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Posts posted by TwilightWolf

  1. Spoiler



    Shining amongst the violet and gold hues of descending twilight, river boats carried passengers to the shining towers and great trees of the Norseth’onn, the isle born from the void. Welcoming them stood the Silan’sul, draped in ivory cloaks and shining in silver armor. They ushered royalty-like garbed visitors through the sparkling canopy. The sizable gathering of elves and humans from all reaches of Vailor witnessed as the curtain guarding their destination cascaded to fall before their feet.


    Glittering like fireflies in the night air before them, floating lanterns with glass kite tails speckle the space above the woven woods of the dance floor. Its roof, provided by the tender care of the viridescent leaves of trees guarding the hollowing they gather in, reflected the light like glimmering emeralds. Below, music drifted through the warm evening air from a small ensemble of skilled musicians.


    After the brief introduction by the isle’s Prince and Princess, couples dispersed to scurry around the dancefloor. Groups communed and jovial laughs of celebration of Norseth’onn’s birth bounded from the expanse of the room. Lovers waltzed and friends fox-trotted in an organized chaos; truly this was a genuinely convivial convention.



    For hours they drank, danced, and made merry with old and new friends alike. Despite the Island opening days prior, it seemed like after all had had their fill of communing Norseth’onn felt complete. In file visitors leave to witness the splendor of the city whilst a lingering couple, clad in white with sparkling crowns adorning their brows, waltz into the small hours of the night.


    With the forging of bonds between city folk, life flows through the rivers of the land and has forged Norseth’onn as the beating heart of the island of scholars.

    ((Huge thank you to everybody that managed to make it. Hope you all had fun.))

  2. *Current residents of the old district would find this message in their mailbox alongside those posted around the city.*


    The aforementioned new addition to Laureh'lin has been completed on the projected deadline and is welcoming new and old citizens alike. Stewards are in the process of organizing plots but many are ready for move-in.

    Pre-furnishing is now available. Per floor of your new home furnishing will cost 100 minas. Installation of a basement (if applicable) will cost 300 and will include pre-furnishing. Contact the current architect or a Steward for further information. ((TwilightWolf9012))


    It is our hope that all will come to enjoy the new district's plentiful creeks, plazas, and tranquil forest-side housing. Expect an elven gathering in the near future to officially commemorate the completion of the project.

  3. Showcase of Laureh’lin’s new housing additions, coming soon!

    Just outside the main gates, a new extension to the emerald-forested city is under commission and is nearing its construction phase. Look forward to new spacious living quarters without sacrificing luxury or your wallet.


    The Forest Floor Series



    For those that prefer the traditional easy access ground-level homes, the Forest Floor Series offers an open floor plan with a loft and generous amounts of space for small families or single tenants. Enjoy the closeness of natural gardens and creeks with either of the two styles.

    The Heron





    The smaller of the two ground-level models, it is perfect for 1-2 residents with the opportunity for expansion downward into a basement.

    The Cormorant




    The largest ground-level model boasts a large loft and finely crafted stained glass windows with potential for a basement addition. Can fit 2-4 residents.


    The Root Series

    No two trees truly grow the same; for those that prefer the marriage of nature and modernized housing the Root Series provides both the authentic feel of native flora and comfort of construct.

    The Owl





    The Owl utilizes the framework of our large trees to form the shell of these models. No two of this edition are the same and are greatly customizable to suit your needs. Houses 2-4.



    The Canopy Series




    Trekking up the expertly grown spiral staircase of one of our elder trees will lead you to a small community at the apex of the tree. Designed to suit entire Seeds or intertwined families, all Canopy Series homes share a communal  recreational area such as a library, garden, or tea room.

    The Osprey





    Similar to the open floor plan of the Cormorant, The Osprey displays an impressive balcony view and spacious loft. Houses 3-4.

    The Merlin

    Two generous floors of space with a conservative spiral staircase and a stained glass overlook. Houses 2-3.

    The Harrier






    The Harrier contains a lofty tower over the sea of leaves, a wrap around main hall and a spacious skyline balcony. Houses 1-2.


    Predicted to be completed within two elven weeks. Prior to release information regarding custom pre-furnishing will be sent to those interested; note that a small preliminary fee will be applied.


  4. Nice, so if I counted right between all that have a copy, there are six of us (including magicpastry and myself)

    That in itself is enough for a few mini tournaments but if we get more people I'd be glad to set up a roster and buy some steam credit/ Eshop credit depending on what you guys would like. 


    I can set up a date as well, I just got home though so I'm going to fire up my console and add you all. 

