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Posts posted by TwilightWolf

  1. Have we met in RP before?

    I think so?


    How do I learn to horse?

    Step 1, Get Horse. Step 2, Horse


    Who am I?

    You're vaguely familiar... I really don't remember, sorry :/


    Are you willing to show a picture of yourself?


    Do you like waffles?

    How about pancakes?






    Yes to all of the above.



    Whose your favorite person who owns a very sexy voice and is also your cousin in the Hawksong family?


    [i know, a lot to choose from]


    But seriously, what is your take on how far you've come from your arrival to now?


    When I arrived, I seriously didn't know what to expect. I creeped on y'all all the way through Aegis when I would watch Emberhard play, and he finally convinced me to join after like a year and a half of me saying "No that sounds stupid." I was a really awkward player when I first joined, I really didn't know how to roleplay with other people very well. That changed really quickly when I got involved in Malinor, and eventually led me all the way to about nine months of nation leadership... whew. I'm really astonished at how far I've come now that I look at it.


    Why is snelf nation best nation?

    Because it's a culture.

  2. Piggybackin' on Crayfish's questions,

    What's your opinion of Haadi?

    What's Titania's opinion of Haadi?

    What's your opinion of myself?

    I've always seen Haadi as an interesting character. I only wish that I had more interaction with him to see how fleshed out he's become, since last I RP'd with him he was like... a teenager. Titania unfortunately didn't ever /really/ get to know Haadi, but she enjoyed watching him grow up, and saw a lot of potential in him. Elad, you're a shining roleplayer and a great player to talk to (the few times that you actually use your mic, silly.), you've given me many a laugh. 

  3. Are you a qt3.14?

    I have no idea what this means >.> -edit- Wow, just got it... Uhm, sure?


    What's your opinion of Kris? 


    What's Titania's opinion of Kris?


    What's your opinion of... crayfishchris? ;)

    I really enjoy Kris' character, he always stood out to me back in my Malinor days. Titania's opinion of Kris? Hehe, he's certainly earned her respect for one, and she considered him a fairly good friend before she retired. And finally, crayfishchris, you are awesome. Please stay that way.

  4. A scrawny blue fegobo scrambles up the stairs to the Conclave, and feeds the letter through the bars of the closed gates to the first guard she sees before pattering off back to the Azog fort with an excited squeal.


    “Fair thee well Conclave, it appears that the Azog have expanded their military arm to reach the caravan paths as I write within a cage at their Trog. It appears they have demands and I’ll have to rely on you all to pay it, I may be a Valah and an old one at that, but I pray you still have care for an elderly old man. -Hussariya Khagan”



    At the bottom of the letter, crude and sharp orcish script shadows the finer handwriting above.


    “Dub stakz ob irun blokz agh dub stakz ob emeruld blokz. Latz hab dub twiggie hourz.”

    ((For simplicity: Two stacks of iron blocks and two stacks of emerald blocks. You have two elven hours.))

  5. I'd like to apologize that this is a tad overdue, this month I was somewhat occupied with moving from GA to FL. That aside, here's the rest of what you requested.

    The Infestation


    Along the downward slope to Lenniel, a small encampment rests at the side of the road. A wood elf hunter jogs down the path, but comes to an abrupt halt as a deep, raspy and yet alluring voice catches his attention from the campfire of the circle of tents. "Mali'ame… Yes, come here…" Long silver locks pour out from his dark purple hood, and the eyes that lock onto the wood elf are easily recognizable as high elven with their lavender hues. "I need assistance conducting an… experiment of sorts." The wood elf arcs a brow in curiosity. "What sort of experiment?" The cloaked high elf smiles slyly, and replies while one of his pale hands dive into his coat. "Agricultural science… Lenniel is renowned as a farming community, as I understand. Yet, with the creation of the Talonnii confederacy, your kin are going to have a much harder time feeding all of your citizens. Thus, I have formulated an… elixir of sorts that will boost the growth and the wheat yield of your farms." The hooded elf presents a vial of peculiar silver beads, shining brightly in the sunlight. "Though… I am not one to get my hands dirty, you see…" He tilts his head as he extends the vial towards the wood elf. "All you need to do is bury these in the tilled soil, near the roots of the wheat. It shan't take long, won't you assist your kin?" His eyes flicker with a hint of mischievous intent, grinning broadly as the wood elf takes the vial with a nod. "Sulian… I do look forward to recording the results." He waves the wood elf off, and retires into the tent…

