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Posts posted by TwilightWolf

  1. Why is the Malin only obtainable through working for Malinor?

    At first they were, to get them circulating. But now there a multiple options on how to obtain this currency 

    Choice 1: Work directly from the hall of labor so you can help collect materials the nation trades and uses.

    Choice 2: Take up an RP job that pays in maligns and provides with RP not only for yourself but others.

    Choice 3: Go to Oceas' shop and exchange your minas for Malins, I might start to do the same.

    Choice 4: Trade with a citizen in game for their malins, be it through monetary exchange or through goods or services.

    Choice 5: Sell your unwanted materials to the hall of labor shop for malins, and vice versa

    Choice 6: Set up shop and sell things for malins

    There are really a lot of options now, perhaps somebody else can add any I missed

  2. Reads the long note, chuckling as she reaches a certain point


             Our currency makes us dependent on the Council for everything, weakens our economy in respect to the other nations', and is highly susceptible to counterfeiters.

    She scribbles a side note at this part, in bold red ink

    "You imply that the mina is not subject to the same problem, llir. Sure, malins can be counterfeit, but it is alot more difficult than going out and slaying a few monsters to collect enough for whatever you wish. I'll have you know that my husband and I went out on a hunting trip and collected over one hundred and fifty minas collectively by simply slaying monsters. As far as I am concerned, that is no different than counterfeiting money. If you must know, the purpose of the Malin system is to try and give the more hard working individuals what they deserve, rather than taken money that could have been earned without any work. I would rethink what you are tying to prove, llir. I see little to no strong points in your arguments."

  3. Titania pins up a reply to the not on the board, in red glistening ink.

    *veluleai sees the notice and scribbles a qiuck note* "Dearest Foreman,
    I know you are busy, but please take my suggestions into consideration. Firstly, i am a chicken farmer. I have noticed that the other chicken farmers kill all but two chickens in every stall. I waste my time re-populating the chickens and will be un-able to fill my quote of meat and feathers at this rate. Since i am un-able to place a sign, could you please post a sign of rules. Perhaps that you are required to breed the amout of chickens you plan too kill?
    Secondly it is hard to see if im close to filling my quote when my box is emptied every day. Do you keep track and pay me accordingly? Or should i turn everything in at once?
    Lastly my kind foreman, i am homeless.

    Let The Moon Giude You,
    Veluleai Chirr"

    I will place signs about the chicken coup in hopes of correcting this problem. All quota is recorded everyday, because most workers have a full chest by the end of the elven day and require more room to place their materials. Workers are now payed according to how much they bring in, and are payed at the end of the Elven week when quotas are due. ((normally Sunday, but some were payed today to get the system going)) Lastly, I am fairly certain I informed Elorna to show you to your new home, however I can show you when we next meet. I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience, and I will be sure to correct it immediately.                ~Titania

  4. Titania sees the note as she strolls into the Hall of Labor. She stares at the note for a long while, before taking her own piece of parchment, and writing a reply.


    "After thinking on the matter, I comply with your request. I will remove apples from the official quota, but you still may choose to turn them in if you wish."

  5. *A note is pinned to the notice board in the Hall of Labor*


    In addition to the free rations provided to everyone in the front room of the Hall of Labor, workers that bring in materials will be receiving quantities of food based on how much they bring in. The rations will be deposited in your chest where you store your quota. The free rations will stay in place, but will be of lower quality and and of lower abundance.


    In addition, be aware that soon in the next elven week, I will officially be tracking strict quotas. You need not to worry about filling an exact quota for the time being, I merely expect all of you to work hard, and bring in as much as you have. The nation greatly needs it.


    As for those of you who have questions about payment, currently the individual option (Payment in minas) is currently unavailable. Until we can provide that option, the community option is what will be in place. The stewards are hard at work preparing the houses for habitation, but those of you that work can expect to be assigned a house soon.


    *the note is signed in red, shining ink in the bottom corner*

                                                                                                                                          Foreman Titania

  6. Maybe if every sentinel initiate didn't leap on anyone who sneezes just because they like combat rp.

    Maybe if the people rping Mali'aheral don't DELIBERATELY try to provoke people.

    Excepting people to listen to their "superiors" is what makes them violent.


    And if this /is/ an ooc thread, let me say, why do elves need to be peaceful and loving? That's a high fantasy archetype. Culture changes and time flows, and there are plenty of violent brutal and ruthless elves. Frankly I find the current situation of malinor more interesting role play wise.

    Elves are 'peaceful and loving' because it when you get to live 500+ years, you would probably become very wise and much more reserved. Being an overly violent and zealous elf puts their life at stake, and elven lives are /very/ difficult to replace, so why would they risk that? Yes, culture changes and time flows, but not with a race that is nearly untouched by time. Humans constantly have generations replacing them, along with new culture ideas and those in power to influence it how they wish. Elves, with their longevity, have the ability to pass down their ancient culture and keep it pretty much intact for much longer amounts of time. 

