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Status Updates posted by Repiteo

  1. You are so cruel to me.

  2. You are so sweet to me

  3. You are the true backbone to this server friend. Keep up the unparalleled dedication and effort you are showing now!

  4. You sneaky badger...

    ...But yeah, likely gonna be either RIGHT before the map change, or sometime soonish after.

  5. You wingnuts and your peer pressurin'... Now you're making me consider purchasing TERA...

    1. Swgrclan


      Don't do it. I'll have to put you down, boy.

    2. Heero


      Don't man! Nooo!

  6. You'll have to wait until Friday or Saturday for me to manslaughter your character.

  7. You're so sweet to me~

  8. Your page is very awry for FM's...

  9. Your rep has exceeded 100. Congratulations, you are now one with the taint.

  10. Yup, its settled. I'm killing off Pal'un sometime this week. ...That, or making him go on a long journey to make possible cameos in the future. Regardless, he's going away pretty soon.

    1. Arkelos


      Isn't that your black orc?! If so I'd like to talkk to you about the death, pm me.

    2. Arien


      Bool I just met him!!!

    3. Arien


      Lol instead of Bool I meant to say Nooo

  11. Yus, another kid for me to abu- I mean look after with upmost care.

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