    A few elven days pass, and the fields gradually begin to wither and die. The wood elves frantically scour the fields for the source, and as they disturb the soil beneath their feet, the earth erupts with the frantic squeaks and squeals of silverfish as they burst forth. The unfortunately gullible wood elf had fallen into the trap of the scientist and planted silverfish eggs right into their fields, and now the grown hatchlings were crawling about, attacking both wheat and elf in the process in an attempt to guard their nest.

    ((Minor PvE event if the eggs manage to get to the fields.))

    Crypts and Chaos


    Few ventured deep into the icy caverns of the North, and most definitely not alone. Yet, with the expedition of a very brave (and perhaps extremely fortunate) human adventurer, a frosted crypt was uncovered. With a fatigued push of the ancient stone door, they swung open… and from the bowels of the chambers, he was greeted with the shrill, twisted and booming shriek of agonized annoyance. The scream echoed against the frozen silence of the North, and easily out towards the bordering nations and towns. Dropping his torch in terror, he skittered across the snowy hills and back to Oren.   In Abresi, he eagerly sought the Captains of the guard and sputtered the news of his finding, out of breath and frostbitten.

    Should the Captains round up their men and venture forth, the cavern would harbor expansive tunnels, full of the tombs of unknown people, frozen and long forgotten. Eventually, they would reach the end of the crypt which holds an elevated throne of carven stone, and perched on its seat would rest a skeleton. Riddled with cobwebs and slumped over lazily, the skeleton will display a rusted and jagged crown, with chests of old artifacts and weapons. Before the group can reach the relics, the skeleton king will come to life with the dry creaking of worn joints, and with his awakening the lids of the tombs will burst open with a loud bang. Soon the tunnels will fill with the legions of skeletons, commanded by the skeleton king himself. It will be up to the group to purge the crypt of the angry dead, and if successful the artifacts are there for plundering. However, whoever manages to peel the crown from the skeleton king's skull will be plagued with horrific dreams and eventually insomnia for as long as he keeps the artifact.


    ((PvE event. I think this would also give a chance for other ET to join in as well, to help create a good scene for the crypt along with assisting in keeping the mob spawning under control, or another actor can play the skeleton king with a few minor buffs to make him more like a boss and a challenge.))

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEbsEhrsm4o

    A pair of familiar ruby eyes followed the OrdenMarschall as he trudged past the small animal enclosure that Titania leaned comfortably against. Though she knew there was something amiss and she yearned to speak out, her lips remained sealed as he continued on through the beginning snowfall. Wondering if he had even noticed her at all in her cozy corner next to the lowing cattle, she paced gingerly towards the battlement, grasping her hands around the frozen merlons… Her answer came with the slam of an iron gate and the distant crunching of boots against layers of snow.


    Denial forced her back to her duties, back to the stone halls and to sleepless nights. Uncertainty dragged her back to those same front gates, and amassing angst caged her there. With every creaky opening, a lie veiled in hope, she loathed them even more. There she stood, seemingly frozen in time while glaring numbly towards the chilled iron bars. Occasionally a Sariant would saunter in, offering a dispirited shake of his head and a melancholic half smile. Moons passed, Edric's hand landed softly on her shoulder, offering a halfhearted squeeze in shallow reassurance. She remained still, half wishing that the cold would take her.



  7. Minecraft name



    Skype ID



    Time zone



    Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report



    Do you hold any other staff positions?



    What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member?

