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Posts posted by LordCommander

  1. xnqFCyk.png

    You needed to wait 24 hours since your last application, also you didn't list your denied application as well. I'm so sorry my friend, but I'm going to have to deny you again, please wait the 24 hours before you reapply. However, there is something you need to fix with your application.


    1) Your backstory is sadly too short, it needs to be at least a good paragraph long. If you need any help in writing a backstory, just private msg me and I can help :)

  2. xnqFCyk.png

    I'm sorry my friend, I hate to say this but your application has been denied. There is one massive, glaring issue. 


    1) Your application is half complete, you are missing the entire Roleplay section, definitions, etc. Here is the proper format, make sure you get it all.



    Do not fear! This is not the end! This simply means the requirements that were assigned to the application were not completely fulfilled. The following reasons will be listed below. You may reapply after 24 hours, if you apply sooner than 24 hours you will face denial. If you are in need of any assistance feel free to message me via forums.

  3. There are many stars in the sky, however, a few are brighter than the others. Allow not your shine to falter, for if you are truly excellent, to be dimmed by the jealousy of others, is the greatest disappointment ever. 


    Life is a road and death is the destination, there are many who travel the same road because it is the safest path which is the slowest way to said destination, but has very little in stories. Then there is those who make a road that reaches the destination in a blaze of glory, they are remembered, but burn out so quickly. The best of life is those who find a happy balance, able to enjoy their life, yet also able to make something rememberable.


    True Law, protects and supports all, it is only the corruption and greed of humanity that has corrupted it. False Law only protects and supports those who have written it, these laws must be destroyed if we are to ever progress.

  4. iq7aY2W.png

    Hello Friend!, I have some bad news to tell you, your application was ALMOST accepted, sadly there was a tiny error that prevented your application from being acceptable by the standards of Lord of the Craft. It is an extremely easy thing, and I feel bad for having to put you in pending for such a small thing. However you are not being denied, and I hope you fix it within 24 Hours or else I will have to deny it. Please send me a private msg on the forums, so I can accept you as soon as possible.


    1) Your definition of Metagaming and power-gaming are switched, please correct this.

  5. xnqFCyk.png

    I'm sorry my friend, terrible tidings have arrived, you did not complete the last edit needed for your application to be changed from pending to accepted. Sadly I will have to deny you, please reapply again in a couple hours time. I know you can do it! don't give up hope.

  6. iq7aY2W.png

    Sorry friend! I sadly have some bad news. Your application was not deemed acceptable by the standards of Lord of the Craft. Your application was rather decent, however, there are a few problems that need fixing before your application can go from Pending to Accepted. Do not worry, you are not being denied, just need to fix a few little details. You have 24 Hours to do so



    1) There appears to be no reference to the lore within your application, the only closest thing I could find, was "The Great War of Unity" which I looked up on the wiki, and couldn't find anything on it. If you can prove that was a reference to the lore, please private msg me. 


    2) The Skin you are using, deliberately says "DO NOT USE ON LOTC". It appears to be made by someone of a different username, please make sure to ask if you can, and or prove that you have their permission (or actually the skin creator). However do not fret, if you need a skin, private msg me on the forums with some details and I could personally make you a Temp skin.


    Do not give up! I believe in you.

    (After you are done with the edits, please private msg me as soon as possible so I can review it again.)

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