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Posts posted by Zebanamana

  1. Here's what I don't understand:

    If you have a tyrannical dictator, and a rebellion forming, and then the dictator voluntarily admits he's not a great ruler and hands the throne over to somebody who also doesn't like the old dictator...

    Why wouldn't the rebellion be satisfied? They have a ruler who is proven to be a strategic genius, and who has shown, many times, that he only disliked Oren because of their King (and the terrible RPers). And yet they still rebel...

    That never really made sense to me...

    A lot of characters did not like Gaius nor trust him in the slightest. Many thought Gaius would punish Oren by subjecting her to orc raids, others thought he'd be a tyrant, and many more who are racist against orcs did not trust his alliance. It was coupled with him being a long standing enemy of Oren who had invaded their homes, dishonored them, and fought against them with the orcs. People who feel the shame of losing their homes and being at the mercy of some foreign power are not going to instantly feel gratified that he took the place of the last King. In fact it might just seem like a trade in names or worse. If someone breaks into your house you don't feel happy about having them come in again by a means you did not choose.

    That being said, Gaius was a great leader, and very intelligent when it came to leading a military force. My character very much approved of having him become king because he knew that Gaius would be the King that Oren needed. But the in character sentiments towards him that came from many in the rebellion were far too strong. It really could be taken as the United States (Oren) is at war with Russia (Krugmar) ((I know this Cold War era comparisons are ridiculous XD but it's just to make a point)) Then a nation with a strong military (The Black Crosses) joins into the war on the side of Russia and help defeat and humiliate the US' troops, it builds resentment, people do not like losing. Then having the President decide "I am not doing a good job, but I know someone who is a really good commander and a strong leader." Then hands the Presidency to the leader of the strong military nation, it seems like the ultimate defeat at the hands of the enemy.

    There had been twenty IC years of distrust, hatred, and bloodshed between Oren and the Black Crosses. People remember that.

    As for people doing it for OOC reasons, undoubtedly there were some as there always are, but the main reason of disposing of Gaius was not OOC first then IC. There was a legitimate reason the rebels had for wanting him gone and out of Oren. It is a shame though, there was a great deal of RP that went into organizing the rebellion and there would have been a great deal more had Enor not given away the throne, but alas if people do not see the rp behind it they assume it never happened. Which is moderately reasonable, but I assure everyone there was.

    I do hope that there can be some OOC peace between all the factions, because I know after this many people hated Renatus out of character, many people from Renatus hated the other faction members, and so on. I just want there to be some calm understanding.

  2. The ideas would work if the guards were experienced roleplayers and the villain's were experienced villains. But often times that is not the case. The real change that needs to be made is training the guards in character and out of character to be better, and to remove guards who just are not good at roleplay. It is difficult to administer punishments for villains as well, because the situation often times consists of bad rp'ing guards and bad rp'ing villains, or one good roleplayer in the pair that doesn't want to deal with the other. Most good villains will outsmart the guards, catch them powergaming, or just not pay attention to them. Then bad villains will just try and escape no matter what, they will fight and roll until they are free and unable to be punished.

  3. ( lol I am confused, did you just help salvus? It sounds like you are saying salvus's prices are super low, and renatus's are super high? :P )

    (( XD Maybe I am. No harm no foul. Though now I expect you to have runner tell Enor about how fantastic the uhh. . . Shrubbery I guess, is in Renatus.))

  4. A runner arrives in the Capital of Renatus freshly returned from the Kingdom of Salvus. He arrives promptly in Zibaen's warehouse where the Baron is fussing over the low amounts of supplies are trickling in. The runner slips Zibaen a parchment flier slightly damp from the rain.

    Muttering the old man blinks his eyes to bring them into focus before returning his attention to the advertisement. "This is a list of how many houses we have available, and how much they cost. This will be updated every so often. They are going FAST, we have already sold about 23 homes so get yours before its gone!" He whispers as he reads.

    "They are selling medium sized houses for nine thousand minas." The young runner throws in only to be accented by Zibaen's fist descending onto a chest with a resounding thud.