    I had a few, but the rest are on indefinite retirement, so I only have Titania as my main. It would be no trouble at all to put her on the back burner to concentrate on work with the ET, I have done it once before when I helped build on 3.0 development.


    What race/group do you think your events would best cater to?

    I could probably best cater to the elves simply due to
    familiarity with the player base, but I am neither hesitant nor unwilling to
    create events for other nations, I would actually prefer to spread out my
    interactions to the other groups.


    What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?

     Immersion- I think certain amount of
    believability must be incorporated to allow the players to delve into the
    experience at its fullest, yet have enough of a fantasy aspect to create a
    unique, engaging, and enjoyable event.


      Organization- It’s not wise to make an event on  

    the spot. Planning before hand to ensure that the event flows with minimal
    bumps in the road is crucial, otherwise it can appear choppy and make the
    experience awkward.


     Flexibility- Things happen in roleplay, often  

    unexpected! I firmly believe an actor should be able to bend and shape the
    event to flow with what happens in roleplay, to prevent the feel of a heavily
    scripted event.


     When was the last time you saw a event?

    Today, actually(12/30/13). I was not in the vaccinity but I saw most of the broadcasts detailing the Storms Crossing event.


    What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team?Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing? Tell us!  

    I have a lot of time to offer to the ET, along with dedication, reliability, decent writing and organization skills, and a good amount of knowledge on lore, especially creatures.


    Why do you want to be part of the ET?

    Since my character has stepped down from being a nation leader, I have a lot more free time that I feel should be spent helping the server. In the past I have been encouraged by my friends to try for a staff team, so I figured now would be an opportune chance to apply.



    Create three distinct RP scenarios/events that you would organize. 1) For one-3 person 2) For a group of 5-10 3) For a group of 20+


    Trinkets and Riddles


       Sitting at the side of the Anthos highway, and older looking dwarf with a long, white beard and wiry eyebrows fiddles with a satchel full of shining trinkets, strange toys, and curious objects. A human traveler approaches the dwarf, who hums a strange sporadic melody. “Oi… What have you there? It is foolish to openly display such things on the highway, bandits and all about.”  The human grunts gruffly to himself, casting a glance down both ends of the highway as the dwarf replies. “Ah beh givin’ me ol’ trinkets aweh. Ah’ve grown oldah, ‘nd ah fear ah ahvn’t much toime left ta squabble wit ‘oardin me t’ings.” With a hearty chuckle and a quick shuffle through his sack of goodies, he presents a finely made pipe of ivory and gold.The traveler eyes the distinctly dwarven pipe with an undeniable wanting, arcing a brow in disbelief. “Surely, just giving your things away?” He poses quietly, reaching his dirtied hand out for the pipe. A grin flashes from behind the dwarf’s white beard as he yanks the pipe away. “Aha! Ye can ahve et, but onleh if ye successfulleh ansah a question o’ moine.” The traveler nods, and leans forward as he listens carefully. The dwarf moistly clears his throat, before starting.

    “There be two sistahs. Un gives birth to teh othah ‘nd she, en turn, gives birth to teh first. Wot be teh two sistahs?” His white, bushy brows rise as he awaits an answer. The traveler’s excited expression fades, puzzled by the riddle. 

    “…Two sisters…” He murmurs the riddle over and over to himself.

    Aftersome time standing there quietly on the road, he snaps his fingers in revelation.

    “Day and night!” He exclaims proudly. A loud, joyous laugh rings out from behind the bushy beard in response. “Roight, roight! Har har, ere ye go!”  He hands the man the pipe, and nods with a grin. “’Ahve a noice day!” The traveler skitters off with glee in his prize, while the elder dwarf lies in wait to riddle the next traveler that happens upon him. ((1-3 players, this would add something for travelers to interact with.))


