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Everything posted by Ratty

  1. Spring break. Ninjaing on LOTC... also, hiatus until further notice. ;-;

    1. Bircalin


      Herro again! ^_^

    2. Ratty


      <3 Greetings my friend.

  2. I have to take a break.

  3. Going to be on a bit less than usual.

  4. Four-day Weekend here I come!

    1. KarmaDelta


      Ill be stalking you.......... *hides in bushes*

  5. Brief Character History: Born in raised in the older part of Laurelin, Rattalyn grew up as an only child to a couple of Wood Elves. Her childhood was fairly normal for an elven child, but the young girl had several unique features which caused unwanted attention produced upon her. Rattalyn was a very petite elf; her height was below average, especially for a female elf. She had a rarity of red hair for the Wood Elf race, she grew up with nicknames descending from such features. She never was capable of socializing efficently as a child; only being able to pretend to become friends with Nature's children. Rattalyn eventually learned a bit of archery from her father, also aquiring skill of reading and writing from her mother's scholarly studies and librarian career. As she aged, the wild nature inside of her was screaming to go out and experience the world of Aegis as she read in stories and other news. Her parents allowed her to leave-- and so, Rattalyn set off into the dangerous world of Aegis as a naive elven female. (OH NO.) She's experienced her fair share of troubles, which she assumes always tends to find her. Rattalyn is unable to fend for herself, yet she continues with her curious nature. Curiousity killed the Rat, now, it seems. She's trying to find her purpose by traveling, socializing, and investigating. ((More detailed in first application to the server.)) Character Name (I.C.): Rattalyn Character name (O.C.): Rattalyn How much time do you spend on the server?: More than I need to; few hours daily. May have to change as school come before leisure time. Race: Elf IC Age: 104 - Supposedly young adult. Will you be a FOA soldier, or a preacher?(Preachers are allowed to fight, but not their main focus): Preacher, more of. Goals in the FOA?: To maintain balance within the realm- prevent corruption from spreading through the people's hearts and sustain hope for Aegis. Good deeds you have done?: Attempted to preach out the word against violence, question the one's of corruption and try to lead them to the path of light. I am always trying to pacify everyone, instead of violence- to talk it out. Have you done any bad deeds?: Vengence is easy to take a hold of a heart- including my own. I have faced moments of corruption myself and let them take over, but I have never injured one with my own hands. How did you hear of us?: Mostly from some acquantances of mine- even to the point of going to the base for a friend in need there. Are you against the Undead? Please explain why.: I am against the undead due to their hearts being the true evil plague undead. These beings of impeneratrble darkness are in need of the light more than any other. I do not condone any beheavior as morbid as the undead's. What is your primary weapon in battle? (Sword, Axe, or Bow. Please state which one and your skill level please. Please refer to the rank list for appropriate weapon skill level.): My weaporny skills are very average and basic-- I have skill with the bow, but it doesn't help to have a lack of arrows. Are you a capable builder?: My skill is far unexperienced in construction, but I can easily help out certain projects if shown directions. Can you wield any other weapons?: Not especially, no. Any special skills?: I am merely an average elven woman- my skills are basic as they are. I have the drive to persist at any assigned job. Do you have faith in the Aeriel and will you tell of this to others? Please explain why.: Of course my faith rests upon Aeriel; the purity and stability of heart and soul. She has protected many of the world with her brave and holy appearances- how admirable and strong a woman she is to fend against Iblees and Undead. It is important to place your faith into the light- for it introduces a kind of tranquility upon the soul. Explain how you will help to serve the FOA, and through us, the Ascended and Aeriel: I wish to be of use to the FoA in any way that I can be- even simple tasks would be satisfactory. My aspirations are mighty high, but perhaps becoming a Priestess is possible in the future. P.S.: Was recruited by Safen (X01).
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