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LaCabra (Soda)

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Posts posted by LaCabra (Soda)

  1. I actually kinda like this, it's not the run-of-the-mill magic idea. It'd add more of a fantasy feel (and not /weird/ fantasy, we have too much of that) to the server, which I'm always in support of. It's also a magic that doesn't take months to learn - NICE!

    As for questions, are you planning to make some sort of evil guild with this?

  2. As I have been breeding the past few days, I feel I've got enough experience to post my feedback on the matter!

    1. Training Sticks - They are mentioned the game's description of breeders, which makes them seem like a vital tool to the profession. However, unless I am mistaken, they aren't even implemented yet. Please get them in soon, or give a better explanation of their purpose.

    2. Wait Times - Now, I have spent two days breeding. The thing that has pissed me off most is "This animal cannot be bred yet!" It can last for hours, it lasted for 2-3 hours in my case and I am a fair breeder. Now, this wouldn't be so bad if there was a countdown to it at least... Can you implement that in any way? A tool to tell you when an animal can breed again? Maybe a special item can drop the wait time, like an odd food?

    3. Golden Foods - Horses are not breedable because the items necessary to do so are not craftable. Please, give us a way to make golden carrots and golden apples.

    If I think of anything more I'll update this post!

  3. Grothmar's eyes run over the note in curiosity, in hopes that it may be a sign that he has won a great deal of gold while gambling. He gets a goblin to read it for him. His nose crinkles and he says, confused, "Eek-nah-more-zeen... Diz be ztupid pinkie miz-cheef! Begone wid it! Grothmar thoughd diz waz hiz gold-hoard!" He tears the paper on the Warcamp noticeboard down in a fit of wrath. The goblin departs, leaving Grothmar alone.

    (Ah, how did I guess when I read the title that the elitists would come barging in! It's okay to deny him teaching guys, but the prickish comments? Come on. That's not cool. Explain to him what he's doing wrong without being an arse.

    Drfate, usually requests like this are bad news bears. You'll do better finding people in game to teach you, maybe set it up OOC with someone who's willing!)

  4. HOUR WAIT TIMES FOR A CHESTPLATE IS NOTHING.    Now you can't itemwhore, congratulations! Your items actually have value! Stop ******* complaining, the wait times make this plugin what it is.

    You are aware that some people don't have hours to spend on their computers, right? Some people have obligations to family, work, church, schooling, sports, etc. I'm not sure why you think this complaint is so impatient.

    Just to give an idea, as this will be myself and countless others once school starts. There are 24 hours in a day, usually 12-14 of it is spent awake... School takes away 7 hours. So let's say we have 5 left. Sports take away another three. We have two left. Homework takes away another hour. We have a single remaining hour.

    Should we spend this hour making chestplates on Minecraft?

  5. This thread is where you can post some of your favorite bands and maybe throw in some of their best albums or songs! Maybe it can lighten up some OOC tensions, music taste is a good place to find similarities with other people.

    I'll start:

    The Killers - Hot Fuss album (album is a legend)

    Vampire Weekend - Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa, Giving Up the Gun, A-Punk Don't Lie

    Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix album

    Bon Iver - Bon Iver, Bon Iver album (creative, huh)

    The Paper Kites - States album

  6. I think a lot of the problems actually just come from the forums themselves. It's truly the OOC side of LotC in its full glory (not so glorious). A lot of problems, like your warns, biased behavior, etc., would be much less common if the majority of players were on the server rather than the forum. We're meant to play the game after all, aren't we?

  7. A fresh temp map that will get old within 2 weeks, and no one even knows when 4.0 is coming, or if it's going to be delayed. This is the same crap they pulled with the four temp maps before we had Anthos. "Oh new map is nearly done." That's the same **** that's been said every month. It's come to the point where I can't even trust your words at this point.

    I'm not just upset because of this map, but because of the same mistakes repeated. We sifted through four months between several temp maps that stagnated quickly. They promised that 3.0 would be a small map, but Anthos turned into a complete repeat of everything that was wrong with Asulon. At this point, I am unsure about 4.0. If 4.0 becomes a repeat of mistakes, I'm gone.

    As for the Fringe. It was their own fault for releasing the Fringe long before 4.0 was done.

    I recall you posting within the past week about how stale the server is getting and how something needs to be done in order for the server to get better.

    Now that the staff has responded to this, you seem to have another thing to gripe about. This is a TEMPORARY map, a TEMPORARY fix to the problem that is this server's 'fun'. Now, this TEMPORARY fix is meant to hold the gap between now and 4.0, which is so very close. I'd say what you, me, and most of the server need to do is just hunker down, grow a pair, and wait. Not much can be done until our new map hits us.

  8. My character was killed a few times a while back solely because he was an Orc. It got old real fast. On a large scale, it'd just be outrageous, so many people would be upset. Think White Rose vs. Elves x 10. It's not really fair to destroy anyone's RP, let alone a whole race's.

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