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Posts posted by Slic3man

  1. Chances are you will get either a happy life with a mate or become a twisted orc angered by such things, Ok maybe thats just me :3.

    Although as of now i am a orc cub being raised by elves at the moment. The orc cub is not the twisted one btw. On another note Craotor is the only orc to ever see me just yet. He got lucky one day when i was lurking around...

    Oh ya your going to most likely get beat up for doing such mating techniques i'm guessing by orc nature.

  2. Minecraft Name: Slic3man

    Forum name: Sliceman

    What do you think are the top five things, that are most important in an application and why?

    (1) - The Bio

    I believe the bio is the most important part of a Application. This in itself can say whether they know Role-play, Lore, and the Realistic way of the server. It can show how they’re format is and whether or not they care of joining the server. It allows the reviewer to see if the person applying is creative and, keep within the boundaries of the server, be able to play using the rules of the server. The bio also shows grammar of the person applying, spelling, and not using LOL or any of the internet speech.

    Say this was a small example: “As (name here) walks through the forest, he spots a shadow. He continues to walk, cautiously, knowing there is someone watching over him. From above the shadow drops onto him. He hit’s the shadow with his fire fist spell and sprints at the shadow with amazing speed. Being a gnome he knows how to craft much mechanics!”. Reading forward you would think this might start off to be good then he erupts with his amazing “magic” and can sprint faster then anyone else. He also knows not of the lore if he is a gnome, as there is not such a race. Also, he doesn’t know how to make mechanics based on race, this applier gets a deny.

    (2) - Effort and The will to spend time on their application

    This one is up there due to the dedication we expect from most people on the server. Say if their bio was bunched up, lacking grammar, and was too short. This person might just want to get on to play around and do whatever he/she wants to do. Also, the more time spent would make for a better application in the first place. If someone has done it in 15 minutes then it might not be close enough to get accepted. Most likely to be denied are the ones who do not spend enough time on their application and not actually trying to impress.

    (3) - Have you read, understood, and agreed to abide by the rules?

    Without agreeing to the rules how is one to follow them? By accepting the rules they are simply there avoiding getting denied.

    (4) - Realistic Character

    This is needed in order to make balance between everyone. If there were people running around with amazing powers and superhuman strength then they would overpower everyone else. Everyone on the server needs to be evened out. The point is to adapt and grow from the point you enter the server not to enter being powerful and strong. By doing this they not only abide by the rules but they also may be opening much role-play opportunities up such as maybe training to become a shaman of Krugmar instead of already knowing how to be one, you get trained by another.

    (5) - What do you know about role-playing?

    By answering this they simply tell the reader if they really do know what role-playing is and whether they can do so. If someone were to say something like, “I know that it is learning magic and trying to become strong enough to crush your enemies.”, this is someone who wants to simply become powerful and strong to rule over, which probably won’t happen without the Accept mark. Someone saying, “I realize that it is looking through the eyes of the character you play, being as if you only know what they know, acting as if you ARE the character.”, Might be a better fit for the server then the person who wants to rule over everyone with “magic” and amazing strength.

    Additional - These are all equal but if having to list them this would be as such the order I would place them in.

  3. ((So if Lurs attack Azog but Thore (Gorkil) has a man crush on Tadok then Gorkils fight with the Azog against Lur but the Doms would have to fight Lurs too. Therefore it is a big 3 against 1....(BTW I was JKing about the man crush) ))

    ((we were not going to war but we are not going to let them smack us around all of Krugmar and not do something about it.))

  4. I love the idea of mushroom people in a community and would like to be one when they do (hopefully) come out. I can imagine walking into a town when a bunch of short fungi people stop you and prod you with stone spears. Then you would give them glowstone and they would freak out and all start to like you randomly. :D

    Edit: I am still misunderstood by the amount of No's for this poll. Its A new way to deal with the rising amount of players instead of the humans having even MORE thn they already do, the orcs are well balanced out though.

  5. Maybe a game where everyone sits at the bottom on some sand pit and someone sits at the top, throwing throwing random items in. The Orcs would fight each other over the items and the one in the end with the best loot is the winner. The game would be called Shineyz Fight, i think it would be a good add on to orc games because orcs like to loot and why not play a game where you fight each other over loot. another version is to play warfare game and you have to beat your opponents by getting a certain object hidden on the battleground while fighting.

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