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Posts posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. CHATGPT and the whole OpenAI framework is a fantastic scaffolding device for writing and the flaws in it are very apparent if someone straight plagiarizes.


    Ngl if the ST accepts AI lore, that's just our fault for kinda sucking at reviewing when it's robotic and weird sounding

  2. i5CNj5PzSJEqntLBWev3J1pqsoaCBIvzJBnWXrS8B3YpTnPQoMMBvULvHaZakLvG_SPXCrxTAgFh4AmhdakoaqWGtLhhAOkmNfCqGtBVjO4plvli7MtSFm203vmRgImMwvW_nJAHYgBLV4K1gaRzOw


    Name of the Artifact: The Bastard of Hoon


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations: Yes


    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact: femurlord

    RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact: Gashdokoru

    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items): ScreamingDingo

    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable): Ixris


    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A: 

    Utilising the Demon Chalice, connected to the Koluzz eventline.


    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):  N/A its a character


    Effect(s) of the Artifact:


    This Artefact ultimately grants the character in question the ability to utilise and learn Naztherak, under the ‘First Pact’ with a few exceptions. [This is 2 slots only].



    Because of the Infernal energy and connection to the Red Prince, upon utilising the magic, the Lich will have their head transform into an 'Oni'. It's skull will grow distinct horns from its forehead and their jaw mimics that of an orc. This is an exaggerated form of tell and can clearly be seen as demonic when the Naztherak is using their magic.

    [tl;dr they get Third Pact Aesthetics because they are barely human and there is no real attempt at disgusing anymore. The purity of this pact enables the more demonic tells when casting]

    - The Orcish jaw will not provide any distinct combat advantages with strength or power, it is purely aesthetic.



    With this, as a Lich does not possess blood. Inside his ribcage is a Oyashimian Burial Statue, that has its arms and legs grab upon its insides. Blood will need to be harvested and absorbed by the Skeleton to utilize Malleus. With this, the utilisation of Blood Magic runes intrinsically from the chalice itself will allow for the absorption of blood and its transformation into Malleus.

    This will require an entire descendant's worth of [blood] to fill, which can be done when the descendant is completely beaten.
    It can be extracted through the use of physical
    exsanguination or a [ritual] that can be utilised on a fallen player to completely 'drain' them of their blood. This will leave them sickly weak for one OOC day before they start to recover, and will not kill them.

    Malleus Extraction Ritual:

    - This is a freeform 'ritual', three emotes minimum. Though they require to be placed in a drawn pentacle and have Ilzkaran runes written on their arms and legs. Either done with Malleus itself or ash.
    - Requires the person to completely incapable of fighting. That includes being unconscious, bound, asleep etc.


    Due to the nature of the bound cistern, if the Lich's ribcage is attacked by holy deific magic, it will disable the Malleus' use for four emotes. If broken by holy deific magic, [2 spells of reasonable force to break ribs will also break the cistern. 1 if it is something akin to the Templar spell of Vigorous blow], it will require for the rebuilding of the cistern upon revival. Which is a process that will take 3 OOC days, where the Lich will be unable to utilise Naztherak for the duration of this.


    His pool will remain as this as he progresses:

    T1 - 30 Malleus

    T2 - 35 Malleus

    T3 - 45 Malleus

    T4 - 50 Malleus

    T5 - 55 Malleus 


    - Malleus progression follows the Naztherak Lore. This will change whether the lore is rewritten or altered to reflect what the first 'pact' is capable of.

    - If the cistern is broken by holy magic, requires three OOC days of 'rebuilding the cistern' before Naztherak can be utilised again. This is a player-led initative where it is similar to the holy 'icons' of Necromancy.

    - Malleus Ritual requires the target to be completely bound and/or incapacitated.

    - If hit with Holy Magic, this will disable the use of Naztherak for four emote rounds. Summons that were made during this time will not be controlled and go feral. Either aiming to flee or attack wildly anyone in the vicinity. This will frenzy them and require an emote per summon to [calm them down] after the duration.



    Striith -



    The Pact with Ixris comes with more surveillance than usual. With this, the Lich has been granted a Striith that directly reports to Ixris and also helps with the teaching, discussion and advice surrounding the pantheon of the Pentacle.


    It is a half lizard, half goat amalgamation that buries itself within the Lich’s many various hollow openings. It will follow all normal redlines and be usable as a standard Striith would be.


    - This functions as the normal Striith within Naztherak Lore, utilising it for Malleus for creating pacts/rituals and otherwise being a companion that aims to disturb or annoy its owner.

    - This will be utilised by ST management to supervise his lessons and progression to T5. This is a unique pact to Ixris and will follow as such.