    "Nine thousand minas! Well those prices are just absurd! How can they afford to make such great deals? Surely the taxes must be horrendous." Zibaen declares incredulously. Surely only a madman could afford selling so low!

    "The taxes for smaller housing is two hundred minas, I can only imagine that taxes for medium sized housing would be less than five hundred minas."

    Zibaen looks up from the parchment darkly, his face shadowed by the dancing dark cast by the torchlight. His eyes set upon the runner with duress that only a spurned man could muster. "Less than five hundred minas. . . How can he afford such great deals." Less than five hundred minas meant that after slaying a giant slime monster and collecting all it's coin you would still have enough left over after paying the tax. "What a great deal. . ." He mutters thinking of the 18,000 minas shops on the main street, the 8,000 minas stall in a poor location, and the shed he has been living in for three years now.

    No removing his eyes from the runner Zibaen declares authoritatively, "Leave me."

    ((Two can play at this game Enor XD))

  5. Isn't the noble district where Therving Tavern is?

    ((That will be the main shopping district. The area the stall is in is planned to be the Noble District. Outside the small gate will be the Middle Class Civilian housing. Then the bluff will be for the castle and Council houses.))

  6. Zibaen glances over at the price for the stall and as if the world itself was shaking he shudders.

    "Dear lord. That's a bit less than half the price of a three story house. So. . . This is equal to forty percent of a three story building? That does not seem right." He mutters over the incredulity of the pricing.

  7. Just wait and you will see the result.

    I am willing to wait, it's just I hate how cookie cutter they are. They don't have any flare that would make people enjoy them and their looks. Their charm lies in having a material pallet that hurts your eyes. I do hope it gets work done for the better.

    And yes the Renatus City Slums.

  8. As you are walking through Renatus you happen to notice a small warehouse with signs outside it. Zibaen is buying supplies? You think perhaps that would be a good way to earn some minas and you decide to look into it, and try to find Zibaen.

    ((:P Clayman730 in-game. Find me and I will probably get you a lazy resource gathering job. It's up to you.))

  9. I know this is odd to say, but I hate how the slums look in all honesty. They just look bad, and not in a roleplay "Oh this slums are so disorganized and grotesque." But instead they are bad in the sense that they feel like they are houses someone would build on their first day playing minecraft. They are incredible bland and boring, far too organized to be where the poorest of the poor are setting up houses made up of scrap material.

    What we have are formula made houses that are akin to this:


    When we should have slums that look more like this:


    Bits and pieces of materials, some logs, some lumber, a bit of stone here and there. They should also be stacked up not in neat rows. I would love to see some misshapen houses in the slums to be two or three stories high and have them connected to each other by flimsy bridges and crowded together to form tight ally ways.

    Besides that I really disagree with building the slums first but I can't really complain in character about that at this point. We should have built the castle first; a nice sturdy keep with strong walls at a high position that our people could live in for a while. That way we could have prevented that whole Orc crisis by having somewhere secure to be living in. Then we should have moved to the housing of the nobles and built that up so that they are made without any significant size restrictions and out of good materials. Then we could have moved onto the main middle class housing to give to the bulk of our current population since they deserve nice housing for sticking with us through the move. After that we should have used the rest of our resources to go into making the slums.

    I would love if we could just concentrate our resources on a keep for the time being. It's not like we are even close to being a liked nation, in fact we are probably going to be attacked countless times in the upcoming weeks, and if we don't give ourselves some better security and work faster on building our city then I doubt we will be a nation by the time February rolls by.

  10. Yes, little ol' Zibaen found out about us being Monks of St. Daniel and I know for damn sure that was a last minute tactical ingenuity by my character :P

    Even I believe it was confirmed that Ivrae metagamed as well :3

    Well at that point you guys were let through the gate because I had warned of an attack :P It made sense not to let tons of guys from an organization that no one had seen before through. But you guys got through the gates anyways two minutes later. I dunno if the First Siege of Al'Khazar is the best example of it. Most of the Undead fights were. It only took one person in Snowy Fields who was alerted of an attack coming for half of Aegis to show up. (Though they were fun battles)

  11. If it is a small and modest town, ultimately yes, if the place has walls, that will be a pain in arse to traverse and what is your safeguard against another Ivrae situation happening might I ask?

