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Posts posted by Rihawk

  1. Hello!


    I've been looking around but can't find any information on events that have happened in the last 30 or so years anywhere (the wiki timeline for Vailor only goes until 1547). I'm trying to write a brief history of my character but I don't have enough information about the very recent past to lead my bio into the current day. So as the title suggests, I'm requesting to anyone whose been around in the last couple months, could I have a brief summary of important events that have happened in roughly the last 40 years? (A big point being how/why we left Vailor to come to Axios, I haven't found that anywhere)



  2. Just now, Weabootrash said:

    Live right away. I don't think it's possible to make it pending, but either way I think the better way is for it to be ready right away is better then pending. 

    Yeah, theres probably pros and cons to both ways, depends how much trust there is in the community I suppose haha. I've recently come from a server with a generally not-so-good community, hence why I'm thinking more causiously I suppose.


    Anywho, thanks for the quick response!

  3. Just now, Weabootrash said:

    You can make an account, once tythus allows the option, and you can edit any page that isn't restricted. Wiki mods will look through, format things, make it nice and tidy, and remove inappropriate content. 

    Alrighty, I guess what I'm not clear on is do the player edited posts go live right away? Or are they like "pending" until a mod gets to it? Just curious more than anything, I feel like that could be a handy process to have.

  4. On 2016-09-21 at 9:44 AM, Tahmas said:


    • Wiki opened up
    • Bad content will be removed
    • Good content is good
    • Wiki Contests coming back

    Forgive me if this has been asked here already, but when you say its open, do you mean technically anyone can log in and edit anything and then its updated for everyone and then the mods will just fix/touch up things/remove inappropriate things? Or do you mean anyone can edit, but the edits have to then be approved by the moderators before it appears live on the wiki fpr everyone else? Because if its possible wouldnt option 2 be better? That way anyone can edit, its not restricted to only a small team, but then it would still be controlled by the staff to an extent. At least in my opinion.



  5. Just now, Ever said:


    I vaguely remember a handful of people I had down there. Only a few actual names since it was SO long ago but... good tims, I fondly remember them.

    Yeah man! tbh I didnt do anything, that character I literally just killed pigmen to get coins to rent from you so I could store things safely IIRC, but obviously that meant a lot to me, cause I somehow remember you xD


    @EdgyMagey @Kvasir shush shush, this is an introduction topic, take your arguements to the pm's or something. :)

  6. Just now, Ever said:

    Weird how time flies, eh? Hard to think it was five years ago. Some days it feels like last month... Always nice to see someone from way-back, though.

    Lol you probably don't remember at all as we were nobodies, but if i'm correct, then I lived in your little tavern with 2 friends, and orc and a dwarf, while I was a human. I honestly don't know how we managed to get a story like that through the application process hahaha. But hey, we were preteens, that sort of thing happens.


    Also, I seem to remember an event were an elf stripped down in front of the tavern and was dancing around and had clearly gone bonkers. Go figure.

  7. I'm Rihawk Skeldergate and this is my Skin shop. I work here by myself with my skinning program, Gimp, and in 1 month I’ve learned one thing. You never know who is gonna post on your thread.


    Yes! Go the the link! Feel the cringe! All jokes aside, I think i'm going to try make some sort of return and try LotC out again. I originally got whitelisted waay back during Aegis in like october 2011 (at which time, I was a meer 14 years old, so feel free to read theough my horrid attempts of roleplay in my forum content from back then and cringe to your heart's content. -Rihawk Skeldergate) and during that time, I was a complete nobody. I believe I lived in a room I rented out from an inn whose drunken owner went insane or evil or something just before we fled to the verge? In my time during Aegis I also joined the Knights of the North and the White Ravens guilds at different times and enjoyed the simple life of farming.


    But that is the past. Now I am a 19 year old dork who still plays too much minecraft, but I also play a variety of games from hearthstone to overwatch to ESO. I'm still a dreadful rp'er but I hope I can improve that! Also, very rarely, but from time to time I do still make a few minecraft skins, and I think I have improved greatly since my time on lotc 5 years ago (link to my pmc in my profile, clicky clicky! And yes this is a very shameless plug). But anywho, yes, this is Rihawk now, there is no more cringe skeldergate (thank goodness).


