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Everything posted by wesmellbad123

  1. Got it, signed up, applied. How do I know when I am accepted?
  2. How long should it take for me to get the confirmation E-mail on your website?
  3. Wait, what, I have to post my app on your website now? Oh, COME ON!!!
  4. Application (If I need a villain app, I can easily get one, I have quite a few reasons stored up for being evil.): MC username: Wesmellbad123 RP name: Bruug_Cactik Character bio: (From Bruug's perspective) I was born into a small town in the Wilds, far to the North. My parents were always loving and caring. I had two brothers, both older than himself. My first brother was born with a wasting disease that made him small and weak, and when my father first took him out to hunt, he was mauled by a wolf. The only thing I remember of him is the crimson blood gushing down his throat. My second brother was also weak, but shrewd. He was cruel and abusive. I saw him do many, many, horrible things. He once caught a bird with a broken wing. He kept it until its wing healed, only to break it again, just for the sadistic pleasure of its cries of pain. I grew up strong, and I got a lover. Her deep blue eyes were like pools of moonlight, beckoning me in... One day, I left my village to kill a giant that had been eating farmer's livestock, and farmers to prove myself to my love. I returned to find my brother raping my love with my parents dead bodies on the floor, hideous burns all over their skin. As I walked in, he slowly pressed his knife into her, and I watched as her life left her. I went into a frenzied rage and killed and burned everyone and everything in the village. I saw them running, fleeing me. I felt their pain, as I murdered every last woman and child. I knew what I did was monstrous, but I could not stop. I left that village behind me in ashes, tears in my eyes. Many months later, I reached Aegis. That was when I met Luc. He was my friend for a long time, and we wandered Aegis for many months together. However, one day I woke up to find him gone. I found him weeks later, stealing from a home and killing the owner with a group of others. I called out to him, only to see his hollow, empty eyes staring back at me as he proclaimed my death. I felt his sword go into me, slicing through my soft flesh as if it were butter. I blacked out. I woke up in the crypts of the cloud temple, 6 monks laboring over me, as I laughed hysterically. Eventually, I settled down, in Alkhazar. I woke one night to hear screaming. I heard thunder and smelled sulfur as I walked outside. I couldn't believe my eyes as I saw lightning coming down from the heavens like rain, so many bolts... I ran for my sword, shining in the firelight. I raced through mobs of fleeing citizens to fight. I slashed through hundreds of foul creatures whose flesh sagged off their bodies as they tried to kill me, staring at me with their hollow gaze, moaning. I finally got to the center of the city, and what I saw there was horrifying. The king of the humans was standing on a balcony, cornered by a servant of Iblees. He fell into the blazes, screaming. But he could not die. I watched the flesh melt off of him, burning, burning. But still he screamed, undying. I raced up through the flames to meet the servant. When I got there, I beheld Luc, cackling madly as he chanted in an ancient forgotten tongue. He slashed me across the face twice. Blood gushing from cuts that should hardly have bled, I fled the city. I ran like a coward. A whimpering puppy with its tail between its legs. However, as soon as I left the city, I became aware of a buzzing in my head. I coughed, lightly at first, but soon coughing more and more. I shivered as it began to snow, feeling the cold in my bones, becoming sleepy, very sleepy, swooning as I fell unconscious. I survived only by the goodwill of someone, someone who I do not know the name of, and never will. He dragged me to a church. I lay there, fighting my illness, coughing up foul-smelling black goo. What few moments of consciousness I had were filled with hallucinations. After weeks of misery, my caretaker finally succumbed to reason and left me. I do not know how I survived, but I did. I lived, and woke up as the sun was coming over the horizon, bringing with it hope and light. I felt a tiny zephyr of wind brush against my cheek, but it was enough. Enough to know that I was alive. I felt hopeless, my home gone and my life gone. I needed a purpose. I still wander, searching for that purpose. Character flaws: Bruug has temper issues, which can cause him to do completely insane things. His mind is very fragile, still wrought with corruption from the battle for Alkhazar. Good Deeds: I helped defend Alkhazar from the undead, but other than that, none. Bad deeds: I have deceived people before and lied, and I have stolen from a couple chests. Why do I wish to join?: Bruug has given up fighting for no reason, and he believes that this cause will give him good reason to feel the rush of combat once more. He also needs a purpose, a reason to live (he is already sort of depressed). Specialty?: Deception and lying. Bruug is a very good lier, and he usually can manipulate people to get what he