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Posts posted by Knox213

  1. 18 hours ago, Chromie said:

    Name: Te shu

    Age: 12 

    Race: Laobai-zhu

    Gender: male


    Report to the Smothers breast tavern! says Kasimir.


    12 minutes ago, Snowypaw said:

    [!] The application is written with flourishing, but messy cursive letters. It seems that the child who wrote this was an amateur at writing this way, with some of the letters being larger than others.


    Name: ThE Young LAdy, JuliyA Maria LudovAr

    Age: It’s impolitE to asK a WomaN her age! ThOUgh, I am cerTinLe CerTainly YounG EnOugh

    RacE:  HumAn, of cOUrse!

    Gender: FeMaLE


    I aM juST jOINing to lET my pResEnce be nown knOwn!

    A note is sent to the young lady Juliya.


    it would read.. “many thank for interest, is best perhaps interview takes place first.”

  2. 9 minutes ago, VonAulus said:

    Name: Rubert

    Age: Holds five fingers up

    Race: Highlander


    Kasimir examines the application, particularly closely... “Hmm, there is nie gender listed... Will list as ‘other’”. A child would run over to Rubert, under the assumption the five year old was incapable of reading. “Um, report to the Mothers Breast tavern on the crossroad!” he’d say to the child, before hurrying off to the next applicant!


    The Jolly Band of Ruskan Children





    Much like their predecessors, the Jolly Band of Ruskan Brothers and Sisters. The Jolly Band of Ruskan Children have dedicated their lives to the success of the Orthodox religion, themselves, and the newer Lesser Ruskan region known as Belvitz. More recently their attention and dedication has been directed towards the restoration of the Ruskan culture and its teaching. The band is made of up of lower and noble children alike who have come together for the greater good of themselves, abandoning the imperial teachings in hopes of returning to their traditional roots.






    The Jolly Band is based in the ‘Mothers Breast Tavern‘ of Belvitz, in the Duchy of Adria, Empire of Man.



    Why should you join?

    The Jolly Band is a brotherhood of boys and girls who dedicate their lives to enjoyment, Godan, and success and help of themselves and others. The Band is an exciting time- little law, freedom, and happiness
    is what we promise. The Jolly Band is often active in obtaining ancient Ruskan knowledge. The Jolly Band are active as ever- always on the move, always watching, always doing something. If you find that you’re fed up with grown-ups and their endless lessons and are not afraid to get your hands dirty for Belvitz, join the Band. Those that join that band are always welcomed in our halls and are given bed and storage.

    There are
    ranks within the Band - all are brothers and sisters in the same.




    Sign up today!







    You must be under the age of eighteen to join.

  4. 3 hours ago, Sky said:

    Demetrius wonders how a man who fled on boat was able to return to post meaningless missives in Nordengrad, walk to Markev without anyone stopping him along the way and then return to the rest of the cowardice flock that claim to of fled but clearly were at the battle.

    Exander didn’t leave. A few men stayed behind to continue the fight.



    “Kenswey my boy, we’ve got a job to do.” says Albrecht.


  5. MOT3EffJBBfaoBknEVqTp90u-bHgDvoTpvo2_ehT1qtyP2Ho25ybBsLsKEPnxSlpu0xdEaxeSeegKrOJ2xdspo3oPXVB0Q-fnjtQ3C9yt0vpKYBcJCKTWU7iRWrUjHn0n-ZgMnla


    The walk from Nordengrad had been a long, ruthless one. The people of Nordengrad had lost their homes and livelihoods, though it wasn’t the end. Albrecht of Nordengrad had been tasked, the eve before the siege of Nordengrad to lead the townsfolk away, with a small retinue at his back.

    Albrecht was relatively disappointed, he had a duty to the people of Nordengrad but instead was sent away. ‘Torsten wants me here.’ he’d reassure himself, ruffling the hair of the king's son who had left with him. Looking around him were the faces of many people he had lived with for the past decade. Their sullen, distant expressions had become too grim for Albrecht to cope with. How does one inspire hope when all hope is lost? He thought briefly, before chuckling to himself.


    Dismounting from his horse upon reaching the docks, Albrecht cleared his throat. Motioning for the band to come together, before taking a swig of the contents from his flask and uttering a speech.


    As many of you have probably gathered by now, we’ve lost our home. We can sob and sulk over loved ones and possessions lost or we could look forward to the future.” he’d pause for a moment, looking out to the sea and raising his hand to the horizon. “Across this sea is a land the empire dare not follow. Somewhere you can start anew, somewhere the soils are so rich little effort will be required for cropping. A place unlike Atlas, where the echoes of war are unheard of.” turns back to face the band of former townsfolk. “Truth be told we here are a family, despite how much we may love or hate one another, and during times of turmoil, our bond together is only tightened. So that we may overcome the horrors that have befallen us.


    Many of the townsfolk begin to thank Albrecht for guiding them to safety before boarding the ships, before sailing off into the distance to start their lives anew.