    Balthazar, the Debater


       Just within the forested borders of Malinor, the infamous Witch Woods

    serves as a home for a slew of nasty creatures, chief of which makes his home within a cave towards the mountains. He quietly slithers across the damp forest floor at night, leaving giant indentations in the soil where his lithe and scaled body glided along. Suspicion arose in Malinor when livestock began to disappear, with unusual tubular tracks always leading to the Witch Woods. Soon a party of curious and concerned elves is sent to follow the tracks, delving deep into the bowels of the cavern. Once inside, a hypnotically smooth, humming voice greets them. “Well, well… Elves.” The serpent spits his words with distaste; he is certainly not fond of unexpected guests. “You dare venture into MY abode?” A pair of serpentine, glowstone like eyes peer down to the elves, only now did they realize they are surrounded by the lengthy body of a basilisk. The giant serpent, Balthazar, bares his sword-length teeth in a sarcastic grin, forked tongue striking the air as he gauges the group. As he shifts his dark emerald body to nudge a boulder aside, concealing something in the deepest part of the cave, the group is faced with a choice. They could attempt to slay the beast and flee, loosing a chance to discover what Balthazar hides, or use speech to combat the serpent. Balthazar above all is fond of a good debate, and rewards those that thoroughly entertain his thirst for engaging verbal
    conversation.((Group of 5-10, this event can be used again if Balthazar is not slain!))


    Fictitious Folktale, or Fact?


       Hobbling along the paved streets of Abresi, an older
    woman cloaked in dark peasant robes canes her way through the maze of
    the daily mob, her spindly, leathery fingers wrapped tightly around a staff
    made of a gnarled branch that seems to rival her in age. Coming to a slow halt
    as a young boy tugs on the sleeve of her scratchy garb, she cackles softly and
    leans down to him, a crooked and yellow stained smile plastered across her
    wrinkled face. “Do you know what I saw, young man?” She gives a toothy whistle
    and a wheezy laugh of excitement. “Brilliant white he was, with a proud stance
    and fiery eyes.” The boy’s gaze flickered with anticipation as the woman
    described the creature. “It was a towering white stag! Like the ones in the
    books, capable of granting a wish to the one lucky enough to subdue the elusive
    animal!” Heads began to turn as the elder rattled on, murmurs of an expedition
    to search for the creature passed through the streets. Just as quietly as the
    woman arrived, she disappeared as the hum of the excited crowd grew, leaving
    the people to decide for themselves whether they wanted to search for the white
    stag or laugh off the elder’s story.

     ((This would cater to a larger party, and involve a chase to subdue the white stag (actor) via knock out plugin.))


         How long do you plan to stay in the ET?

    For as long as the team needs me, really. If a number is truly needed, I would say 8 months and on.


    Tell me a joke





  8. Dark, imposing clouds billowed in the northwestern forests, casting a chilling wind over the treetops, and gusts to sweep over the wooded trails of Malinor. The dark mass roared angrily with booming thunder, shaking the ground as it drew nearer to the home of the elves. Wild cracks of lightning illuminated the blackened sky, revealing the massive blanket of bitter cold rain that began to descend in sheets.


    Many scurried indoors to shield themselves from the frigid downpour. Waves upon waves of icy rain washed over the land, but in the plummeting temperature, the deluge slowly dwindled. The loud pattering of raindrops against soil and structure grew quieter, nearly silent. Frosty wind continued to howl against the trees and buildings, carrying dancing flakes of snow in whirling breezes. Swirling and spinning across Malinor, flurries brought a coating of ice all across the forests.


    Drifting away sluggishly, the storm leaves behind a blanket of white over the Princedom, and a much colder atmosphere. Warm clothes will certainly be needed...

    Greetings! With the Holidays around the corner, Viper has kindly helped turn Malinor into a winter wonderland, where we will be hosting events in light of the Holidays with the help of TheEpicFiend and Timelord_Lalve! A special thanks to all of these lovely staff members. Happy Holidays!