  7. The guy wont stop killing me and demanding /20 damage and says hes gonna get me reported... im not doing it because why cant i hear him.

    Do you mean to say that this person repetitively kills you? Like this player is all the time trying to kill you?

  8. While using our elven we have here would add a nice touch to the name and give it meaning, none of the past major settlements have had something that translates into something with meaning. One thing that I have really loved about the names we have used in the past, is that they were not too 'flowery', so to speak. I do like the suggestion Cihil'ilum, I feel that it is one of those things that is, again, too 'flowery'. The names we have used have had something about it that I feel could have only been achieved with beautiful simplicity. 'Laurelin' is a great example of this. While putting the language to 'use' in the naming of this city, out of personal preference, I think we should keep it simple, easy to pronounce, and something that 'rolls off the tongue'. I do have one name that has stuck with me while building for those long hours, and that would be Lothlaeril. (Or Lothlauril)

  9. Titania listens to Kolyat amongst the crowd, slowly a soft smile creeps to her lips, nodding to herself occasionally. Soon, this smile disappears upon hearing the counter arguments.  She mutters to herself softly, "Is unity that undesirable of a concept...? Has everyone lost their sense of tolerance for one another..?" She turns to Emberhard, who she stands next to. She remains silent for a few moments after he has finished his speech, leaning in to mutter something to him quietly.

  10. Choice 1: Foreman

    Choice 2 (if applicable): -

    Choice 3 (if applicable):-

    ((MC name)): TwilightWolf9012

    (RP) Name: Titania

    Race: Mali'ame

    Age: 413

    Gender: Female

    Do you have a family, if so how many members will be residing with you: Yes, I live with my husband and son.

    ((Please state your time zone)): EST

    ((Please state your average playing time)): Depends on the day, but it could be anywhere from 5-10 hours.

    ((Please state why we can trust you with this job)): I have a clean slate as far as ban/strike reports go, I don't conflict with any players (As far as I know), and I can devote quite a bit of IC and OOC time into making sure this job is done correctly, thoroughly, and effectively.

    ((Do you use skype?)): Yes.

    ((How long have you been on the server?)): I believe 5 months, I'm not entirely sure.

    ((Why, as a player, do you wish to join the lower council?)): I would like to become more involved in Malinor politics, and help Malinor in any way I can.

    What nation do you reside in, if any: Malinor

    Do you hold any allegiances to other nations and or organizations/guilds? If so state them, and their nature: No.

    Do you have any work experience, if so where and what: I worked alongside Emberhard in Holm as a head farmer, particularly specializing in livestock. After we moved back to Malinor, I joined the Sentinels under High Commander Eldorico. After the Sentinels were disbanded and replaced by the Vanguards, I took up the High Commander position offered to me by King Cethis of Holm. I reapplied for the Sentinels under High Commander Khel, and I believe I have been recently removed for my absence with Emberhard.

    Do you have a criminal record, if so state your offenses: None.

    Why do you feel you are suited for Job Choice 1: With my son nearing the age for him to be able to care for himself while I am not around, I have found I have alot of time, with nothing to spend it on. I have had experience not only managing a workforce under me, but keeping track of supply, keeping track of workers, and generally making sure that things get done.

    If applicable, why do you feel you are suitable for Job Choice 2:

    If applicable, why do you feel you are suitable for Job Choice 3:

    State any comment that you think may aid you in this application here: I have none, but I would like to thank the Council for it's consideration.

  11. I'm just going to point out this change doesn't really make a lot of sense. And before one of you point out this is a "clarification" and not a change. This might be a clarification of lore that was written, but it also a change in how people play their characters.

    The reasoning behind this makes no sense. For example: the traits. Okay so if half-breeds reproduce they have a chance of making a pure blooded elf/human. Lemme explain. Uppercase is for dominant, lowercase is for recessive. Curses are dominant, no curse is recessive. So if a half elf has alleles Mm for mortality, and Ff for fertility; that would make them die young and be infertile, makes sense so far. When they breed with another half elf they have a one out of eight chance to get the good recessive traits, and make a 'perfect' half-elf. Also the half-elves also have a 1/4 chance to produce a pure human or a pure elf. See the probrem here? It doesn't make sense to have the races differ by a single allele.

    EDIT: Also if this is the lore, People can just say they happened to be the "perfect" halfbreed. And keep the good traits of their parents, but none of the bad stuff.

    Completely ignoring the science, this would create numerous plot-holes in the game world. Why did half-elves live so long until Elysium? A lot of characters would spontaneously die for absolutely no reason. It doesn't make a lot of sense when you think about it.

