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Everything posted by nppeck

  1. ((I have created a prototype skin. If anyone has any improvements to add, or something they wish to comment on, please tell me))
  2. How Apprentices are trained is at the discretion of the Paladin. With an apprentice, a paladin undergoes mission in either two or four man teams. ((Additionally, when challenging for the role of Archangel, the Archangel has the right to refuse and it is a perma-kill fight.))
  3. I have created a new town charter. From now on, please post signatures there. In addition, does anyone wish to create a uniform for the White Ravens?
  4. After much scouting, I have found two locations for a White Raven town. One is near the water and the other is on some ruined city. Tell which in your opinion would make a better city. ((pictures are here http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/6629/20120117175617.png http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/977/20120117184307.png))
  5. Yes must of us are on. Just send a raven to ogedi or MythMaster26
  6. If that counts as replying to the role call then yes.
  7. Accepted. Please report to Skriker, Alvaska or Serpah for training
  8. (( can we make a new charter in the cloud temple sub forum?)) Edit- Though for now lets just make it a town charter. We can always expand later.
  9. Accepted. Report to Colin for training at our town. Also please sign the charter. It is located here http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/30653-aliquam-purus/
  10. I've learned that playing lotc while doing homework is a bad idea

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KarmaDelta


      Roleplaying while doing math ^.^ I say I 2 and add it with your 2! POWERGAMING!

    3. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)



