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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by CowsGoMoo

  1. I am tempted to break out into song, but my brother is sitting next to me, and I would probably be punched if I start singing. REPRESS. SINGING. URGES.

  2. Having a staring contest with Slenderman on the top left of the website is really fun. Though, I keep losing. That Slenderman cheats! No sportsmanship at all! Seriously.... How the heck do I win this staring contest when he has no face to begin with? Friggen rigged.

  3. That's not a hamburger, silly. That's TOILET paper!

  4. Even during the break, I'm swamped with work. -Long dragged out sigh-

  5. Waah! Sorry I keep missing out on our GIF wars. >_> I keep BRBing after my status updates.

  6. Congratulations, Ever! You're a GM! Hurry, what's your first order of business? (Spawnmecats...Spawnmesomecatsgoddammit!)

  7. Oooh! Minas for voting? That's great! That'll definitely help out lotsa new players and existing players alike.

  8. Chain of deep quotes? Well. DEEP QUOTE INCOMING! "Cats aren't clean, they're just covered with cat spit." - John S. Nicholas

  9. Let's start your peaceful morning with a peaceful song:

  10. Soothing Song of the Day:

  11. Maybe I'll start Forum Roleplaying much more once finals are over. Maybe I'll even start a new one, though... There's already so many, sooo probably not. >_>

  12. Damn you Ever! You made Zane link me horrid horrid things! I will never get the images out of my mind now! ;m;

  13. I feel as though there has been a sudden decline of kittens in my life... I need to do something about that...

  14. Ohgodtheservercrashed, someone call the ambulance!

  15. U-Uhm... "K-Knock... Knock!" "W-Who's... Who's there...?" "B-Boo..." "Boo... Boo who?" "W-WHY... WHY ARE YOU CRYING?" -sobs- "B-BECAUSE... THIS JOKE S-SUCKS." ;m;

  16. Yes indeed! We do have work to do.

  17. Doing homework and listening to, "I'll Make a Man Out of You" = Definite success.

  18. Welp, darn. We got shot down at 45. Which is still pretty darn impressive, I guess! (And also, I've been kind of thinking of joining that new Zombie Roleplay thang after I finish with finals. :})

  19. Updated my art thread. Here's a sneakpeak to a drawing I've posted:


  20. The server couldn't handle my fishing. It was just so overwhelming. It couldn't take the suspense of what fish I was about to catch. I guess we'll never find out now. ;m;

  21. Thanks for your comment! :o Your art is pretty darn awesome too, and I love your figures. I can't anatomy, so I can't draw full-figures... D;

  22. I am scared. This profile picture. It scares.

  23. hi friend we may now start our wonderful friendship

  24. Another WIP drawing:



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