  5. I have both smash 3ds and Wii U. At school right now so I don't know my FC or ID, but I'll post them later!


    I main Captain Falcon but want to start playing a good Yoshi, ever since Apex.

    Damn, I should get the ads copy considering Mewtwo comes out in march.

  6. So a few nights ago magicpastry and I were playing ssb4 and I got to thinking, does anybody else have smash for the WiiU/3DS?

    I pondered the idea that if enough people have access to the game we could hold an LOTC smash tournament. I'd be willing to put some money down for prizes as well.


    If you have the console feel free to add me, my NTD ID is TwilightWolf9012

  7. "OrdernMarschall!" The voice of a scout rips through the cold air, shattering the silence of the alpine mountains for just a swift moment as he trots towards the general, bearing a sealed note. "A message from the Hochmeister, ma'am." The scout hands the sealed parchment over, watching as a pair of charcoal gauntlets unravel the note. ​The golden trimmed helmet of the general nods slightly, casting a sharp glance to the scout as she rolls the parchment up in her frosted palms. "Ergh… Sounds like a similar incident we had in the Fringe." 'Titan' dismisses the scout and returns to editing blueprints in preparation for a long day of construction ahead.

  8. Sariant Adjutant 'Titan' steadily marches past the many workstations, occasionally jotting things down onto a clipboard. The web of work woven by the Sariants of the Order was coming into full fruition. Homes, farms, and shops sprouted from the earth as more citizens flooded the streets. Old and new faces scurried about the growing buildings, and it proved to be a refreshing atmosphere for her.

    Perching atop the hillside, she scans over the written progress report with a content nod of her helmet. "These housing additions will need to be completed before the first harvest…" She writes a quick memo and hands it to a plebeian, who rushes the order to the forge.

  9. In the lobby, Titania unrolls a set of newly issued blueprints. She nods slightly, donning a filter mask and striding into the living quarters, shouting for Sariants to get their tools ready.

    "This is going to be a long day…" She mumbles through the filter, disappearing down the stairwell.

  10. In the lines of Black Crosses, the helmeted Sariant Adjutant nods as the Hochmeister concludes his speech. Her record keeping had been put to good use, and for this she was both thankful and proud.

    "Beliae meinae bruddas, uened e besplaneg Hanseti."

    After issuing a salute to the Hochmeister, she tiredly makes her way back to the castle.

  11. The Sariant Adjutant, 'Titan', removes her helm and unrolls a long, single silver gold braid. Blood stains her cheeks, but it is not her own. She listens to the Hochmeister intently, nodding every now and then until he silences.

    "If we do not fight now, there will be no room for living as we know it, Hochmeister. We are pampered, and it is for this reason that I fight alongside you, Brother. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb, and so I am bound. Beliae doe king, beliae doe Orden, beliae doe moedor lent."

    She nods firmly in conclusion, putting her helmet on and saluting the Hochmeister before walking off to clean her blade.

  12. At the turn of the year and deep in the fields of the freshly fallen snow, the Mouth of Dungrimm slumbered in the chilled breeze. The menacing sound of hundreds of feet crunching against the hoarfrost drew nearer, the Legion guards knew the sound all too well. Scrambling from their positions and pulling the chains of the gates to a slamming shut, the Legion erupted into action with shouts shattering the stillness of the air.

    Messages were sent to every holdfast, every clan hall in the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Birds took wing, heading to Castle Bealcrest of the Teutonic Order and the shifting sands of Krughanistan. Legion, Order, and orcish warbands fully mustered, the troops proceeded through the icy winds of the earliest part of the year, heading to the grand fortress of Dungrimm’s Mouth.




    The Dwarves were not alone in the grand muster. In Oren, no doubt, the armies of the Raevir and the Heartlands joined in their uneasy alliance. Troops wearing both the sigil of the feared Imperial Army and the grey-eagle-on-red of the mighty Decterum marched in unison, an orderly withdrawal from the Mouth, back past even the walls of Kaz’ad-Dekan-Waerod. Their full force poured into Tahn’siol, guarded by the walls of their Mali allies. Troops continued to pour in on either side of the conflict, riding on horse, jabbernack, and wolf.




    Despite the roar of both of the armies’ impending clash, a group bearing the Black Cross guided two lone men from the mouth of the Orenian forces and to the Mouth of Dungrimm. The Sariants calmly marched forth into the Mouth, where they halted before Grand King Midgor Ireheart. Prince Robert and Lord Chancellor Donatien Brunswick looked up, and spoke over the silence of the hushed soldiers.



