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Posts posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. 1 hour ago, argonian said:

    you'd think after 11 years that Minecraft's #1 premium roleplay experience would learn that less is more, but alas. maybe next year


    this is why I don't log in anymore, less is more

  2. winter cabin by VityaR83 on DeviantArt

    Within the deep snows of the north, the decrepit hand of Martin of Akatosh grabs the imported Hyspian Cigars that were smuggled during the conflicts of the diasporas that plagued their people. A simple butler comes over and fluffs the pillow that rests upon his feet, outstretched across his lounge of Cathant Silk. A gesture of the hand follows the butler's action from the aging man, his wig falling lopsided upon his head as he chortles at the missive.


    "For the plague of the Orcish kind is quelled by the Warriors beneath the Banner of High Prince Native? Such issues seem as likely as the slaying of multiple dragonkind upon a strange, fateful night."

    The cigar is lit in his free hand, the scent of the spiced paper filling the area as he throws his head back. The euphoric scent allowing for him to fathom the absurdity of such a time. Neverless, he drew the decorated lambswool blanket upon his legs, gesturing to his butler to go to the kennels to secure them.

    "We don't want our dogs been stolen for war, ensure they are locked up."









    An artist's rendition of the "Savoyard Curse"







    Recorded and published on behalf of the Almarian Beastiary Association


    A new species of slug has been discovered, dubbed the “Savoyard’s Curse”. These creatures are remnants from the disaster of Savoy, large slugs covered in what appears to be diluted thannic sludge that emanates from their bodies. They are the size of a fist and appear to not show any aggression or semblance of intelligence beyond a basic level. They bundle in groups and latch onto wildlife, seemingly infecting them and eating them with the gels that emanate from their bodies. Anglers of the South, ensure that your catches are combed of these invasive entities. They are seemingly poisonous and can inflict mild thanicosis upon consumption and wounds caused by the Cursed Slugs.


    All evidence and research has shown that the removal of these beasts from fish will not cure them of contamination. They must be thrown for scraps and handled with care. We are unsure if the currents will remove these pests. 


    Thank you and stay safe, descendants.






  4. This CA/MART is a special exception item, created and held by FadedQuartz. This is an item that will be represented in game, but also be roleplayed and interactable with this person.





    Name of the Artifact:  The Hat of Academia 


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:  N/A


    MC Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact:  FadedQuartz


    RP Name of the person(s) currently in possession of the Artifact: Academia’s Hat

    MC Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable, e.g. for event items): N/A


    RP Name of the creator(s) of the Artifact (N/A if not applicable): N/A


    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A




    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):


    Above lol


    Effect(s) of the Artifact: 


    This item is a faux-living representation of Archmage Eliza’s own consciousness before her death within the voidal hollow. This hat has the last memories and knowledge of the mage, able to teach and guide those that wear it in lessons. 

    The hat itself can be worn upon one’s head, or can move at the pace of a trotting pig in an awkward, fumbling walk while struggling with excess fabric. The hat has the strange property of being able to climb objects such as tables, chairs and the legs of people to sit upon their head comfortably. 


    With Voidal Artificery and the creation of the Warlock’s Hat, this Magical Artefact is a living object that is able to communicate and interact with the world. 


    This hat follows the normal guidelines for teaching, where these Teacher Applications will now be applied and utilised with their respective slots. Roleplay must be established and communicated, with OOC consent from the ‘hat’ to start magical training


    Earth Evocation, Transfiguration and Voidal Artificery -






    The Hat itself cannot enchant items or cast magic on its lonesome. It has the ability to be an “assisting” mage with Voidal Artificery, but otherwise all magical knowledge is done through instruction and not practical use. 


    Red Lines of the Artifact:

    - The hat itself has preservation instincts to flee from Thanhium if possible, knowing its dangers within the presence. With such, if Thanhium pierces the hat, it adheres to the same rule as Auric Oil. [Disabled for one OOC Day]


    - When wearing the hat, the hat has the ability to access thoughts and memories that the wearer allows them to look through and articulate vocally. It also has the ability to blurt out the emotions of the wearer, able to make snide remarks and otherwise childish quips.


