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Status Updates posted by bossnation12345

  1. bawsnation is back rdy to tear **** up

  2. Im supposed to be unbanned today can you please do it alrdy

  3. www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/108145-remove-this-plugin/

  4. www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/108145-remove-this-plugin/

  5. To those complaining about rushed robberies, maybe If you didn't delay the RP to call reinforcements on skype and TS, villains would feel more comfortable in RP'ing with you.

    1. Ford


      No, just don't do shitty villain RP and don't force uncomfortable situations all the damn time.

    2. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      I doubt everyone does that, and the people who do try this, just avoid RPing with them the next time around. Don't rush RP on EVERYONE just because some people do this. Not everyone is a sucky RPer. Not everyone should suffer just because a few people do this. If you see the same person call for reinforcements multiple times, call that player out on it, or have a GM do some investigating (If possible)

    3. Parading


      No. Get out.

  6. To those complaining about rushed robberies, maybe If you didn't delay the RP to call reinforcements on skype and TS, villains would feel more comfortable in RP'ing with you.

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