    Albrecht, however, stayed behind. There were many more fights to come and people who relied on him in Atlas. Mounting his horse and humming a tune, he’d set off to rejoin the refugees at Kaz’Ulrah.


    A courier arrives at the Mournstone manor in Haense, note in hand. Handing it to the nearest Mournstone, he’d dart off into the distance, not to be seen again.


    The Mournstone walks off into her manor, where the family was assembled. Breaking the seal she’d begin to read the contents out loud, for all Mournstones to hear.


    “To my family,


    It is I, Albrecht Mournstone.


    I appreciate your letters, I wondered for a few years where you had all vanished off to. Perhaps you never knew where I was? Or worried about my safety in the wars to come… who knows?


    It’s with regret I will be unable to join you, as some of you know. I’m not the most favoured man in Haense, or the empire for that matter…

    and after being shanked once in this lifetime I’d prefer to dictate death on my own terms. Whether this makes me a traitor to the house is unbeknown to me, however.

    I am a product of Varthok av Gottien’s making. So I hope you respect my decision to right the wrongs in my past and allow me to live and die beside my friends.

    Despite my recent state, one of which I am sure you’ve all been made aware of. I’m still a capable fighter, I’ve been honing my skills against my peers with my opposite hand, granted.

    I’ll never fight the way I used to, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take.


    Gaius, you’ve always been a father figure to Mournstones, whether they be directly related or distantly related.

    Admirable, I am sure you’ll continue to serve the family the only way you know how.

    That being said, I’m certain you now wish that you gutted me there and then upon my return from exile. I don’t blame you, I’d probably do the same.


    Valencia, eat. If the reports tell it true, you’ve lost weight and look as if you’ve given up hope.

    I wasn’t able to keep my promise, I’m sorry… But you severed a tie when you asked me to murder my dearest, and closest friend.

    Did I mention I was his best man at his wedding and guardian to his children? He never meant to kill Thoromir, it was an accident. Honour duels occasionally result in one's death.

    I hope that one day you find it in your heart to forgive him. Even if you can’t find it in your heart to forgive me.


    Ioana, you don’t share my blood but you carry our name. I still remember the day you came to us, snotty-nosed and cheerful. Keep your mother out of trouble.


    Halle, I’m saving the best for last. It’s been two, no… three years? You’re smart and beautiful, sassy and caring. I’d like to think I taught you a fair amount about life, survival and the like…

    My only regret is that I couldn’t teach you to avoid my follies, though I guess this letter as a whole could be considered my final lesson.

    Should I pass over to the other side during this war preparations have been made to leave you a special something behind, do with it as you please. Keep it, break it, sell it.

    I hope you remember me not for the wrong I have done, but for everything else. I love you kiddo, stay out of trouble and most importantly… Stay alive, for me.


    No words can sway me back into the fray, I have a duty to the people of Nordengrad.

    One which goes far beyond the name of Mournstone, some of you may recall my words when Gaius originally departed. ‘Home is a place you travel long and hard to find.’ and my home is here, In Nordengrad.


    I offer no quarter in the war to come and I expect none in return.


    With love,







    Name: Albrecht Mournstone

    Race: Ulvegr

    Gender: Male.

    Age: 25

    Titles: Mister


    Affiliation: House Mournestone

    Religion: Red faith

    Residence: Nordengrad

    Alignment: Chaotic neutral


    Appearance: Standing at 5’9, Albrecht is a relatively average looking man,with light coloured skin nature and light blue eyes  he’d even pass as attractive, were he to better groom himself. He maintains a reasonably sized build, he’d appear relatively toned, indicating he may have once upon a time kept himself in fine shape. He wears two inch heeled boots to seem taller than he actually is.



    Schemer zwFojRs6yuJ7-qKItArJUGCfRF6ddb2-K8vyXZEO, Strong I3WzAiBCK4fqlUIAugJp3N6gKrRLmv7N6djWDti4, HedonistTYSKZwRLcqcRi6t8-M9igQa4je8g5-JvRvaLwz8d, LustfulA43hsyHz87_A9hkrNtSgBWBPskOZrU1UlKguj803, Proud -x9biEei8Tgf1uHW08NSsZpI4vgwPs5eNweADYDd, SlothfulFm2K-wXoQnxvKCdHcMZcJN7PIrYbFeSg7WbiyaD8, Greedy 0qoldGLrawvUp7miJbJPXMHp3IUkHxzagk-NKBSh,

    Gregariousj4GinDv3yWgkttFCVhm1M8o328EkqtCwT4TDRHBIPatient XGU5kROxhs-4GjSGYAQT5-LPGgIA3GrMuAhkusms, Mystic qxyxkRmfw7G9T1evytWbXcADZZSNXbcw1KeG_Xcg, Impaler XYQPaMJ7aBJyFoHkyGbfrYzwsERLrzFMp0yke2eI, Ambitious 9x1Nn2swPW3ZL-wZ4zfYyFCpGgi2IbgPew0eMl6f, DeceitfulFQTyT_I1wutK6W7u6IJITg6nOAf_wOnxxClHxney, Gambler kDS-cJ965XHQHAnmuqCsly67fu00HeepHgyOXwMR, Tough Soldier1gaBrcMGGHHesZHtiMfWd1QdK872tqo4GBtG3HU4, Aspiring Alchemist m6R0i29Lw_908FMgriNG68eKaAqcJZrz1J8tIFOv


    Personal Quotes:


    “Kenswey, my boy!”

