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Posts posted by xDK

  1. Mzk1M9e.png


    xDK's Backpacks & Satchels Pack


    I made some Backpacks and Satchels for Figura.

    So I wanted to share it with you guys!

    Enjoy :)



    ( 3 Big Backpacks / 1 Satchel / 1 Small Backpack )

    With Physics:

    Y2amcfE.gif    UfV6Bek.gif

    And a nice wheel for selecting your backpack:


    Lua Script:


    local SwingingPhysics = require("swinging_physics")
    local swingOnBody = SwingingPhysics.swingOnBody
    SwingingPhysics.swingOnBody(models.model.root.Satchel1.Bag1, 0,{-10,10,-30,30,-30,1})
    SwingingPhysics.swingOnBody(models.model.root.Backpack2.Lantern.Chain1, 0,{-30,30,-5,5,-30,30})
    SwingingPhysics.swingOnBody(models.model.root.Backpack2.Lantern.Chain1.Chain2, 0, {-5,5,-30,30,-30,30}, models.model.root.Backpack2.Lantern.Chain1, 1)
    SwingingPhysics.swingOnBody(models.model.root.Backpack2.Lantern.Chain1.Chain2.Chain3, 0, {-5,5,-30,30,-30,30}, models.model.root.Backpack2.Lantern.Chain1, 2)
    -- Backpack handling
    local backpacks = {
        Backpack1 = models.model.root.Backpack1,
        Backpack2 = models.model.root.Backpack2,
        Backpack3 = models.model.root.Backpack3,
    	Satchel = models.model.root.Satchel1,
    	SmallBackpack = models.model.root.SmallBag4
    local function hideAllBackpacks()
        for _, backpack in pairs(backpacks) do
    local function equipBackpack(name)
        if backpacks[name] then
    -- Action wheel setup
    local pages = {
        main = action_wheel:newPage()
    local pageActions = {
        Backpack1 = action_wheel:newAction()
            :title("Equip Backpack 1")
            :onLeftClick(function() equipBackpack('Backpack1') end),
        Backpack2 = action_wheel:newAction()
            :title("Equip Backpack 2")
            :onLeftClick(function() equipBackpack('Backpack2') end),
        Backpack3 = action_wheel:newAction()
            :title("Equip Backpack 3")
            :onLeftClick(function() equipBackpack('Backpack3') end),
        Satchel = action_wheel:newAction()
            :title("Equip Satchel")
            :onLeftClick(function() equipBackpack('Satchel') end),
        SmallBackpack = action_wheel:newAction()
            :title("Equip Small Backpack")
            :onLeftClick(function() equipBackpack('SmallBackpack') end),
        UnequipAll = action_wheel:newAction()
            :title("Unequip All Backpacks")
        :action(-1, pageActions.Backpack1)
        :action(-1, pageActions.Backpack2)
        :action(-1, pageActions.Backpack3)
    	:action(-1, pageActions.SmallBackpack)
    	:action(-1, pageActions.Satchel)
        :action(-1, pageActions.UnequipAll)
    --entity init event, used for when the avatar entity is loaded for the first time
    function events.entity_init()
      --player functions goes here



    Download Figura: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yx0uwuy2faju7iu4bq9vc/xDK-s-Backpacks_Satchels.rar?rlkey=1wxkxepra9mu0j17zillxerjm&st=zwek05jx&dl=0

  2. Minecraft Name



    Discord ID




    GMT +1


    What part(s) of Tech Team would you want to be involved in?

    Web Development
    Textures / Modeling


    What skills can you apply in your role on Tech?

    I have 5+ years of experience with front end development, website design UI/UX, and motion design/animation. I work with Graphics Design and Media implementation on the daily, primarily within the "streaming service" industry. I have also created my own "surface" level plugins, so I understand the process. When it comes to Minecraft, I have experience with texture packs / 3d models / particle effects / shaders.


    What is one thing you would want to change?

    I primarily want to update the store, but I also want to help out with my expertise where I can.
    I also want to help others apply professional level user experience design and user interface design to their projects :)


    Link insightful feedback that speaks personally to you.


    GitHub Profile


    Attach any relevant media or links you want to share. (Portfolio)



    * I understand that I may have to provide further details in the text-interview.

  3. 1 hour ago, UnBaed said:

    Did you use AI for some of the graphics?


    Yeah, i did. I dont have screenshots that are up to date, otherwise it can just be replaced if implemented :)

  4. 15 minutes ago, SaviourMeme said:

    is this all just html/css?


