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High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

  1. *sneaks around your profile

    *steals your buddylist

    *runs off

  2. *snuggles the **** out of the teddybear*

  3. *stuffs Native's old socks inyour mouth

  4. *teleports inside the closet.

    Kal. Bad. No more cookies for you, you are not my favorite anymore!

  5. *To the tune of "I got a feelin'"* I gotta peee~ OOOHHHHHHHHHHHH And I gotta pee realllyy baaaaaaddddddddddd. *Justsaying*

  6. *touches it

    *the triangle falls


    ▲ ▲ ►

  7. *wipes your tears away.

    Why so sad, Kal?

  8. /noms on le crumbs.

    Stop taking over my comments or else you and Lym will be forced to have babies :3

  9. >Mez leaves

    >No one leaves her comments anymore


  10. #BringBackVAs

    1. Huh





  11. #f**kthats**t. Fkin Mr. Face and his creepy a** face..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. everblue2er101


      It's fine. I didn't make it that far...

    3. Ever


      .w. Did I make it farther?! ARE MY NERVES STEEL-IER?!

    4. Sinstrite


      Your scream can break glass

  12. <. did i mention applying for the app team>

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hu'Ganosh Shaklug

      Hu'Ganosh Shaklug

      Woah, woah, hold on just a second, theres a different between getting accepted into the app team and the GM team >.>

    3. Swgrclan


      I support your first step to GMism .w.

      So proud. *Tear*

    4. Repiteo




      *boasts about getting AT in a week since he joined, VAT in two weeks and FM in just under five*


  13. <. href="http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/45976-mezuas-fm-application/" rel="nofollow external">http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/45976-mezuas-fm-application/

  14. ~♪~♫~ Going nowhere fast, we've reached our climax. We're together, now we're undone. Won't commit so we choose to run away, do we separate? Don't wanna give in so we both gave up. Can't take it back, it's too late, we've reached the climax~♪~♫~ "Climax" Usher

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