    - The Hat and said persona cannot participate in PvP, they shall only have the ability to participate in CRP. When in CRP, the Hat can only move two blocks per emote and can at most “latch” onto someone, unable to deliver any variety of strike or attack. 


    - If doused in Auric Oil, the hat turns limp and is disabled for a duration of one OOC day unless it is cleaned and maintained by another person to restore it to working order. This requires just that it be washed like any other piece of soiled laundry.


    - If destroyed completely through fire, vaporization, shredding or other thorough and unrepairable methods, the hat is permanently destroyed. This constitutes a PK of the “character.”.


    - If the hat is damaged, [holes, tears, burn marks, bite marks etc.] and is not completely destroyed, and can be repaired through mundane means such as sewing or patching, etc.


    - If the Hat is possessed by a persona, it must have FadedQuartz online to interact with. This means if the hat is stolen, the account needs to be allowed to access where you are to roleplay it. 


    - If the item is left inert for more than two OOC weeks, the player of the Mart can contact ST management to have them re-allocated if necessary and roleplay circumstances do not block as such. [If they were purposefully locked in a box and tossed into the ocean, then the box would wash up somewhere.]

    - The Hat cannot receive birds or respond to them. It is a hat, the birds will attempt to fly away with it. [This is purely flavor, you cannot be transported or picked up by said birds]


    - This hat does not possess a soul or any transferable consciousness. The thoughts are bound to this construct and cannot be moved in any way possible. 


    Explanation of the effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    As the sibling to the first Warlock Hat, Franklin, Academia’s Hat works through a variety of Voidal Artificery familiars that allow it to move, talk and project its consciousness that is bound in the material of the hat. With the constant connection to Archmage Eliza, it reflects the personality of the deceased magi and is able to talk and instruct those in the same manner as she would in her life. 

    A simple anomaly of the void it seemed, the very miraculous talking hat.


    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:  0


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?:  Yes

    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A

  5. 12 hours ago, CorweenieTheJedi said:

    What's it like being consistently contrarian simply for the sake of being contrarian? It gets boring. Why don't you pony the **** up and say what "shit" those "screaming wolf" have done? Or was that just a fancy way of trying to get people to think you actually have something worthwhile to say?

    the stuff i talk about is well known but will get me gestapo shot for mentioning it

    neigh neigh weenie, neigh neigh

  6. 1 minute ago, The Media Wizard said:


    This "sit down and shut up" mentality is abysmal. I am glad you are no longer on the Admin Team.

    Don't stress, if I was still admin the entire community around that coup would've been banned aswell.


    @Venomous_PupYyou'd probably be surprised to hear that I was one of the admins that pushed that with Heero with a few other members that got banned at the exact time that happened with KP. The thread was basically timed at the same time of us dealing with it, mainly because two other people got TOS'd from horrific behavior from decades ago. Don't think KP got banned because of that thread, that thread instead got people nearly sued and didn't at all help the situation. It was (used) as a preface to coup a nation oocly, it wasn't a thread that was done to save the community, it was done to dislodge a creep from a community when they grew tired of them.


    If you've got more vicious evidence of the claims happening with this player, compile it in depth and continue to send it to the admins. A reversing of a decision can be done when more things are brought to light and has happened countless times.



  7. Just now, The Media Wizard said:


    What a weak, childish response. If you erect any more strawmen, you're gonna have to get some farm land.


    "38 players have asked them to be rebanned aaaaaa"

    Petitions have done nothing for the last decade and won't do anything further. A public thread won't force an admin response, or anything of the sorts to do the resolution you want. I understand you want to be the standard bearer to this crusade, but this is not how you do it.

  8. you're a ******* idiot if you're trying to do a mini petition for shit like this when those screaming wolf also have done shit to the same level. players baffle me sometimes at their pick and choose nature

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