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Dry Crackers

Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Dry Crackers

  1. I love how many apps there are.

  2. WTF is wrong with Zar's profile background?

  3. I think we can all give a little cheer about how people aren't putting honorifics in their prefixes anymore

  4. Server doesn't like me today

  5. Why is it that when I don't want a nusience computer virus every second link has a new one, but when I do want one there aren't any??

  6. Ok, so everyone better get excavation catapults and sulfur next right? Because im down with that.

  7. I do enjoy pancakes

  8. I'm going to go play a game where the idea is to kill other people, because the amount of effort that goes into doing and avoiding it here is making me angry

  9. RIP messy medieval

  10. Just can't stay away

  11. Just discovered Windows CLI. . . I feel so evil!

  12. Someone help me find that rap of Kalenz' proclaimation during Thales pls

  13. I may be back. No real stomach for RP right now unfortunately. You are all amazing and I love you, even Kalenz.

  14. Skype problem fixed! Yay!

  15. Can we get better pinned symbols?  The green ones look really out of place


  16. Will we ever have working chairs?  Also, the status bar still doesn't work from my profile.

  17. I remember you!!

  18. How about we just take it easy for a bit?


  19. Come back and be admin pls

  20. Where the server at yo


  21. Flaunting my erudition, I quote the words of Andrew Carnegie, my favorite industrialist.

  22. buff gets another one

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