    While this theory is very interesting, and mostly correct if I remember my biology class right... I would like to point out that curses aren't exactly... ehm... 'sciencey' :P Perhaps this curse is magical, and affects those even with the smallest amounts of cursed blood? Just throwing that out there. I also understand your concern for other players, and how their roleplay might be affected by this clarification, but it has been stated multiple times that it will be worked out for those players.

  12. I feel this was very needed, I had always found it somewhat fishy that alot of half elves/humans with elven blood assume both blessings rather than curses :huh:. Unfortunately, this means that my own personal work on this topic is now useless, as this entire post literally encompasses everything that I was writing about! :P Thanks for the clarification, hopefully this will do nothing but benefit the server

  13. Titania pushes up on the lift from Underholm, the lift ascending with a bit more strain than usual. She rubs her hands against her arms, warm puffs of her breath clearly visible in the crisp air.

    Thinking to herself as the lift nears its stop, she begins to shiver.

    "Hm.. Colder than normal..."

    Hopping off the lift, she takes slow, choppy steps towards the exit of her house, now beginning to worry about the cold. Taking her first step outside, she is blinded by the amount of snow and ice that has blanketed Holm. The ground is no longer visible, the leaves of the trees coated in frost or dozen completely. Jaw to the floor, she takes in her new, icy surrounding. She leaves very deep footprints in the snow, making her way to the farms. A worried, amazed frown slowly creeps on her face as she examine the crops.

    All of the waving wheat, the proud hedge, frozen into blocks of ice. Twirling around anxiously, she finds herself standing on the frozen pond.

    She shakily puts her hand to her lips, whistling for a bird. Slowly writing a note, despite her frozen bones protesting, she real eases the bird, making her way back to her house.

  14. Titania nods slowly, agreeing with Cethis. She hesitates before speaking in a quieter tone.

    "I have to also bring up that a similar council system was used in Holm before Izier completely removed the council as a whole. With the council, the only upside was that communication between the districts increased, but a much more problematic situation arose. Nothing was accomplished between the constant bickering and useless arguing."

    She glances to Cethis, smiling slightly.

    "I agree with Cethis fully. I don't see a problem with the elves handling this situation. If they fail,I suppose the council could be given a try...But then I ask, is a council necessarily needed? Why can't ArmaLuna govern itself after it is helped back onto its feet?"

  15. *Reads the note, breaking into a smile. She reaches into her pack, pulling out a pen and quill, writing...*

    Queen Kyral Hightower.

    Whether we have met or not, I would be glad to invite you to Hawksong Stables, and view our fine steeds we have for sale. I have a pony what would be perfect for your niece. Not green, no vices, and a great ride over any terrain. I would like you to contact me for a meeting time.

    ~Titania Hawksong

    *She hands the letter to the courier, who quickly delivers it to the Queen.*

  16. Titania reviews both applications laid before her, smiling as she recognizes both names. Eagerly, she takes up her quill, writing...

    Tyrian, I am glad you have planned to stay with the forces of Holm. I will be sending your key to the gatehouse after you return to me to see about the current rules and restrictions of Holm. ~Titania Hawksong

    William, I am happy to see you in the applications. Upon review, I think a medic would be a big help. Further training in swordsmanship is recommended. Come see me about your key to the gatehouse, and about the rules and restrictions of Holm. ~Titania Hawksong

    She hands the letters to the courier, whisking him away to deliver them swiftly.

  17. *Posted around Holm and Cloud Temple, you notice a note written by High Constable Titania Hawksong ((Fill these out here, and post as reply))

    ~Holm Military Application~


    ((MC Name)):





    Military Experience (If any):

    Other Information you would like to share:

  18. ((OOC Information -

    Minecraft Name: TwilightWolf9012

    Age: 17

    Timezone: EST

    Villain Application (Optional): In the future, perhaps

    Skills: Archery 100

    Farming 50

    Cooking 50

    RP Information -))

    Full Name: Titania Hawksong

    Age: 369

    Race: Elf

    Gender: Female

    Profession: I am an avid hunter, specializing in archery and anything involving it.

    A brief description about yourself: I have been hunting all of my life, my choice of weapon being the bow. When not at a long distance, I have a fighting style based on speed and agility, usually wielding my hunting knife. I can tailor clothes, from uniforms to simple dresses. I have extensive work with livestock, particularly horses, having my own stables. I can craft saddles, and train just about anything. I do feel that my wide variety of skills would be of great help to Holm. ~Titania


  19. Character name: Titania Hawksong

    MC name: TwilightWolf9012

    Race: Elf

    Gender: Female

    Skill allocation: 100 archery

    50 cooking

    50 farming

    Do you have a home in Holm?: Yes (( I will not owe taxes until my month job is over, as said by Izier and Deco themselves.))

    Do you have a job?: Not in Holm.

    Timezone: EST

    Do you use Teamspeak?: Unfortunately, yes.

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