  9. Titania's eyes narrow onto Vierna as she rips down a poster. Uncrossing her arms, she marches to Vierna with a tilt of her head. "It's entirely possible. I saw the entire event myself, there is indeed a wraith protecting her. I suggest putting that poster back up, even though she is but youth, she poses a threat if not carefully watched."

  10. ~A letter is dropped off at Ellir's tent.~


    Ellir'vuln Haumel

    Your service is greatly appreciated, and after careful reviewing of your sketches, I would like to incoroprate you and your work into our current construction project. Although I am busy, I request that you find me at your earliest convenience so I may introduce you to the other members and discuss the new city's layout.

    Ame nae evareh, llir.       ~High Princess Titania

  11. ((:I I hate to be the guy to say this but that's just sad. You guys make these rules, then start losing horribly because of them, so you then go back and change them again. Much respect lost this day.))

     ((Not trying to kick an ants nest here, but Ebs specifically said that this is because some players simply cannot folllow the rules set in place. That being said, we decided to suspend these in favor of the old raid rules to that in the event they are broken yet again, there is a better chance of the offending players receiving proper consequences. This is not because we are losing, this is because the rules are supposed to be followed. It was fun while it lasted, but it is becoming apparent that these rules cannot be monitored and abided by as we would like them to. So naturally, we default to a stricter set of rules that, hopefully, the staff and the players will be less tolerable towards breaking. I respect your feedback Emeriick, but you may want to look deeper into our reasoning before assuming it is because we are loosing. I'm deeply sorry we've dissapointed you, but rules are rules and I would have hoped you held them in the same high regard. I would also request that this topic is locked before this becomes a senseless flame war.))

  12. ((I was requested to draft up these rules by one of the Flay leaders so I went ahead and did it. The "Human" part at the top is a simple typo on my part, these rules were not written by Titania and therefore there's no need to have this whole debate. Remember people, no got-dayum real tears.))

    ((Thank you, I was in quite a large back to back raid and was unable to edit this. I'll change the title, and specify that this is ooc. Apologies for any misunderstandings.))

  13. ((The following is OOC information))

    Malinor - Human Conflict Rules

    1. Combat Rules

    1.1 Raid Rules


    - Max of ten (10) raiders allowed during the defendings faction’s chosen hours of peak

          activity. The default raid rules are to be followed during the remaining hours of the day.

    - Each faction is allowed two (2) raids per day.

    - Raiders do not require VAs during the defending faction’s chosen hours of peak activity.

    - Allies are allowed to reinforce one another, however raiding parties should still consist of

     no more than ten (10) raiders.

    - Raiders are not allowed to use ladders, battering rams or any other form of siege


    - During and after raids zero (0) real tears are to be spilled by either faction.

    1.2 Warclaim Rules

        - Warclaims must be posted one (1) week in advance from the date of the battle itself.

        - The warclaim must be scheduled during the defender’s chosen hours of peak activity.

        - The victor of a warclaim is given the initiative in writing the next claim. This initiative

           lasts for one (1) week, at which point the initiative switches to the opposing faction.

        - During and after warclaims zero (0) real tears are to be spilled by either faction.

  14. Setting the letter down as she glanced between the available council members, High Princess Titania set her eyes onto Khel as she spoke. "It seems she desires to converse with the Valah again. Perhaps this time they will present themselves more civilly with the presence of the rest of the figureheads of Anthos, mm?" She flashed a smile to Khel before adressing the rest of the seated elves. "Lliran, Malaurir Khel and I will set forth immediately to heed this call."


    Coming to a halt before the main gates of the temple, the two hand their steeds to welcoming monks to watch over until the conclusion of the meeting. Approaching Princess Sophia, Titania bows her head. "Karin'ayla, llir. Ayla nae osulier." She inclines her chin gently as she peered down to Sophia with a gentle smile. "Let us hope this meeting of yours goes more smoothly and with less... distractions than our previous encounter." She nods conclusively, before taking her seat by Sophia and occasionally passing murmers between Khel as they wait for the other arrivals.

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