dark arts, but we do not consider it a vial ingredient to join us.


    "For a better world we shall carry with us." ~ The Wicked Witch.





    Those who leave the LuTeng, that, or offend us, will be hunted down, and considered rouge mages. These people must be stopped, since they know secrets, and can exploit our final goals. The consequences may vary on the severity of the action. It may lead to death, or even eternal imprisonment.


    "There is no such thing as compassion." ~ Evark.





    Well, it is not as simple as an application. If you wish to join, we will find you and test you. If you do not wish to join, we will find you and test you. You do not seek us out, otherwise we will act in anger. For those who believe that they have what it takes, we will be holding upcoming tournaments to decide whether or not one person is capable, and has what it takes to be a part of the LuTeng.


    "For those whom we find worthy, shall be the ones to join." ~ Unknown.





    The LuTeng consist of very few ranks, most of them which are unknown to the public. What is known to the public is some of the presumably three leaders who makes sure everything is going according to the plan.


    The Wicked Witch ~

    [speculations] Evark Evocress ~

    [unknown] ~




    • The Leaders

    • The Idealist

    • [unknown]

    • The Follower






    Please make sure that all replies are made IC'ly, except for criticism or other feedback. We are hoping to create a very well designed playerbased group, where everyone can benefit from each other. The reason for the no application format, is to check peoples activity, and to make it a bit more IG based than other groups/guilds are.


    If you are very interested in joining, but feel like we only choose our closes friends. You can leave a reply with a nice roleplaying scenario of you reading this poster, but make sure you leave you MC name OOC'ly. That way we can find you ingame, and test if you are capable of handling yourself well enough.

  2. Hiding in the shadows of a nearby tree, Shariana would stare in towards all the possible victims. She smirks under her hood, as she places her staff on the ground next to her, leaning on it. "Some day, perhaps.. Some day.." She then moves behind the tree, dissappearing into the nearby woods. All which is left, is some frost spread out on the ground where she was standing.

  3. The wicked witch smirks under her hood, as she recieves the map. She moves to her left pocket, pulling out a small dagger, raising her arm, as if she is ready to strike. The dagger launches forwards, hitting the capital of Oren, Petrus. She does this numerous of times, until she has a clear view of all the targeted cities and settlements. Then she turns, throwing her cape over her shoulder, as she walks out the rotten door to her hideout, disappearing into the forest.

  4. I think your personal value's will stand in the way of your ability to RP with certain people. I support your Builder app though, very nice. I just think that you are way too bias to have the task of an ET actor.


    This is nothing personal, I don't want you to think that.. If this app gets accepted, I would really love to see that you are capable of RP'ing with everyone on equal terms. <3

  5. The wicked witch looks at the scroll she found in the nearby forest, she rips it open with one hand, while the other is dragging a dead body across the cold cave floor in her hideout. "Hmm.. A group of assassins.. This could be either really useful, or really bad for me.." With those words she throws the corpse into a corner, turns around to open the rotten door and heads out into the forest to find these people.

  6. I actually agree with this thread.. It's actually in the Orcs culture to PvP alot, this is something I found very interesting. I recently learned it, and I do think that it is a major part of how you RP an Orc. All Orcs need, is an interesting way to use their strength to make some good RP. Because all I see at the moment, is Orcs bullying people on the main road. That is not really something that creates a good environmental reputation for Orcs in general.

  7. The roll command is a terrible way to RP, it isn't realistic at all... For example back in the Thales a halfling who claimed to be a witcher went against me (an Uruk) another Uruk and a human... all at the same time. He emoted things such as "Tries to disarm the orc" and used /roll to help him. Where is the creativity in that? How he didn't explain how he disarmed a hulking beast more than 2 times his size, all he did was disarm him with no further detail. This is the worst thing ever, I am not afraid to lose and all, but when a halfling goes up to 3 people, 2 being Uruks, and kills them with only an arm cut off, then the /roll needs to go. It isn't realistic or provides creative RP, it just serves as a means for PGers to justify themselves.


    It's not about realism.. It's about roleplay. People who roleplay as orcs, and think they are unstopable to anything, see that's PG.


    I'm going to quote a very well written guide, under new player guides. It helps alot, maybe you should read it.



    • Roll. If you’re fighting in RP and both of you are arguing about the other powergaming and how one guy blocked something with a stick when he’s not supposed too...Then just roll.

    Now I know a lot of people think rolling isn’t a roleplay type of fighting. I beg to differ. All it takes is a little creativity. If you’re an orc fighting a Halfling and you both decide to roll, yet you roll less then be creative. Maybe your orc tripped on a root and fell to the ground by accident, allowing the halfling to stab you in the eye while you were stunned. There is always a way if you’re not fixated on winning.



  8. This is where the /roll command comes in handy, basicly everything can happend in a battle, even a small halfling can kill an orc. This could happend if the clumsy orc happends to stumble over a rock, or lose his balance. The roll command is there for a reason, so use it. And I'm NOT talking about emoting that you try to hit someone, then do /roll, and if you roll the highest your hit succeeds. Try to be a bit creative with your RP, this is what gives good RP'ers the ability to stand out. You also need to be capable of accepting that you lose, even if it's by a simple weak farmer. Keep everything IC and avoid as much LOOC as possible.


    Just use the bloody /roll command ._.

  9. A cold breeze flies over the lands of Oren.. A loud lightning is heard, as rain starts to fall upon the merchants and farmers venturing around the lands. A terrifying scream of a woman can be heard near the capital, Petrus.


    As you venture near the gates of the massive capital, you seem to be able to spot something.. Something hanging from above the gate to the city. You step closer, a cold feeling runs down your back. The corpse of a woman is hanging from above the gate. The woman is covered in frost and blood, her eyes wide with fear and her feet black from the cold. She seems to be hanging by her neck by an old rope. As you look around, you seem to be able to spot a silhouette disappearing into the forest nearby.


    A note is hanging beneath her body, the paper being hold in place by a huge nail stuck into the cracks in the wall. The letters are written with coal on an old looking piece of paper.







    A drawn illustration of a city in flames is shown below.

  10. ((Although I did not know you in person, I appreciate the time you've spend with us all on LotC, you are the kind of person who makes the server stand out from other servers, and you are the sort of person I wish I could have spend more time with. With this said, I wish you good luck ahead, I know that you'll need it.))

  11. As Shariana coughs up the paper, she frowns and touches her neck in disgust. "Damnit, Ambros.." She folds the paper out and starts to read, "A party.. Interesting.." She folds the the paper back together and puts it away, before smirking pulling her hood up over her head. "Party it is then.."

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