    Yes, currently it is all css and html to make it easy to integrate


    i did will be adding 20 lines of javascript so that when you click on a card it will flip to reveal more info about the rank, but i didnt have time to finish it this weekend :)

  5. The store looked pretty outdated, so I remade it.


    The whole thing is no longer a just an image, so I could have some fun with some HTML/CSS:

    q5WhDnJ.gif    p4mvSuK.gif


    image of whole page:



    I don't have time to clean up and upload the code right now, but it will come soon :)

  6. On 7/14/2020 at 11:39 PM, Abeam said:

    Then other people need to work harder, or actually get on at all.  Just cause your neighbor has a grill doesn’t mean you can’t have a grill.




    Yeah, why don’t other people just “pick up the can”?

  7. A1Z26 Cipher tells us that the numbers most likely say “CONTROLLING NARRATIV”. And yes, it is missing an E, looks like even a code has bad grammar. idk about the rest.


    edit: nevermind there is an E, it just throws one off, because it ends with a 50 where the 0 is useless

  8. Who cares at this point? If the people who have opposed Oren have been bullied off the server, what’s the point in giving a ****?

    I’m gonna heat some popcorns, sit back in my chair, and watch the drama in realtime!

  9. A DnD’esque system was introduced in Vailor, it quickly got shelved as it was hard to balance.


    I don’t think RP combats drawback can be summed down to it having no objective metric, since that could also be considered one of the upsides to that style. In PvP, the outcome is black and white, there is a winner and a loser, meaning one party doesn’t have any character development in that scenerio. However in RP combat there doesn’t have to be a winner or a loser, which makes for better character development on both parties. The biggest reason RP combat is currently so bad, is because it is so time consuming and subject to potential powergaming (And horrible with many people, but we already know that, nobody disagrees with that).


    I think the server has come far in acknowledging the problems of both systems, and have over many years found the system that make the least people angry (Not the most people satisfied). Personally I don’t really care what system we end up going with, I just want people to understand that the “roleplay” or character development of player personas, take priority over pixels in minecraft.


    With a DnD’esque system, what you are essentially arguing for, is Roll-play?

  10. On 5/17/2020 at 4:12 AM, GodmodeGolem said:


    MC name: LoraxGolem
    Skin: [Down Below]
    Character name: Fish
    Description of your character: A lazy lizardman, his only hobby is fishing and eating fish
    Any specific item that your character holds dear?: a old fishing rod
    Any Hobby that your character have?: Fishing





  11. MC Name: xDK

    Character's Name: Shariana Lock

    Character's Age: 925


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):

    Hydromancy, the voidal art of evoking water in all forms, takes a massive toll, everytime you connect to the void.


    -Sorcerers cannot manipulate pre-existing elements, only summon them.

    -The elements must follow the same laws as they do in nature

    -Sorcerers must be ‘attuned’ to their element, spend time around their element, understand its scientific properties, how it feels etc…

    -Sorcerer’s must see the area they wish to summon their element in.

    -Sorcerers must imagine the element in their mind and bend it in their mind before evoking it.


    I also wrote a guide for this magic: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/123895-guide-how-to-roleplay-a-hydromancer-cryomancer


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  12. MC Name: xDK

    Character's Name: Shariana Lock

    Character's Age: 925


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

    Hydromancy/Cryomancy, Voidal Translocation


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):


    Hydromancy, the voidal art of evoking water in all forms, takes a massive toll, everytime you connect to the void.


    Voidal Translocation, the art of changing an object’s appearance, imbuing magical effects upon an object and the art of magic protection.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  13. 13 hours ago, Teachiru said:


    MC name: Teachiru
    Skin: [Down Below]
    Character name: Faelyn Gildove Tathvir
    Description of your character: A quiet but bold man, he always wears a worn out face with a somewhat un-amused expression adored on him at all times. He cares deeply about the people and things he likes and loves, loyalty built strong in his heart. He stands tall and straight despite his short height, though weight of his past lays heavy on his shoulders, hence his almost tired look.
    Any specific item that your character holds dear?: A worn, wooden bow of a weapon
    Any Hobby that your character have?: Reading books / Drawing


    Faelyn 2.png



    The artwork will be unlocked upon payment ingame: 1000 minas

  14. I will make 3D rendered images of your characters. I’ll only do submissions that I want to do, since I am doing this as a hobby.

    Price will range between 1000 – 2000 | minas, depending on the submission details and difficulty. (This is to avoid getting spammed with random requests)



    MC name:


    Character name:

    Description of your character:

    Any specific item that your character holds dear? (No is fine):
    Any Hobby that your character have? (No is fine):



    I can also do renders of your town, city or nation. Making a cool 3D map. And again, I’ll only do submissions that I want to do, since I am doing this as a hobby.

    Price will be 10000 | minas.




    Town, City or Nation:


    Contact person on Forums:

    Description of your place:

    Any specific thing that your place holds dear:
    Any culture specific things that you want to share:


    (Example to come)



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