    Nowadays, I've roamed the servers of Minecraft as a character I actually made for LotC when I wanted to come back a couple years ago, but I never did. This Character is a majestic dark elf male now named Riliam InsertCoolSurnameHere (originally I had some weird elvish name "Ellsilyu Ellir'ker" I believe, but I don't very much like that now so Riliam it is). He's got darkish blue-grey skin, red eyes, and sort of pearlescent-white hair that he wears up in a pony tail. Rilam stands at 6'2" and has an elven slender, but lean build, weighing roughly 143lbs (me irl, I would be the perfect dark elf based on the sizes given on the wiki). He is often seen walking around in his royal purple robe/kimono/thingy with some sort of dragon/wyvern crest like thing on the back? (I don't know what to make of it, but I believe its a design I made for a banner ig. Perhaps you can help me out after seeing my skin below).


    And thats about it! I haven't really fleshed out my character at all yet but that will hopefully happen soon enough. Thanks for  sticking it out if you're still reading, hope to see some nice people in game soon!





    EDIT: @Ever I was just googling for the drunken dwarf inn out of curiousity and I found this. Your name is so familiar, I am like 95% sure I lived in a room in your tavern in Aegis to be honest. And now you're an admin, look at you go!


    EDIT 2: omg what even is my signature... I'm so sorry there is too much cringe going on here.


  8. -Name: Rihawk of Skeld (MC: rihawk10)

    -Age: 24

    -Gender: Male

    -Race: Human, Northerner

    -Occupation: He has farmed all of his life(lvl 35) but he has had to use a sword many times too(lvl 35).if he is needed though he can also mine(lvl 29)

    -Other: ((I am badly in the need of a guild to join because if I dont get one, i have no purpose))

  9. EDIT: never mind about the shop, Thurgo has informed me that the middle part down in the dwarven area is supposed to be a tavern.I'm wondering if I would be able to make a temporary shop

    inside that house beside the farm?

    by the way where might I find Salvus? I would like to go there sometime

    -Rihawk Skeldergate

  10. This is an app for both the military and civilian parts

    MC name: Rihawk

    Character name: Rihawk Skeldergate

    Short bio: As a boy I lived on a farm with my mother and father until I was about six or seven when my dad went to war... he never came back. After that war, once a week Bonks would come over to our home to visit with my mom and to make sure my mother and I were doing fine. My dad had met Bonks on one of his occasional adventures he would go on where he would go to the Dwarven kingdoms back before he died. He always left saying that he was going to buy tools there but a couple of years after he died I finally figured that wasn't the only reason, being a farmer isn't the most enjoyable job all the time. I continued to work on the farm until I was absolutely sure nothing would happen to my mom and finally I left to travel across the lands of Aegis. Now, here I am fully grown human adult, with pale skin, brown hair, at an average height of 5'11", and at the age of 43, and I still don't have a real purpose to my life. This is why I have come here, to join the Knights of the North and serve the people in the land of Asulon!

    Skills/Professeion: I am level 30 in swordsmanship, 25 in farming, and 5 in mining. So my profession in the town will be farming.

    Goals: My goals in the guild are to climb through the ranks and to protect any civilians traveling nearby our town area. My goals in the town are to become an even better farmer and to hand out fresh bread to the poor who need it to survive, to make a living off of it, and to supply the guild with food for new recruits and any member who is a part of the Knights of the North. The main reason I want to live in the town is because I want a home near our castle so I can buy a nice home.

    Time Zone: OOC: I live in British Colombia, so my time zone is PST (Pacific Standard Time)

    Rp style: OOC: when I am RPing I tend to be very cautious with my actions, and I will never do anything without thinking about it.

    Other notes: this is for both applications (by the way, I am Bonks' Real life brother)

  11. *you see a hawk sitting on the wall with a note in its beak. You then begin to read the note:*

    I have successfully designed a uniform for the White ravens Which you might see me wearing if you see I, Rihawk Skeldergate walking around the new lands of the verge. I have also sent an exact duplicate of the uniform to Sir Silverblade who can then copy them and distribute the uniforms (( just remember to give me credit for them)). Hopefully by wearing these uniforms everyone in the wold will be able to identify us as the White ravens.

    - Rihawk Skeldergate

  12. In the end they did not want the contract as they have one of their own now doing it. However there is still the contract with chase132. If we have one worker on this then his/her pay would be 8250 or two would be 4125.

    If you are a member of the guild then please make sure you check this post regularly for contracts and other important news.

    if i have enough time and he is online when i am, i will try and help chase132

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