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Status Updates posted by Abysmall

  1. http://imgur.com/pDAtkYP
    Andor on a midnight walk, almost done wha'chall think?

  2. Does anyone need a character filled? I currently have nobody to play after returning to LotC so I need a character to main. I can RP just about anything, preferable male character.

    1. idiot


      My characters son. PM me on Skype and I can give you further



      My Skype is LevitatedPotato


  3. Just got some dope art from @Kim!

    Check out her Art Thread! 


  4. Anyone want something to be drawn? I'm bored and feel like drawing something LotC related.

  5. Aw yeah, Swgrclan terrorizing the Wizard's guild! Woooo fun events for days son!

  6. Can anyone else not log into the server?

  7. Cloud9 are rewarded the ballsiest of the year award.

    1. H


      cs go cloud9 or the other cloud9

  8. Lol, Banned a ****-ton of Good Rp'ers Why? Just why?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BannanaToYou


      Stop telling me.

    3. lemontide331
    4. Abysmall


      Lol, Sorry I thought this was Lotc Not Celestial where I am Constantly nagged out for cursing,

      My Apologies.

  9. No-one likes talking to the elf on the road....

    1. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      That's a lie and you know it.....

  10. Same thing as yesterday, taking drawing request. If you want me to draw your skin provide a pic please.

  11. The dancing Gobo! My pride and joy!

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