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Status Updates posted by Abysmall

  1. Anyone want something to be drawn? I'm bored and feel like drawing something LotC related.

  2. Lol, Banned a ****-ton of Good Rp'ers Why? Just why?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BannanaToYou


      Stop telling me.

    3. lemontide331
    4. Abysmall


      Lol, Sorry I thought this was Lotc Not Celestial where I am Constantly nagged out for cursing,

      My Apologies.

  3. Same thing as yesterday, taking drawing request. If you want me to draw your skin provide a pic please.

  4. No-one likes talking to the elf on the road....

    1. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      That's a lie and you know it.....

  5. Aw yeah, Swgrclan terrorizing the Wizard's guild! Woooo fun events for days son!

  6. Cloud9 are rewarded the ballsiest of the year award.

    1. H


      cs go cloud9 or the other cloud9

  7. Does anyone need a character filled? I currently have nobody to play after returning to LotC so I need a character to main. I can RP just about anything, preferable male character.

    1. idiot


      My characters son. PM me on Skype and I can give you further



      My Skype is LevitatedPotato


  8. Just got some dope art from @Kim!

    Check out her Art Thread! 


  9. The dancing Gobo! My pride and joy!

  10. Can anyone else not log into the server?

  11. http://imgur.com/pDAtkYP
    Andor on a midnight walk, almost done wha'chall think?

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