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Braehn Elendil An'Hiraeth

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Posts posted by Braehn Elendil An'Hiraeth

  1. ((Well hang on, I disagree with this. People would use being Adunian as an excuse to live longer, and I won't allow that. Too many people stray away from the traditional Adunian ways as it is. If you want to be an Adunian, agree to follow the lore.))


    Edit:I started the Adunian subrace two years ago, and I'd like to see it not stray away from the path it was meant to follow.))

  2. "It is good to have you back sir, things have been terrible since your capture." A well armored man said. At his side was a shield with the emblem of Clan Douglas.

    "Aye Gavin, well now I'm back and perhaps I can set things right." He rears his horse and says "Let's go get this over with, if we are to survive, my daughter can not lead us any longer."

    Gavin nod's and pursues in a fast gallop down the street. As they slow their gallop, Torrhen gazes up at the Horen Manor. "Coz..." he thinks to himself "Help me save our people..." He looks to Gavin with a stern face. "Let's go." He says, dismounting his courser, taking the reigns. He holds them out to a young boy "Hitch these and I'll give you a Gold Horen."

    The boy looks up at him and nods, taking the reigns to his horse. "Take Ser Gavin's too." Torrhen says, waving a hand at Gavin. As he dismounts they line up at the door. "I'll do the talking." He said to Gavin, walking into the Manor.

    As Torrhen looks around he calls out "Your Imperial Majesty, I have returned from my captivity to regain what is mine and save our people." He looks up the staircase, awaiting a response.

  3. OOC:

    Just had two questions about Adunians.

    Why exactly do Adunians get an extra 50-80 years while other half-elves do not with this new rule change?

    Do Adunians have any drawbacks, or are they just humans who get to live 50 or so years longer, that look quite similar to a traditional human? Do they face infertility? I just feel infertility is a very easy cure to trade for looking and fighting similarly to a human while having added years.

    ((Well Adunians do have some drawbacks. The added years was something I created in my noob days and that stuck. The infertility explains why there are so few Adunians as it is. The Adunians were given the extra years after the curses were cast because they were the original half-breeds. I'm not saying there were a few others, but this was the major half-breed race.

    They received both curses in unison, shorter life than elves and infertility. They however were given longer life than average humans and greater height, like the elves. Their culture is somewhat primitive and that is a drawback.

    So, they're the half elves that were given both curses and gifts, as they were the first half elves at the time of the hexing. I hope this answers your questions C:))

  4. "Aye, Inquisitor. We are not in any place to attack as it is, so we must hunker down and heal the open wounds left by those who opposed me." Torrhen gives him an affirmative nod.

    "Ser Hanrahan, I still want you to speak to the Thanes, see to it they are aware of our dire situation." He says gruffly, looking to Hanrahan. "I want Lochlannach ready for raids, if Ulfhaedyn is as brash as I fear. He'll attack without a doubt.We only need to worry about keeping him out, and we leave the politics to the Inquisitors and those Aedric doesn't want to gut."

  5. *Torrhen nods to Septimus. "It will be considered, Septimus, much goes into being a Clan of the great Adunian people." He smiles at him.

    His face then turns cold and looks at Toov. "Your doubts are not without reason, for there are some rambunctious patriots within my people, who I have personally put down. The Imperial Majesty has forgiven the sins of my father and welcomed us back into the Empire, why would I want to forsake that kindness? My blood is that of the Holy Emperor's blood, and I do not turn my back on my kin. Though my brother and I had this quarrel, we are still brothers. While Thorenir has no love for me, I love him as a brother."

    He walks over to Toov and says aloud. "Also, my father had a knack for losing battles? The one battle he lost was the one he was destined to lose. It is a pain to think of, yet he could not win. The battles he was in that he lost, were not battles he has lead, he was a mere soldier at the time."

  6. Torrhen watches his brother leave and sighs. "He is right," he thought to himself. He rises from the table and says loudly, his hands clasped together. "My Lords, my ladies, I am your Lord again, and I thank you for your votes. Harrion's self removal has opened my eyes. All who opposed me are forgiven, yet not forgotten. Your posts are yours as they were before, and I hope you can put trust back with me."

    He looks upwards at the head of the table, where Godfrey sits. "Your Imperial Majesty, what are your thoughts on this matter?"

  7. Torrhen grins, sitting up strait. "Dearest brother, she was named 'future' lady. As she is far too young to take the throne, I was named Lord until she came of age at thirty five. Seeing as she gave up her right to the throne, she only removed her candidacy, not her title. Now the vote is between you, and I."

  8. "Torrhen stands up and says across the table. "Nay sire! He is now my heir, as Isabella was mine. Also, seeing as you are a contender for the throne, it does not go to you now unless the council says so."

    He looks to Alasdair. "Alasdair, my friend, you were there when Winterhall fell, when my father was stabbed to death. So was I, so were many of the faithful Clan leaders here today."

    As he wipes back a tear, he points to Harrion. "Was he? Did he fight for the Adunian people, for his family? Nay!" He then waves his hand out to the Emperor. "My father's mistake cost us dearly, yet it was a mistake we paid together, he has not suffered as we have suffered! He has been gone for many a year in Hightower court of Salvus, that has slew many of our people after the war. I hold no ill will to the Hightowers, as the past is the past. Alasdair, I had him arrested as he had tried to take the throne that was mine from me more than twice. He abandoned our people and only returned to take the throne. Do you want that man sitting on it?"

    He crosses his arms. "Be that as it may, why should someone who has not bled with his people, who has not held a dying man in his arms as the walls fell down! Who has not comforted a sobbing widow! I for one will not allow such a man to lead my people!"

    He takes his seat and looks about the table, looking for their reactions.

  9. *Torrhen sits at at the table, his hands rested on the table. He looks over to the Emperor. "I have taken the liberty of explaining the issue to the Clan Heads of Armas, Stark,MacCray ,Skara Brae, Caellach, McHaryn, Stafyr,Angus, and Douglas. They are fully aware of the situation at hand."

    He shoots a glare to Thorenir and gives him a cold stare. "The Lia Lial, our Stone of King's, has decided my daughter will rule when she comes of age, and I shall remain Lord until then. If any Clan Chief shall go against the Lia Lial, than he goes against the very symbol of Adunian pride."

    "Your Imperial Majesty,your word is final on the matter, yet the Stone has spoken what is best for all Adunia. I hope you, as well as all men and women here today, do not disregard the stone."

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