    “Keep preaching the past and one day you’ll wake up decrepit and old.”


    “He said, she said, he did, she did. How boring.”


    “Kenswey Kenswey Kenswey… Keep up your whole ‘i’m waiting until marriage’ and you’ll end up depressed with an overweight wife and six snotty kids by the time your forty.”


    “Here's me asking you to forgive me for my various foolish words and deeds. Here's me apologising to you for my impatience, for my lack of faith and hope, for my obstinacy, doggedness. For my sulking and posing; which are unworthy of a man. Here's me apologising to you for things I understand and for things I don't want to understand’”



    Albrecht’s room had always been an untidy mess, the bed was hardly ever made, candle wax had covered the table he’d work at and the various parchments… Today was like any other day. 


    Sitting in the chair beside his bed, resting his arms on his knees, staring to the door with sullen eyes Albrecht found himself speculating the event that had transpired the night before. ‘Have I truly become so lax that I allowed myself to drop my guard, for even the briefest of seconds?’ he thought, letting out a heavy sigh pinching his digits for a moment before turning to face Kenswey, who had been rambling on about something. “A few inches deeper and the doctor would never have been able to stop the bleeding. You would’ve been… well, dead.” Albrecht grabbed the arm rests, lurching himself to his feet as he looked around the room, waving his hand to Kenswey in dismissal as he had tried to offer Albrecht some support. Staggering towards his desk, rumbling around the various things within the top shelf. 


    Kenswey furrowed his brows, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. “Albrecht… What’re you doing?” he’d mutter, crossing his arms as he’d watch Albrecht. “Just let it go, you were the victim of a potential mugging, everybody in Nordengrad knows how you brag about the weight of your purse…”


    Humming to himself, Albrecht stood upright, turning to face Kenswey with multiple letters in hand. “During my journey, I happened across an old book, containing some ancient text from that of the second Orenian Empire. ‘Alea iacta est’ a phrase read. ‘Alea iacta est’” he repeated, looking Kenswey into his eyes with the same sullen expression. “Do you know what it means?” Kenswey thought for a moment, ultimately he shook his head, being unfamiliar with the words spoken. Albrecht closed his eyes, holding the letters towards him. “The die has been cast.” he paused for a moment before continuing. “We are at the point of no return.”




    Albrecht Mournstone walked around the quiet streets of Nordengrad as he had usually done in his drunken state, looking up to the crescent moon, admiring the stars momentarily in astonishment he’d hear a familiar voice, his leather clad boots pressed against the ground, the crunching sound of them pressing against the thick mud on the floor as he’d stride through the street, stumbling slightly as he had walked. Upon hearing the whispers of his name he walked briskly through the dirt, following the sound. “Albrecht… Mister Albrecht” the voice had whispered, as he had approached he muffled out the words in a slur “Wha’ on eart’ are you doin’ out at this toime T-” the muffled sound drew to a close as the sound of a thrust filled the radius he had stood in, slowly but surely he glanced down, glancing towards his tunic, the purple colour of Mournstone quickly turning to that of crimson red. Eyes widening he’d grasp hold of the area, in shock and awe. The crimson red liquid oozing from his body slowly overcoming his gloves, dripping quickly to the floor. Stumbling upon the Ashwood tree’s alter, knocking over various offerings which had been presented before it. His eyesight had began to blur as he’d stumble forward, face turning pale before approaching his clan hall, he’d hear a familiar voice, his eyesight blurring as he had tried to recognize the voice that had hollered his name.


    ”Albrecht! Albrecht” the voice cried out, Kenswey had never seen his future brother in law to be in such a state, whether it had been the abusive consumption of alcohol, which was usually the case was unbeknown to Kenswey, until finally he had felt a thump against his shoulder, Albrecht’s chin resting upon his shoulder. “Kenswey… my boy… I-I do-don’t feel so good.” Albrecht would stutter in panic and confusion, grasping to Kenswey’s tunic with his left hand, his right still pressed tightly against his wound. 

    Kenswey looked down upon his friend, grasping Albrechts left arm, throwing it over his shoulder guiding him into his clan hall… Thinking, wondering… Had his dear friend annoyed another gambler? Did he sleep with the wrong mans wife? Were the bounty hunters seeking their reward finally claim their bounty? All would be revealed in good time.

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