wants. A combination of pity and charity are all it takes for him to manipulate you. Combat specialty?: Bruug is good with swords, but he would like to use a bow. It is safer and easier to kill with one, but he hasn't found a teacher so that he can learn the intricacies of shooting. Preferred swords technique: Run in circles around the target hitting them occasionally, making actions unexpected and making him hard to hit. Am I neutral and do I have ties that I can break?: Bruug loves no one and nothing. After the death of his parents, his love, his village, his friend's betrayal, and the loss of his home, Bruug has no ties at all. He is completey neutral, doing what he thinks is right. It's not always what's nice.) Reason for joining: ((ummm... isn't this the same as why do I wish to join?) Bruug has given up fighting for no reason, and he believes that this cause will give him good reason to feel the rush of combat once more. He also needs a purpose, a reason to live (he is already sort of depressed). How would I react in the following situations? The city is being taken over. The city is full of innocent people and still you have many fighters alive, however you are losing the city and they have begun to burn parts of it to take out your defenses. The leader of the enemy force has come to say that he searches for a child, a specific, presumably innocent child, and if you are to give him the child he will spare the city. This child happens to be your brother and last remaining family member. You know he will kill your brother. Do you give up your brother to save the city or condemn it to more fighting just to save your brother? Answer: Bruug's brother is dead, and let his soul burn in eternal hell. However, hypothetically, he would do what was better overall. An underwater tunnel is being constructed despite an almost certain loss of several lives [actually, all but certain]. Presumably the expected loss is a calculated cost that society is prepared to pay for having the tunnel. At a critical moment when a fitting must be lowered into place, a workman is trapped in a section of the partly laid tunnel. If it is lowered, it will surely crush the trapped workman to death. Yet, if it is not and a time consuming rescue of the workman is attempted, the tunnel will have to be abandoned and the whole project begun anew. Two workmen have already died in the project as a result of anticipated and unavoidable conditions in the building of the tunnel. What should be done? Answer: Two workers have already died, what's the loss of one more to anyone? A fat man leading a group of people out of a cave on a coast is stuck in the mouth of that cave. In a short time high tide will be upon them, and unless he is unstuck, they will all be drowned except the fat man, whose head is out of the cave. But, fortunately, or unfortunately, someone has with him a stick of dynamite. There seems no way to get the fat man loose without using [that] dynamite which will inevitably kill him; but if they do not use it everyone will drown. What should they do? Answer: ((First off, EPIC FAIL)) First, try to yell for help. If someone else helps, they may be able to get the fat man out of the way. If not, the people in question should consider whether it is better to have all three of them dead or just the, excuse me, fat-ass.
  5. MC name: Wesmellbad123 RP name: Bruug_Cactik,_peacemaker Age (RP or real?): (RP) 25 Race: Orc Gender: Male Time Zone: Eastern Personality: Peaceful, Calm, Fights only when necessary. Biography: Bruug was once a strong, rowdy orc. However, after being cut and robbed by his friend Luc, he has fallen on hardship. He starves and weakens daily, kept alive only by his powerful spirit. He has seen the error of his violent ways, and fights only with no other options, or in the defense of righteousness. Why do I wish to join?: Bruug wishes to join so he can keep the peace, but mainly for a hot meal and a place to stay. What does my character prefer to fight with?: Swords or his fists, swords level 21, fists level 25 (wrestling). He would like to use a bow, but his father would never teach him, believing it was cowardly. However, Bruug finds it a less violent (and less costly) alternative to a sword. Can Bruug build?: Yes, better than most orcs. He is best at building with wood or cobblestone. Special skills?: It's not exactly a special skill, but Bruug speaks very strangely. Will you uphold the rules?: Of course! Do you even need to ask? Skin Link (It's on Photoshop):http://www.photoshop.com/users/wesmellbad123/albums/d9d10e8f37054e928d6ea2f8fa733b05/view#06c72f07b51e4a7b8786af91e5999f97 LOtC app link (Why do you need this?): I'm sorry, I posted it do long ago I really can't find it on the application page. Sorry!
  6. Hey, look at that, I'm a tree-puncher now.

  7. Hi, don't mean to be whiny, but I posted my server application a while ago, and no one has looked at it. Could you please? Thanks, and please don't be mad at me for messaging you!

  8. adding to ryanchojnacki, could you look at mine too? It has been a while since I posted it. Thanks, and please don't get mad at me for asking!

  9. Can you PLEASE look at my app kittenaid?

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