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LaCabra (Soda)

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Posts posted by LaCabra (Soda)

  1. I'm all for something new, especially that boat idea! Just want to bring up an OOC side to this as well, perhaps as a community we could all hype the heck out of LotC while we wait. If we're able to drag in a heck of a lot of new players for 4.0, more people' be able to enjoy the new map and perhaps bring some new tastes to the server.

    It can offer a chance for more bonding between the community (which we all need, obviously) and can overall grow our numbers. A server wide advertising spree; YouTube videos, Planet Minecraft, Minecraft Forums, get LotC back up in the ranks of Minestatus... Might be cool.

    We used to have voting contests and goals to advertise all the time back in the day, maybe we can start it up again! Anyone up for it?

  2. One of the more important, unfinished things at this moment for 4.0 is making videos for the new plugins, these new plugins require some getting used to and the last thing we want to do is have you guys figuring them out during the whirlwind of the first few days/weeks.

    I'm usually not one to question your judgement Shift, but we're going to have plugins that are hard to understand? I thought they were meant to simplify things, not make them worse.
  3. Alrighty, so I made an animation of my character Grothmar killing a pig with a tomahawk just to sort of test the waters with Mine-imator 1.0. Turns out, it's quite simple and fun to use! (check it out here, it's free: http://www.stuffbydavid.com/mineimator )


    The video's played in slow motion because I haven't gotten an editing program yet, but I should have one soon. For a first try, I think I did alright.


    Now without further ado: 


  4. Grothmar'Gorkil sits atop Baga, a young dark red Scaddernack, holding tightly to the beast's reigns. They swiftly cross mountainous lands away from any villages or cities to avoid trouble. After a rough ride, Grothmar and Baga arrive in the Warcamp. Grothmar sees the Orcs discussing the matter between the Druids and the Elves. Silence follows after the Rex finishes his speech.

    After the Orcs are given time to think, Grothmar's voice raises from atop the Scaddernack.

    "Rex, da Druidz will nub ztand a chance againzt da might ob da High Albaiz by demselvez... But wid help dey kould bekome free agayn. Grogmar... Will da Urukz join wid doze who kan nub ztand alone?"

  5. 1 Why you deserve a model. (Can be silly) This is a must.
    Don't you know who I am? I'm Bili ****ing Hollowmead, I led the Halflings back in late Asulon and early Anthos, I'm a legend. I am the slayer of the modern woman, I've hatched a Scaddernack, I've tamed a Scaddernack, I've defeated a Flay, I've defeated a Rex, I've defeated a got-dam Undead (back in Aegis), I've been crucified by Orcs, I've thrown fireworks on Orcs, I invented the fireworks I threw on Orcs. I'm a legend.
    2. Character size. (Height, if they're fatter, etc) Use -ish statements. (Halfling-ish, Orc-ish)
    My current character Grothmar is an Orc, but he's smaller than most. I'd say human-ish size, taller and thinner like... Adunian-ish.
    3. Character pose. (What they're doin' with their booooty body)
    A wooden staff in hand, he should be holding it together in his hands (very Yoda-esque), leaning on it and staring sternly forward. Here's a Yoda pic for reference:


    4. Character skin. (The flat PNG file, not a screenshot)


  6. Milo Herbwallow stands by the notice board, handing out fliers to those who pass by. The fliers read:

    "Vote for Rupert Herbwallow! He invented the firesparks we love so dearly, co-invented the game of shogs we all play, and co-invented the cigars which would once again return to our village for our enjoyment if he were to be elected! Why would we not vote for him!"

    Bili Hollowmead sits inside a canoe made of clouds over the Vale, a smile on his face. While no one is around, he flies his cloud canoe down and reads the election papers. Suddenly his canoe turns a dark, sinister gray, and lightning booms down from it. Yelling at the top of his lungs, "INVENTED THE FIRESPARKS, 'E DID? OF ALL ME ACCOMPLISHMEN'S IN TOWN, AN' THEY CAN' REMEMBER ME COLOURED FIREBOMBS!"

    Angry, he rows up into the sky and his canoe boat rains down on the town for the rest of the day.

  7. Far away from the safety of the Silver City's impenetrable walls, Grothmar plunges a blade into the stomach of a traveling High Elf. Their fight had not lasted long, the famous Mali wisdom had not saved the poor Elf out when it came to swinging a blade. With a jerk, Grothmar's blade opens the belly of the High Elf and gore spills forth. Its final nasally words are cut short as the Elf's head is hewn from its neck. The body falls limply to the ground.

    Grothmar cleans his blade as he hears a fellow Uruk speaking of the proclamation from Haelun'or banning and condemning Druids. He grunts, as the Druids have helped him out on more than one occasion. He steps towards the lifeless body of the Elf and kicks it, a bit of blood spills from its wounds.

    "Juzt anudda reazon tu flat da High Albaiz, bruddahz! Now let'z katch more!"

    The hunt for Higher blood continues on.

  8. I hear many




    But no long, clear and concise



    There have been plenty of "why's" to accompany all of the "no's", the most resounding one being that guns don't belong in the fantasy setting of Lord of the Craft. They may in Warhammer, they may in WoW, but we are not either of those.

    Barely anyone can handle an unfair battle without a ban report (or three) going up, guns won't help that in the least bit.

    The Lore Team has already said no to this kind of technology.

    There are your three "why's."

  9. Grothmar is 6' (smaller than most) pea-soup green Orc that was raised in the desert by wolves, so he can speak wolf. The wolves were hunted down by a pack of humans. After being visited by a dragon god, who gave him a bright red meteor katana and gifted him the power of super strength and the ability to transform into a wolf. Grothmar vows to destroy all humans to avenge his wolf family.

  10. The rules seem fair to me, but the argument going on here seems to be over something much different than the rules themselves. You guy should either take the argument over why Orcs are attacking to PMs or perhaps a different thread.

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