    The Chalice of Hoon / Phylactery:

    The Blackstone wrought prison was a development of the darkest arts of Blood Magic. A monolithic prison aimed at trapping the warriors of the cosmos within its grasp. The machinations of Malghourn have caused this prison to remain what it truly is. A fortress that holds that of the worst that fall beneath it.

    It is a 9 foot chalice made of Black Quartz and stone which is constantly fueled by Blood Magic to entangle souls within the bowl. As used with the fabled general of Drazhana, it is now being used to capture the soul of the one that Ixris' wishes to be bound. The Chalice itself can be disabled, but its destruction relies upon a great feat of magic by those untold.




    - The Chalice itself cannot be hailed unless the ritual has the Soul bound to it there. The prisons of Malghourn were aimed to make it difficult for enemies to retrieve it, and this hijacked prison is the same.

    - The Chalice cannot be broken by mortal means, it has been created to lock the soul and requires extreme intervention to purge its existence from reality.

    - The Chalice instead can be utilised in two distinct ways. This will require knowledge gained by those aiming to use the Chalice through things such as Prophecies and Seer Scrying to understand how it works.

    - One can either bind the Soul of the Chalice to the 'main' ritual person. Having the effect of being able to control them akin to a Memento Mori. This requires a ritual that will be revealed to those that explore such an option. [Not included on the post]
    - Or one can transfer the soul of the Lich out of the chalice itself through a ritual that will require another to take its mantle. This will guarantee the soul to Ixris, and requires the Lich itself to be bound and brought to the ritual to do this. [Specifics are not included on the post]


    - Outside of these rituals, this follows the Necromancy Revival Redlines for Arch-Liches. Yet they are spawned out of the Chalice instead of a Heith Hedran Rift.


    - If the ritual is completed for the Soul Transfer. The said soul will have their Naztherak TA/MA permanently revoked and a new person will inherit this to quirks that will suit them. [The Lore Team will be contacted and this Mart will be altered for the new individual]


    - Scrying upon this Chalice requires innate knowledge of either its purpose from the first trapped. [Koluzz] or from seeing it in person. This will reveal details of its true nature to those that look into it through these magical means.



    Red Lines of the Artifact:

    - This Mart will be altered depending on a rewrite, to align with the current, accepted lore. A rewrite will not render this Mart invalid.


    - He cannot ascend past the First Pact [2 Slots]


    - He can be disconnected as per Naztherak Lore, but his soul will still be claimed by Ixris. He will lose the magic and all perks instead.


    - With the above, he will always be able to speak Ilzakarn even if disconnected


    - When gaining a TA in Naztherak, he will only be able to teach up to the First Pact. Another Naztherak would be needed to teach the further pacts.


    - Even when under Lich Disguise, the mutations of the Pact will break through the vessel and they will be revealed as ‘darkspawn’ for all holy magics that require confirmation.


    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    The Demon Chalice is an Event Item created by Zarsies which was utilised to trap Koluzz / Draz-Kulzattar in its place. The Blood Chalice is a construct of Blood Magic that has been used to trap demons before. Ixris’ own proximity to the former Heith Hedran rifts and his ‘ordainment’ within these arts has allowed for him to pull fragments of the Soul of Gashudoro from the depths and trap them into the chalice itself. 


    This Chalice has become a prison of the Soul as it once was for Koluzz, allowing for his fragments to be manipulated to be bound to the High Hells. With such, this has allowed for him to be directly pacted to Ixris [The Red Prince] and grant the rudimentary flames of the Naztherak.


    He will be bound in a final fate to Moz’Strimoza, and will reform at the Demonic Chalice. 

    He will be locked at the [First Pact] of spells and versatility, but is granted a strilith directly from Ixris to help teach and watch his progress.


    This is the intervention of Aengudaemonic Connection and Blood Magic constructs to allow the exception of the lich being granted magic. 


    Number of duplicates of this Artifact: 0


    Do you understand that there is a three-month cooldown between posting MArts per-player, and that cooldown begins upon acceptance? (Denial does not trigger a cooldown period.): Ixris, will not be able to post Marts for three months


    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No

  3. FC5BN0wF5y2y_ABsJ8kQmG-Bv53qYn8LAeN9f8w3rTMmTlYWD7fWZ5-Sw5Wp9BH8-XEBxmQBnMO4Gzv9ooQDsyzpmTwCvqjM6n_4eepYfHpx4tVZ3aR5gwMl20QrNhFNARsiJsARfhneODhUElizo-ENRn1FwZ5dPwabJHmn8wdo6zFgUBiE_-K7bIUz

    A strange, bearded man hands you a messy flier as you walk past him. He gives you a simple nod before trotting off to harass more.



    To the dear reader,

    I am a wandering Gravedigger that has currently got nowhere to tend to. I offer my services to keep the bodies of your fallen safe for a mere shack and a place to rest my head. I can do most strange burial styles, but I am not fully anointed to truly do the burial of those of the Canonist faiths, though I shall be truly pursuing such a method if need be.