    I can answer that. Before the First Siege of Al'Khazar you and Kai spoke with me so that I would see eye to eye with you and let Edmund fall. You did this because I knew where Noremberg was, and I was planning to lead an attack on it should Brett become King. I decided that I would not interfere so long as no civilians were harmed then we agreed that I would be allowed to move citizens out of the city. When you let me go I alerted Huron that we were about to be attacked and everyone prepared. It wasn't ooc information that alerted everyone of the attack. It was little ole' Zibaen XD

  12. Killing animals that have been domesticated should require a very basic villain app, it is thievery. I think it should be handled mostly in character though, but people need to realize that you can't just hop a fence into someone else's farm and just kill their animals if you are a morally righteous person. It breaks rp for people not to have sympathy towards animals or other people's possessions. Its not a huge break in rp by any means, but it is definitely there and it's hardly fair at all to the person who herded the animals.

  13. I was given a list and it was late in the evening. Everyone was tired. You might get a better reputation (and a better chance of getting a noble title) if you don't make unfounded claims of favoritism because you didn't get a title when this list was first posted.

    Perhaps I misspoke but the consistency in which Council Members are overlooked in this government is frustrating to say the least. Being excluded from votes, from decisions, not being informed, and now being forgotten leaves me to make the conclusion of favoritism. I may be wrong, but I have yet to see anything to prove the contrary. My position was quite often forgotten during the reign of Enor I would very much prefer this not to happen yet again. I must have been wrong to believe that me being a veteran to the Council, a founding member of the Revolution and this government, an emissary between Renatus and Hanseti, and a consistently helpful member of our nation that I would get some sort of recognition, that perhaps someone would remember I exist for once.

    I have been shaking off this frustration for years. A dam that is not maintained cannot hold back the tides forever, nor can my reserved nature hold back my frustration by this continued disrespect being thrown at my name and the Vivyaen House.

  14. I do not know the circumstances of why you were removed from the Council, nor did I vote to have you removed from it. 'Tis a shame that one of the founders of the Phoenix Revolutionaries would be removed from a position they worked hard to attain. Even worse to see them removed from a position they have held for many years that they earned through hard work. I will not throw in my support for you though, not until I fully know what the reasoning behind it was.

    -Zibaen Vivyaen, High Treasurer of Renatus, Emissary between East and West Oren, and Diplomat of Lunavara.

  15. (( but this entire naming thing is pretty bad lore wise as Latin never existed in Aegis and neither did Phoenixs, so the order can't really claim to be called Phoenix as it is 'reborn' because ICly, no one knows what a Phoenix is and there was never one in Aegis to be reborn. ))

    ((Latin is fine, we aren't language experts, we can't just make up a language on the spot. Even classy roleplayers like Fryst acknowledge this. Regarding Phoenix's, don't be stingy. We are roleplaying. People roleplay getting birds all the time, people roleplay having pencils and pens or quills, they pretend to whetstones and frying pans. We can't have all of this in minecraft because it would be too complex to add it. Don't be stingy about it, there is leeway in what can and can't be done. Using Latin if fine, I personally don't like it, but honestly it's not wrong. Having Phoenix's is fine because minecraft is limited.

    This doesn't mean that you can go around speaking real fictional languages like Dragon from Skyrim, or Klingon, or Sindarin. Nor should you go around pretending you have wings, or that there are no birds other than chickens in Aegis. Imagination is fantastic :D ))

  16. I can support the Realm of Fenice, or just the Realm of the Phoenix so we can be in contrast to the Realm of Hanseti. Though our combined nations should continue to be called the Kingdom or Empire of Oren. It is imperative that we do not lose sight of our roots or our heritage. We still are the sons and daughters of Horen, and our nation should in some way still reflect our great ancestor.

    The Realm of Fenice and Hanseti should fall under the singular body of the Confederation of Oren. At present we have two leaders, but they and their Councils have agreed to come together in times of need to plan for defense and war and international dealings. We are separate but unified in a Confederation and we should acknowledge this.