    4. Skippy
  11. Rp with a bishop first and then probably.
  12. Interesting. Would you consider an alliance with the White Ravens?
  13. You don't have to follow the religion itself but merely the tenants
  14. ((remember that all ooc talk has to be in perentheses))
  15. ATTENTION ALL WHITE RAVENS, We have a serious proposition for you all now. Should we join Andromeda or not. Please vote on the main page.
  16. ROLE CALL FOR ALL WHITE RAVENS All White Ravens should either pm me or post their name on the forum. If you fail to do this, you will have to reapply into the guild. People that have responded so far by forum name- Ogedi Colin1389 NiNjAxR3M1Xx (Fawkes) The Heartless Corndogehh Malanar Seraph Shadows Maximas1211 emberhard Lenlo kanoro Adoran infinity46 friar5 Rustyjusty123 Daegrim gre7 Lupus Arkosh U_Shankopotomis gao252 shaeth
  17. Recruitment is currently Closed Lore- The White Ravens are a noble order who's origins are lost to the winds of history. What is known however, is that they were once known as the grey wardens until they were reformed by Alvaska. From then on, the White Ravens have been a noble order of Aegis and now Asulon. Their goal is twofold; to bring peace and order to the chaotic world of Asulon and to spread the ideals of Aeriel. They desire to bring order to the chaotic world through any means necessary whether it be militarily of diplomatically. The White Ravens are not just a military order, it is a way of life and a guideline for how to live one's life. The White Ravens base their entire philosophy off of five tenants that they all must follow. 1. Peace- One must possess inner harmony and be free from emotional turmoil no matter what one has experienced. 2. Logic- One must act rationally and in ways that will provide the greatest good for the greatest amount of people no matter what one's feelings are. 3. Tenacity- One must never give up and persevere no matter how hard or tough a situation is. 4. Balance- One must maintain balance in all things no matter what the cost. 5. Purity- One must remain free from all impurities external or internal no matter the source. What it should be noted though it that the White Ravens do not necessarily need to follow the actual religion of Aeriel but rather rather the philosophy and ideals. Using these tenants, they hope to evolve past the simplistic notions of good and evil and detach themselves from the petty squabbles and turmoil of the world. Every White Raven also has a creed that one uses in greeting to one another. This indicates whether or not that person is a white raven and can be trusted with important secrets. It proceeds as follows. Greeter- May Aeriel be with you now and always. Person being Greeted- And also with you my friend. A white raven also have three prayers of thanksgiving before each meal. They are as follows Breakfast- Let us give thanks to Aeriel for this coming day. Lunch- Aeriel please bless this meal and cleanse it. Supper- Aeriel we thank you for out bountiful blessing. Ranks and Structure- The White Ravens are divided into two portions the Ordo Purus and the regular order. The ordo purus are the most loyal and dedicated members of the White Ravens, and their devotion to Aeriel and the ideals core to the White Ravens are unquestioned. The Ordo is responsible for providing heavy infantry support, espionage, assassins, diplomacy, and guarding the magistrate. Members of the Ordo Purus have cast aside all their individual goals all for the sake of ridding the world of Asulon of imbalance and bringing order to the world. They seek to bring tranquility and order to the world and each one has through many years of intensive study and meditation unlocked the secrets to inner harmony and enlightenment. The Ordo Purus follows Aeriel and their devotion to her teachings are unquestioned. Every member of the ordo purus is expected to follower her teachings even if it means sacrificing their life. There are currently five positions in the Ordo Purus; Archangels, Bishops, Paladins, and apprentices. Paladins are the bread and butter of the Ordo and form the majority of its warriors. Though Paladins are mainly front line soldiers, they have other specializations such as scribes, assassins, and archers. Paladins also may take up an apprentice. Each paladin is responsible for their training apprentice until they are ready to become Paladins themselves. The four bishops are in charge of the day to day running of the Ordo Purus. Each bishop has a unique title and position, Bishop of the blade, Bishop of peace, Bishop of the arcane and the Bishop of knowledge. Above them is the Arch-Bishop who is the head of the Ordo Purus and his word is final. Finally, the archangels are those who have through years of study and meditation fully unlocked the secrets to harmony and devoted themselves to Aeriel. There can only be one archangel per race and they must undergo a harrowing trial that very few survive. On the other hand, there are the regular members of the White Ravens. They handle logging, mining, farming, merchanting, and light infantry. Almost all White Ravens start off in the regular order before moving on to the Ordo. There are four different branches in the regular order and each branch has two ranks. The bottom rank for logging and mining is called gatherer, the bottom rank for farming is called farmer, the bottom rank for merchanting is called merchants and the bottom rank for light infantry are called guards. Above this are the Vilicus who oversee these operations. The head of the regular order is the overseer who monitors the activities of the Vilicus to ensure that they are doing an antiquate job. Above both portions of the guild are the council and the Magistrate. The 5 members of the council rotate every 5 elven weeks and are elected from the members of the guild. Their role is to advise the Magistrate in his decisions for the guild. The magistrate is the supreme ruler of the guild and his word is binding by all member of the White Ravens. So to sum things up, the ranks of the Ordo portion of the White Ravens in ascending order, are as follows. 1. Apprentice 2. Paladin 3. Bishop 4. Archangel 5. Arch-Bishop 6. Magistrate For the Regular portion it is as follows 1. Worker/Guard/farmer/merchant 2. Vilicus 3. Overseer 4. Magistrate Payment Payment is a very complicated process for the guild and it depend on what branch they choose the join. The compensation for each branch is listed below. Light Infantry- 100 per elven week plus an additional 100 if they participate in a battle with documented proof. Mining and Logging- Depends on item. 40 per stack of cobble. 75 per stack of redwood. 65 per stack of oak. 50 per stack of birch. 65 per stack of clay. 300 per stack of obsidian. 1000 per stack of soul sand. 100 per stack of glowstone dust. 500 per stack of netherrack. 2000 per stack of enderpearls. Merchants- 100 per elven week plus 15% of all profits gained from selling goods. Farmers- 64 per stack of wheat. 60 per stack of melons. 6000 per stack of netherwart. 50 per stack of sugar cane. Upon promotion to the rank of Vilicus, this payment is doubled for light infantry and merchants. Vilicus that oversee mining logging and farming earn 200 minas per elven week. Vilicus are responsible for paying the lower ranking workers and they in turn are paid by the overseer. Members of the Ordo Mundi do not get paid, but they may undergo missions for the guild in which they earn money. For example, assassinating a wanted villain may earn a Paladin a tidy profit of 2000 minas. Rules 1. Do not harm another White Raven without cause. 2. Members of the regular order must obey any orders from the Ordo Purus within reason. 3. Obey the five tenants of the White Ravens 4. Be pure Any incidents of rule breaking will be reported to the council and they will determine the sentence of the offender. Requirements to join and Promotions It is very easy to join the regular order of the White Ravens and they are very accepting. To become a Vilicus in Mining and Logging and Farming, level fifty in their respective skills are required and they must have proven themselves to the guild. To be a Vilicus in light infantry, level 40 in swords, axes, or archery is required. In the ordo purus level 50 swords or axes is required to be a Paladin and level 35 for apprentice. For archangels, level 100 is required in either skill. Apprentices in the Ordo Purus are chosen by individual Paladins and their promotion to full paladin is determined by their Paladin and the council. To become an archangel, a paladin must accomplish the following quests. Present either 64 enderpearls or blaze rods before the council or defeat the previous archangel in combat. Protection and Contracts The White Ravens will be open to requests sent by others for protection. Anyone wishing to be protected by the White Ravens must first ask the council. It is entirely up to the council if they accept request or not. There is a primary 1000 minas base sum that is payed additionally plus an additional 250 per elven day. Application for the Guild Mc name- Ic name- Do you have a villain application- What will you contribute to the guild- Do you agree to follow and obey the rules?- What previous Experience do you have?- What have you done to promote the ideals of Aeriel?- Once in the guild, what branch will you belong to?- What is your level in the skill the branch uses (for merchants write N/A) - Have you signed our charter?-
  18. Everyone please stop posting on this thread. I will have the new one up by monday.
  19. Once we are settled into 2.0 I will pay guards out of pocket. However, I will not be able to play until monday. Now does anyone have any ideas of how to reform the guild?
  20. Can an FM please lock this thread. A new one will be made Edit- Does anyone have idea for the guild they wish to incorporate?
  21. IMO the goal of the white ravens should be twofold. The first is mediating peace and order throughout the world of Asulon, perhaps acting a diplomatic meeting ground for the 8 nations. We need to have some pretty kick ass lore if we're going to do this though, since there are about a dozen other guilds that want to do the same thing. Right now, we need as many people as possible in the guild so I don't think a test is necessary for basic membership. Definitely for the Ordo Purus though. I envision the Ordo being the guild's military and political arm, while the basic guild being responsible for things like farming, logging, and merchanting.
  22. Come 2.0 can we make a new forum page? One hopefully with up to date recruitment information and written by an actual member of the guild.
  23. Pity and just when we had resolved everything too.
  24. I've been with quite a number of people that have had that problem. Best thing to do in that case is just ask a GM for help.
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