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Status Updates posted by DKC1011

  1. Commander Shepard disapproves of this shocking revelation that players are to be forced into PVP default. The idea that one man, one very specific man is all that stands between rpers and their very brief existance!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eleatic
    3. Samoblivion


      *Insert mysogynistic Miranda joke here*

    4. DKC1011


      "Oh Shepard, thank you for saving me and my entire family" said Miranda, at that moment, Grunt, James, Jacob and all other men above the Normandy got sizeable oppression boners, they hate bated their rage boners as Shepard spread his lips into a smile. "It was a privilege"

  2. "Being Manly isn't about not feeling pain. It's about feeling pain and not giving a ****" ~Me 2013

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Get offline and go have a long hard think about what you just said.

    2. blindmind


      I believe DK just explained Rugby to me.

    3. gingernut97


      I'm going to steal this quote.

  3. No, friend, whats on YOUR mind?

  4. Whats this? I'm lost in elven holy land? TIME TO DRINK MY OWN PISS

    1. Morg


      Always so dramatic.

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