    Upon this, I will look for those who delve in the strange arts of plants to create fluids that shall ensure that your bones are kept clean and away from dark forces!


    Please contact myself through fat pigeon, the cloud temple folk have slums that I am currently sleeping at.

    Bless you,



  4. Just now, Unwillingly said:

    I wasn't suggesting we don't have map transitions at all, I was pointing out that we can mechanically have a new map but remain on our canonical continent instead of the same regurgitated world-catastrophe eventlines that sends us overseas at the behest of the monks once every 2 years that id argue a good chunk of the established playerbase completely ignore because it's gotten so dull flavorless at this point


    for example, building map lore around the exploration of the descendants discovering new land and constructing eventlines in such a way that they aren't constantly a giant world-event boss battle with 130+ players. this isn't even something that would require tech intervention, just the story teams willingness to try something new

    Yes but what factors would the descendants have to move from a continent that's already good enough. We don't have resource struggles or any factors that would pull players towards those continents organically abandoning everything that was left there prior. Other transitions have done exploration and stuff, but the main push factor for the descendants leaving needs to be something big enough to dislodge them completely from where they live. Otherwise, it just doesn't work. The way we run with rotational maps and how things are push us towards the way of having to do a scorched earth policy on everything we touch so no-one tries to say they're camping in the map previous and just go on nice adventures back and forth.

    It'd flop pretty hard if we spent two months preparing expeditions just for everyone in roleplay to just go, "yeah thats cool but we'll stay here". It's the way it works on here and gives some people the time to shine doing catastrophic things which go back to the roots of the server. Each transitions had something where players have gained a lot, whether they've PK'd to fighting these 'giant world-event boss battles' or even the struggles of moving to a new continent and knowing how to pack up and go.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Unwillingly said:

    not to be a buzzkill but after 10 years u would think we'd think of something new and different to justify a map transition that isn't *world catastrophe that forces us all to migrate to a new continent for the nth time*


    it gets boring after a while and I just hope that this map transition eventline yields something different and less obtrusive

    yes how do you move an entire continent of people from a place without them using the justification "I'm staying here to live here nothing bad is going wrong"


    map transitions require this because people don't move otherwise and no-one can stay on a map longer than two years without having tantrums.

  6. 15 minutes ago, kindEmperor said:


    Then would remember how Iblees tried to kill azdromoth. . .


    An ancient, senile librarian goes through his own documents. His gigantic, dragaaric brain pulses momentarily as he randomly outbursts with the sentence of,


    "This never happened"


    Monk's rot is a terrible thing, an affliction to the brain that seemingly causes people to hear voices and talk to others.  He smacks his head with his cane, commits some flatulence and then continues to read his books.

  7. 49 minutes ago, lemonke said:

    I haven't been in celianor while and I cannot say I like it anymore or rp in general(personal opinion) and obv, it doesn't mean the people there are bad. I still have a lot of friends there and mineman rp=/friendship. Putting this aside, in my time there- I can confirm Twi didn't want to have anything to do with it. She might have given some advices to stop arguements between friends but overall, she refused get involved in big dramas or the big picture of it. She does not want to get back in leadership at all. She talked with me about plans with spooky and magicstuff, really nothing bad or mineman politics-like. I don't know if she'd decide to become a leader in the future but for now is a big no. Idk where you heard about that but I suggest to stop joining their vc, if that's the case and if you're to simply 'gather informations'.


    Coming here, snitching ain't looking good chef. It does not sound like a very neutral take of yours. Laeo said it right tho; let's say they are planning to make Twi, the leader again. Why would they even say it in public or to some random? They are not stupid.


    People made Disney villain reveals of the initial haelunorian coup, you'd be shocked at how brazen people are with their plans and ideas.


    Wouldn't put it past them to see it and have everything repeated once again


  8. d966lr9-1f0cab17-f5df-4b5d-a95a-1ecd0780


    Your eyes open to the stench of blood that lingers upon the edges of the swamp. The reeds and assortment of thickets strangle the trees, the water lurking upon the edges and flowing through. The gnarled bark of the trees lies familiar, yet the area is missing a key feature that was present before.


    The thudding of a heartbeat fills your ears, the deep rhythm felt within your bones as your vision scans across the area. One blink reveals the Titanic Monolith of a tree, akin to the Widukind, a second has it vanish into an assortment of branches that enwreathe the area. 


    Each blink, the tree vanishes in and out of reality, all as the deep rhythms of the thumping heart slowly stagnate. Longer pauses felt between each pulse, all as the tree eventually vanishes completely from your sight. Your vision does not fall upon the false idol, as the heart stops beating.

    The stagnant silence fills the swamp, peace. A return away from deception and the false idols. 


    Something has changed, what comes next?




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