    -Zibaen Vivyaen, High Treasurer of the Western Biumvirate, Emissary of the the Western and Eastern Biumvirates, Servant of Oren.

  17. perhaps, but it does not sit well with me. about 300 players can play at a time. divide that by 4 for all the race nations and there are roughly 75 players representing each nation. We really cant afford to divide up within ourselves like that anymore. one side needs to consume the other or the human race will fail on the new map. and we are already failing as it is.

    Our guards and rulers have lost more than half of Oren! sure you can say the GMs planned it that way no matter what we did but honestly I think we could have prolonged it if we had guards that are assigned to guard.

    ((Humans are far and away the most populated race in the game so it's not that big of a deal. Plus struggle through adversity. It makes the rp even better if we are weaker, and if the nation collapses and is conquered by another nation then that is even better. We need a good empire on this server to make things interesting. Then rebels can work against the Emperor, or if the humans are conquered they can work for remaking old Oren. It's not a strategy game it's a roleplay game. We fit our roles and how our characters will fit into the world, our characters should be selfish because most people are. Not everyone should be gong-ho about a united Oren because given the circumstances of the succession and the previous King people would be infuriated.

    Likewise, our characters should be thinking about who rules their own nation instead of the other ones. They shouldn't be thinking, "Oh well I will accept this ruler because he was chosen and if we revolt we might be weaker." People do not think that way, because if they did many nations and successful rebellions would have never occurred. The Colonists did not fight the British Empire while thinking of the stability and strength of the empire as a whole. They did not care that they would be weakening the Empire and leaving them slightly more vulnerable to attacks from their enemies (like the French). The reason is that people are selfish, they don't care about the big picture, they care about what is around them and what directly affects them and their comfort.

    So I say no, we do not need one leader, we do not need to be one united country, we do not need to be united in our resolve of being strong against the other nations. We should be loyal to ourselves and the small factions that share our interests within the nations. People should be loyal to their House and what their House supports or be deviant in a way. But very few people should be looking at the grand scheme of things and say "Hey we need divine intervention because we may be at a disadvantage when we get to the new world."


  18. ((I hope the admins come down soon or maybe at the end of the world and make it so we have a clear ruler and brand spankin new order to refresh Oren and have a clear line of succession from now on.))

    ((I don't at all. Division makes for more realistic roleplay. Plus there is no way this will be settled unless one of the leaders dies and someone from their faction doesn't assume control. I am reminded a bit of the War of Roses and the divide between the Roman Empire. It's interesting because now it matters what House you belong to, who you give your support to, where you live, ect. We do not want one clear ruler because that would be extremely boring. We have something interesting going, and with the new set up of regions in the new map it'll be even more so. While Oren may control five territories, different Houses will likely control the different regions who in turn give their support to the different factions that are claiming control. A bit like the Empire and Stormcloak division in Skyrim.))

  19. Aye, though there has been division in Oren our nation has become stronger. Where once our nation was reduced down to Galahar and Talun (which is for the most part abandoned) we have gained the support of the once sovereign Black Cross Faction. Now instead of South to North our nation stretches east to west as a shield against southern Aegis. Both ruling factions of Oren are dedicated to the cause of defending this world against the scourge of the Undead, and now that we have put aside our mutual differences, and our ineffective rulers we can at fight the Undead with the ferocity that the men of Snowy Fields once had.

    I tell you; we will fight the Undead tooth and nail for every foot lost in their continued conquest. For every step they take from us we shall take a thousand of them as payment. Oren prevails.

    -Zibaen Vivyaen

    Emissary of Eastern and Western Oren, and High Treasurer of the Phoenix Faction.

  20. I couldn't care who takes the throne. They wont have much of an effect on us regular citizens. What I do care about is Galahar. I want it to be in the hands of a man who is one of us. Who can improve the town. Who cares about its people.

    Tarus is not this man.

    He has not lived among us. He simply arrived and threw us all into pandemonium. He may be of noble birth, but he has no place in Galahar. The town should be controlled by Braxis, or another man who has lived here for years.

    Eze'kiel Tarus has been among Oren for years. Doubtless you have passed his manor numerous times when Al'Khazar still stood.

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