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Status Replies posted by Haz

  1. this "welcome ___ to the server!" thing is going to get annoying, fast.

  2. It might just be the time that I am looking at the forums, but there are more people applying to be villains than new applications. What is wrong with this server?

    1. Haz


      In addition, this time of year is never good for new additions to the server and it never as been.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hm, my 3000th post is coming up. What should I do?

  4. What if I made vlogs about Lord of the Craft, and roleplaying in general? :o Maybe give recognition to the exceptional roleplayers on our server. ^-^

    1. Haz


      Then there would be vlogs about Lord of the Craft and roleplaying in general.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Ugh. This server sometimes.

  6. This is so funny. Drama over a snowball? Are you kidding me?

    1. Haz


      I don't blame him, Telanir.

      A shady man like yourself? You won't even share what colour eyes you have!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. Salamandra just has his level set a bit too low; a bad example, a poor impression and above all else it is a mere display of bad roleplay. - Ow, my feels :(

    1. Haz


      Maybe a little.

      But I'm just speaking from experience with you, Salamandra.

      I cannot speak good things of you if I have not seen of heard of them.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. Salamandra just has his level set a bit too low; a bad example, a poor impression and above all else it is a mere display of bad roleplay. - Ow, my feels :(

  9. I'm having a bit of an issue. The connection bars near the selection for LOTC server are X'd out, and in red numbers is: 1.5.1 I've downloaded the new update, but otherwise I'm not sure what to do. Any help?

  10. Dangit. I always do that. Anyone got a downgrader handy I updated....

  11. Ugh, acidentally updated Minecraft, how do I downgrade now? I really want to get on the server.

  12. Ugh, acidentally updated Minecraft, how do I downgrade now? I really want to get on the server.

  13. Makayla's sad :c

  14. Like 5 hour rollback. F******************************************

    1. Haz


      oh no i have lost various items on a game where items dont even matter all that much


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. So me and my friend were talking on Skype. He mentioned that he was talking to this girl who's friend recently died. I told him that I was sorry for her loss. Shortly after, we ended up talking about how we were going to have eachother's adopted babies. o_O

    1. Haz


      It only makes sense, I suppose.

      I wonder how the babies will turn out. Hmm.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. Could you take a gander at the problem I'm having on the Profile Update thread?

  17. Meet The Wizard is ending up to be triple the length of the other guides... Hope you guys will enjoy it!

  18. Can someone tell me what my/me would be in elven Along with the words for This/that

  19. ((I encourage all players to spend more time in LOTC interacting rather than the forums. It kills the realism of RP.))

    1. Haz


      No one said, implied or infered that, friend.

      The argument is simply that sometimes this kind of Roleplay IS necessary.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  20. ((I encourage all players to spend more time in LOTC interacting rather than the forums. It kills the realism of RP.))

    1. Haz


      Sometimes that isn't possible, however.

      Roleplay on the forums is sometimes necessary, to clarify certain events that have taken place - or to act as a bulletin for important messages; these things cannot often be communicated easily in-game.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  21. ((I encourage all players to spend more time in LOTC interacting rather than the forums. It kills the realism of RP.))

    1. Haz


      Trolls? There is a difference between someone trying to initiate in civil debate and someone trying to incite anger or hatred.

      I have put forth my rebuttal to your argument, which you have evidently turned ignorant towards. Overall, I am not surprised.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  22. ((I encourage all players to spend more time in LOTC interacting rather than the forums. It kills the realism of RP.))

    1. Haz


      Was just pointing out major flaws in his argument. Nothing more.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  23. ((I encourage all players to spend more time in LOTC interacting rather than the forums. It kills the realism of RP.))

    1. Haz


      But then how can you measure realism? If there is nothing to compare it to?

      How can you judge how 'real' something is, if there is no comparison?

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

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