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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. blacklist is ridiculous sorry

  2. i swear if i see another voidal mage artefact or upgrade in lore I'm going to PVP default every one I see from now on.

  3. caught with his pants down

  4. I can world edit cities better than this like COME ON

  5. If anyone is looking for cheap prices on Rust or Space Engineers or a few other keys I have lying around for steam PM me. Promise not to scam you xx

  6. 435c3c60bd591edf924edb81c80e3e1f.jpg


    daily reminder marked are the best

  7. so et training sessions are lit @Final

  8. former admins are not relevant sorry!


  9. remember if anyone wants to do any of these bounties please contact me via the forums or on discord and we can organise it. Also if you're a nation with a navy and want to do sea expeditions, contact me. I'll help organise events out of it.



  10. remember, you have the ability to deny consent to unwanted advances of bullshit clerical healing.

  11. honest, drfate would be a better admin than the currents.

  12. legit looking for people interested in striga throw me a PM on the forums or on my discord joel#4235

  13. the problem w/ meta is entire nations running off it, not defending from a raid like come on

  14. are you okay harrison? sometimes you worry me when you don't get home from curfew... you're a big boy and bought your big boy license but a parent can still worry...


    miss u...

  15. today i tried to beat the renatian soldiers, they will never stop me.


    i am so chaotic!!!


    keep on RYOTHING!!!!!!!

  16. when we all wig splitting druid magic huh.

  17. Anyone who has an object that specifies to contact ScreamingDingo should add my discord, cleaning up some old event items.



  18. It's 2018 why would you actually stream LOTC

  19. fireheart couped omegalul

  20. just got interviewed for admin

  21. my mum told me not to hang out with kids like ghaz, he’ll teach me how to be an evil charles the bald hacker :c

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