    They desired to speak of peace to the entirety of the Bloc. The Rex, Grogmar’Gorkil, with Clanfather Thore’Gorkil, the Grand King and his Council, and OrdenMarschall Wes with a Sariant Adjutant lined before the two men. The Prince and the Chancellor insisted that the Bloc speak with the Empire on their land. Dissent was muttered among the leaders of the Bloc, and after the muttering evolved into borderline shouting a vote was called. The majority of the Bloc could sense something amiss. It was unanimously decided that if the Bloc leaders were to accept their invitation, they would fall to the teeth of an Orenian trap. The Grand King held up his hand to silence the group, and finalized the decision. They would not go.  




    It is important to know that in this moment, after the negotiating was done, both the Imperial Prince and the Lord Chancellor of Oren were surrounded by Bloc troops, armed to the teeth. The orcs bared their tusks and jeered with their cruelly wrought war axes, calling out “Exterminatuhz! Exterminatuhz!” The dwarves and Sariants settled for glares at the two diplomats. But the Dwarf King shook his head. The honor of the dwarves is spoken of throughout the land, and he would not sully it. To the grumbling of the orcs, no harm was done to the diplomats. Not a single hair on their head was dirtied as they were given an escort back to the gates of Kaz’ad-Dekan-Waerod and set loose to join back with their fighting men. It seemed, for the moment, that there would be no peace today, but there would be no great battle either. Perhaps.




    Then, out of nowhere, after the two diplomats had departed, a sign came from the heavens. A hawk, bearing the sigil of the Third Empire of Oren descended from the sky. In its talon it gripped a scroll addressed to the leaders of the Bloc. It seemed perhaps that peace would be arranged today. The Bloc leaders had their terms agreed upon to meet upon their own territory: a peace meeting was to take place in the Dwarven territory of the Mali’fenn.



    Solemnly the Bloc leaders marched, a gnawing pain of unsettlement inside their stomachs with the fiasco of the last meeting still fresh in mind. Yet they marched on, giving Oren the benefit of the doubt. Suddenly, the wild roar of a ferociously angry army emerged from the shrubbery along the graveled road to the Princedom. Adrenaline fueled, they swiftly retreated en masse to the Mouth of Dungrimm, shouting for the Legion to open the stalwart gates, pursued all the way by the human forces. Filing inside, word of Oren’s betrayal quickly spread between the ranks, fueling the burning rage of the awaiting army.



    Amused with their successful trap, the Oreners trotted inside Kal’Arkon gleefully to go about their ‘Exterminatus’. The temptation of plunder and innocents had them salivating over the chiseled roads of the City of Memory. But some were not satisfied with the spoils of Arkon alone. Greed overtook Oren’s forces, and their discipline dissipated before the all-conquering lust for gold and blood. Of their troops, perhaps a half broke up: roughly thirty thousand took the lifts to Alras, storming out of the gates into slaughter. The guards of Alras melted before the onslaught. Carts of peaceful merchants were flipped over and their goods stolen.




    However, a certain Grand Merchant with his crafty wits managed to pull a lever in the gatehouse, unleashing a hissing wave of boiling oil down onto the soldiers. Their screams of excruciating pain were drowned out by the flow of sizzling oil, leaving fifteen thousand men plastered against the street under the gatehouse, boiled and cooked to defeat. The screams ripped through the air and towards Alras, where their remaining forces scrambled to the lifts to assist their already defeated comrades.




    The eyes of the Bloc grimly watched the slaughter taking place, men frying alive in their armor. The sizzling smell of burning flesh made some of the troops vomit, using their helmets as buckets to catch the spew. War’s ugliness had never been so plain. A harsh roar rallied the Bloc troops.

    “Fur Krug!”

    “Kavir Oz Oren!”

    “Beliae Doe Moedor Lent!”

    The gates slammed open, unable to hold back the raging tide of Bloc troops. They hungered for revenge, betrayal would be met with bloody retribution. No blade or weapon seemed to be able to touch the berserker frenzy of the allies. Though the enemy employed weapons of witchcraft such as flaming swords and bows that punched through steel as easily as butter, the Dwarves mowed down the troops of the humans. It was as if the allies were a ravenous beast with a thousand sharpened teeth and the Oreners were its prey. Not a single man survived, save those who fled for the lifts of Alras.



    In utter disbelief, the remaining men of the Empire frantically clambered to the higher city, and fled to the buildings for safety with the forces of the Bloc hot on their heels. Running for the buildings, they hid inside and grasped their soulstones or jumped off, leaving the city to be secured by the Dwarves, Orcs, and Sariants.

