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Posts posted by Slic3man

  1. deniedpng.gif

    The Roleplaying definition should be expanded more and the powergaming definition should be more specific. The open responses could also use some more effort along the lines of Roleplay. The bio was good as far as i could tell though. Maybe use the bio next time and work on the things you did wrong.

    You must wait 48 hours (two days) to re-apply to LoTC, Good luck next time!

  2. deniedpng.gif

    For one, WoW does not teach you. Another thing is the fact you do not know what Metagaming/Powegaming is. Also, the bio is way too short to be up to expectations of the server. Last but not least, you do not provide a screenshot of the skin you would use.

    You must wait 48 hours (two days) in order to re-apply to LoTC, Good luck next time!

  3. deniedpng.gif

    Everything was doing well until you hit the Biography and some of the things in it. To start out i should say that at the beginning of the Bio it says your mother dies in a cave bear attack, yet at the end the character could have saved her from that person and saved "the prized possession". Secondly, a Villain Application is required in order to have things such as split personalities. especially if that means it will make you harm people. Also, in the lore it states that Orcs were cursed with bloodlust, by saying you overcame it and became a peaceful loving Orc would go against that. You may need to read up on the lore. Another thing is that the open response with the bandits seemed a bit powergamish due to how easily you can take them down.

    You must wait 48 hours (2 days) to re-aply to LoTC. Good luck next time!

  4. deniedpng.gif

    The Meta-Gaming and Powergaming definition is wrong. (Do not be afraid to look it up, but do not copy and paste)). Expand more on the open responses as well. Another good idea would to take a screenshot of your skin instead of the skin itself in format.

    You must wait 48 hours (two days) to re-apply to LoTC. Good luck next time!

  5. ((Due to many babies sprouting up i decided to actually make lore for my new one so it makes actual sense why he is here. I am making a new cub so i can break off the Gralka feel for a bit. Thul is a cub but is in twined in Gralka's roleplay, thus me making a new cub who will be a Orc cub, not a Raised by any other, cub.))

    Meekal looked down at the cub, his eyes the same as his own. "He be Bub'hosh cub!" Exclaimed Meekal.

    Meekal looked over at Lakeem and handed her their cub. Lakeem looked down on it as if it were a new forged blade, it's eyes the color of iron. It's skin was the color of the sharp grass, gently swaying in the breeze not too far away. Meekal wrapped the baby over with a fur pelt of a wolf and picked it back up, bringing it over to a small bundle of hay to lay in. "Dis be guud cub, we make guud cubbies." Says Leekam as she wen't to sleep.

    One Year Later

    Meekal looked down on his cub as he began to smack his leg into submission until he cried. They had not been the best parents, but at least they kept him strong. Daily beatings and training. He was not able to talk still and still cried, although this seemed quite normal for a one year old. The cub began to cry again, Meekal flicking his nose so he would learn to not cry. Leekam had past away soon after the birth but that didn't keep him from whipping this orc cub into shape. He carried the cub into his hut and threw a brown fur over his back. Meekal was once again, not the best popo. A month later he threw the cub into the water, tired of caring for it. The Cub floated a long ways until coming upon a shore near Krugmar. He crawled out and looked about not knowing what to do or what is to happen. This is where he has come from and where it all begins.

    ((Hope this was a good read for those of you who did read it. Once again it is to explain how he got there in the first place. It is not meant to be too big. Thanks for the reading!))

  6. deniedpng.gif

    Getting into the server requires effort not then the story does not exist and it would not make sense.fort and determination. If you want to get into the server next time provide the whole story.

    You must wait 48 hours (2 days) in order to re-apply to the LoTC, Good luck next time!

  7. deniedpng.gif

    Although you do not have any more powers, when joining the goal is to develop a character more then make a "Old King, demon possessed, powerful mage". Also, there is much simpler ways of saying what metagaming and powergaming are. Also this ingdom of yours does not lie within LoTC lore at all.

    You must wait 48 hours (two days) before re-applying to LoTC, Good luc next time!

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