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Status Updates posted by Verilius

  1. Congrats on the acceptance! How did you get it so quickly though!?

  2. I'm very sorry to bother you, but would you mind looking at my application, as it's been a while since I posted it. I do apologise for asking, as I know it must be rather annoying for you.

    The post is 'Verilius' Application' and I think it's currently on the 5th page.

  3. Sorry to bother you but could you look at my app please? It's been ignored for pretty much 3 days and that makes me sad :'(

  4. Sorry to bother you, but would you mind giving my app a once over? The server looks amazing and I'd love to be a part of it. Thanks :)

  5. Why thank you :) see you in Aegis hopefully! Perhaps our characters will get along as well as we do.

  6. Would you mind taking a look at my app please, it's been 3 days and I've had no feed back. Sorry to bother you.

  7. Would you mind taking a look at my app please? It's been 3 days and I've had no feed back. Positive or negative, it's got to be better than nothing. Thanks and sorry for bothering you.

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