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Status Replies posted by Haz

  1. ((I encourage all players to spend more time in LOTC interacting rather than the forums. It kills the realism of RP.))

    1. Haz


      "All the negativity in responses is only proof. <3"

      If you're going to state your opinion, at least be prepared to defend it.

      If all you expected was positivity to such an opinion, then you really do need to open your mind.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  2. ((I encourage all players to spend more time in LOTC interacting rather than the forums. It kills the realism of RP.))

    1. Haz


      The realism of RP?

      You're talking about a game whereby all is blocks, you're talking about a server where magic and dragons exist and you want...


      The OOC part to Roleplay is a necessary one, my friend. Without such things it would be impossible to moderate certain aspects of roleplay, which would otherwise ruin it. Look at it from both sides, jump the fence for once.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

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