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Posts posted by Slic3man

  1. MC name :- Slic3man

    RP name :- Gralka

    Race :- Orc, Subrace= Nomad

    Teamspeak Y/N? :- Slic3man

    Skype Y/N? :- None

    Time on server? :- A month and a week

    Familliar with server rules? :- Yes, all of them

    Familliar with lore/Otanian lore? :- Read the lore indeed

    Will you actually live their or just a one timer? :- I will live there and outside at the same time, will belong inside but also have a life outside.

  2. *A note with scribbled and awkward hand writing lies on the front board*

    Dis iz t' all da bruddahs out dere. Me had maked bunch o' papahs wit da Orcsie Anthem On eet. Come t' me if ya wantin' wun. Me will give ya a new wun if id get lost agh make shah id gets t' lat.

  3. Minecraft name: Dr_Lyle

    Forum name: Dr.Lyle

    What do you think are the top five things, that are most important in an application and why?

    In order of importance:

    1.A good Bio: To me this is the most important part of an application because it sets a base for your character, without a good biography you don't have a well developed character, there for you cannot roleplay as said character as best you can.

    2. The "Do you have a good grip on the english language?" question: This one is rather obvious, if one does not have a good grip on the english language it makes it hard for one to roleplay properly, it may also cause some trouble for others, I for instance hate when I'm roleplaying and someone keeps making grammar and spelling mistakes.

    3.The "What do you know about roleplaying, what is it?" question: This is important because it proves that the person either knows or does not know what they are talking about and if they will be a good addition to the server.

    4.The "Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?" question: This is also rather obvious, if they say no then obviously they aren't serious about joining the server, that is not to say I would just not let them get in, I would point out that they need to read them, then to repost.

    5.The "What are the four races on this server?" question: This is on my list because it is important in that it shows that the person has read the lore, often when looking through applications I see people list ascended and undead, this is something I would look for but not require, a person who went over and above, no matter how insignificant it may seem to others, would have a much better chance of being accepted by me, not to say I would just instantly accept them, but lets just say it would make a good first impression.

    Special Note: I know that this is rather case specific by listing particular questions and there for I am also going to list the other, less specific things that I think are important.

    In order of importance:

    1.Effort: The most, overall, important thing to me, it shows that the person is really going to be a good addition to the server and that they are less likely to cause trouble cause, honestly, how many griefers are going to make a gigantic application just to get on a server they will end up banned from?

    2.Honesty: Very important overall because this shows that I can trust the person applying, of course its not always possible to tell if someone is being dishonest in an application, but I tend to have a pretty good sense for that kind of thing.

    3.Character With Flaws: Nobody is perfect, even in a game, I think it is incredibly important that the person realize that and give their character flaws, also having a flawed character adds to the roleplay possibilities.

    4.Wording: This may seem like an odd thing to add, but I have found that you can tell a lot about a person just by seeing their wording of things, you can get a sense of the kind of person they are.

    (had to put this here so that the last thing was coloured properly, please ignore.)

    +1 seems like a good application and seems like a good person to be added to the team.

  4. Character Name: Gralka

    MC Name: Slic3man

    Position: Wandering Merchant

    Applicable Skills: I am not new or old i have been here long enough to know what to do and what not to do. I speak Orcish and can work well with other races. I also have good connections with people around Aegis who can help when needed. I am loyal to my friends and will stick by them till the end. Hoping to be able to become a Wandering merchant to get money since i have been lacking in it for awhile now. I am flexible with all of these things you may need in the group, if not a Wandering Merchant.

    Play Time(GMT):Eastern Pacific, I have a lot of time on my hands (teehee) and can spend a lot of it doing this job.

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