    City secured, a victorious shout echoed from the armies, quaking the very earth beneath their feet. Medics burst from the ranks and began tending to the wounded, citizens and soldiers alike. As the wake of wreckage was cleared, soldiers reflected on the treachery of the Empire. This day will surely be burnt into the minds of the soldiers of the Bloc. We will not forgive, and we will not forget.



    ((I'd like to give a huge thank you to Watyll for helping with the collaboration. Good fight, everybody!))
  13. I think the only one I see compatible with my potat- Erm, Mac… Is Guns of Icarus. I'll give it a whirl.

    (Coming soon?)


    EDIT: This will have to be finished after class, I'll post the final product some time this evening

  14. My favorite restaurant hands down is The Crab Shack. (Not Joe's)

    I used to live really close to it before I moved down to Florida, it's mostly southern food and low country boils, but they also had this crazy gator… exhibit? Pen? I don't even know, but it had a crazy amount of gators with $1 feeding booth thing.

    And the bird house, cannot forget the crazy bird house.

    I'd post a picture of my last time there, but I've since lost my phone and a ton of my photo albums. Luckily it's fairly well known to have pictures plastered all over the internet.




    That grill looks delicious though… I should probably look into dinner.

  15. "Sister, a letter has arrived for you!" A plebeian exclaims, weaving through the stone halls of the castle towards the dining hall. He halts sharply and salutes the Sariant Knight, presenting the note. Titania plucks the letter from his grasp, nodding for the Plebeian to return to work.


    She scans the letter repeatedly, unsure if she can trust her eyes. She scoffs to herself in disbelief. "Hah… What? I thought you were to marry that Pern woman… And how the nether did you get the okay to invite me of all people?" Her grey gloved fingers gently tap out a half baked rhythm, sighing as she recalls some rather distasteful encounters in the silver city. 


    "Alright… one last time." She retreats to her room to write a response, all the while dreading the idea of having to go through the gates of Tahn'siol.

  16. Within the rows of Sariants, the single Sariant Knight nods her head solemnly and regretfully as she thinks back on the eve that she had to assist in throwing one of her own brothers into the dungeon. She gnaws on the inside of her cheek as she trudges through the stone halls; she was the one who had to face the ire of the Hochmeister and expose Lion's actions.

    "It was my duty." She murmurs sternly to herself in an attempt of reassurance, yet she releases a rueful sigh as she reaches of the door handle of her room. Glancing back toward Berendan and Darion's room, she nods once more and retreats inside. "Soea brauechen beu leekkua ue…" Sliding into her chair as she speaks, she strums her fingers along her wooden desk.


    "I can't linger on this." She declares softly, reaching for a sheet of paper and a quill. Squinting in the low candlelight as the quill etches a short note across the parchment, her expression melts into a gentle smile. Satisfied with her message, she whirls out of the chair and trots across the hall to her brothers' room. She simply slides it through the crease of the door, knowing the recipient is sound asleep and will eventually read it...


    "Kags uened soea, u peti solv."

  17. If you feel like you're special. Why not go to the handicapped toilet? I'm not sure about the rest of you guys, but if I was a female, I wouldn't want a dude walking around the bathroom, and likewise with males. 

    I agree with you here somewhat. We have two bathrooms designated for two types of bodies, male and female. In my opinion, it does not make sense to use a bathroom that was designed to cater the needs of a specific sex (like a man using a women's restroom). There are things in each bathroom that are specifically designed to meet the needs of that biological sex. It has nothing to do with what gender you see yourself as, it's more along the lines using the restroom that is most equipped to suit your body's needs.

    And idk about you but seeing a woman try to use a urinal just sounds silly.

  18. Any reason behind your name TwillightWolf?

    Yep! LoZ: Twilight Princess is my favorite game, so I based my name from Link's wolf form.


    what do the numbers after ur name represent

    Nothing, really. I just needed some numbers after my name so I slapped the last two numbers and the first two numbers of the number line on my keyboard onto my screen name.


    I take all of this and put it on me and Blake.


    As far as I've seen, Blake's a pretty well fleshed out character. I chuckle every time I see him going after some new girl.

    Titania doesn't like or dislike blake... she's pretty neutral about him overall.

    And lastly,Blake, you're a great role-player. I only wish I bumped into you more so that I can see how Blake's doing.


    How you doin'?


    tumblr_laxd422jM71qajujp.gifPretty goooooood.

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