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Posts posted by Gladuos

  1. [This is an already accepted MArt being resubmitted for the new system.]


    Name of Artifact:

    Recalling Blade
    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:

    MC Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact:

    Gladuos, Demented_Delilah
    RP Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact:

    Daniel Ward, Dele Seregon
    MC Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

    RP Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

    Daniel Ward
    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A)

    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):

    A curved blade honed to a fine tip with a deep blue hue. Incredibly durable and sharp, this weapon has a decoratively encrusted hilt with azure diamonds. Incased in an equally bejewelled sheathe, one would find that by tapping its sheathe thrice that the dagger will teleport back to its holder no matter where it is. Whether continents away or mere feet. Can be teleported three times before needing recharging. [PM Gladuos for details]
    Effect(s) of Artifact:

    A bluesteel double-edged dagger enchanted with several magics to allow for the teleportation back to its user. Wherever the dagger may be, whether several meters away or across the continent, so long as one bears the sheathe they may activate an enchantment to cause it to teleport back to them. By utilizing the sheathe, the dagger enchantment is activated as it sends itself into the Void. As the sheathe was charging simultaneously, the dagger is re-translocated back into its sheathe immediately following this. The dagger will take some time to translocate; this is not an immediate teleportation. Finally due to its composition, the blade itself is rather hardy and thus an excellent weapon! It isn't invincible however.
    Red Lines of Artifact:

    -Effects are capable of being dispelled via warding/abjuration or fi magic.

    -Dagger or sheathe can be broken, requiring the enchantment to be repaired or forgotten.

    -Only enough fuel to be recalled a maximum of three times before needing refuelment.

    -Three emotes to recall the dagger. One to activate the enchantment, another for charging, and lastly one for the actual teleportation.
    Explanation of effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):

    The dagger is enchanted with a translocation spell designed to send it into the Void, alongside a diamond mana gem on its hilt to fuel the process. This enchantment is inherently bound through the Void with its partner sheathe, which is enchanted with translocation as well. The sheathe may be activated, and by doing so activate the dagger. The sheathe charges a spell to re-materialize the dagger at the same time as the dagger charges the spell to de-materialize with the sheathe lagged slightly behind to allow the spells to sync properly. The sheathe is also equipped with a diamond mana gem so it may have energy to return the blade.

    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:

    One (There are 2 blades and 2 sheathes)
    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?:

    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  2. [This is an already accepted MArt being resubmitted for the new system.]


    Name of Artifact:

    The Ram's Debt; Bess

    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:


    MC Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact:


    RP Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact:

    Ram Druid Jeremiah

    MC Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable):


    RP Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

    Ram Druid Jeremiah

    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A)


    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):

    Within your grasp is a gnarled cane-sized branch covered in verdant moss and twisting vines. To most it may seem as a regular staff saturated in nature, barky knots curling around its entirety. However for any druid within its proximity, the pulses of life can be felt originating from inside. [PM Gladuos for details]

    Effect(s) of Artifact:

    Bess is an awakened staff containing various types of plants and implements to allow for a number of uses. It is made mainly of pure oak wood and wrapped by four vines grafted into or connected with the tip which may unfurl physically. The innards are made from a core of separate wood known as the Starlit Monacrie, allowing for a blue-green bio-luminescent glow which can be as bright as a torch if allowed to be exposed. Next it is covered in harmless aesthetic moss and flowers, unable to be used for herblore effectively. Finally a slayer-steel spear is lodged below the tip, which may also be exposed for use in combat. These several things may be used to the creativity of a druid, and are all things normally possible with an awakened staff. The following however is something unique to the Ram's Debt itself.

    Due to being in the possession of an old tree lord over the course of many decades, being present and saturated in druidic energy every time the halfling meditated, it has developed a form of limited sentience. The excess of natural energies which culminated in the staff have begun to form in order, becoming intelligent akin to the pseudo-souls of spriggans; entirely composed from Aspectual power. The effect of this is that it is capable of acting more autonomously on its own, not unthinking and unmoving like most plant-life. It is capable of making limited actions on its own, whether that be the movement of its vines or shaping of its wood. However this is usually limited as just like spriggans it lacks direction without the encouragement of a druid. When a druid communes with this staff they are able to Control it without anywhere near as much focus, merely requesting something of the staff as it proceeds to act on its own.

    Red Lines of Artifact:

    -Due to being an awakened item, it cannot survive without the consistent revitalization of a willing druid. It enters a dormant unusable state thereafter unless a druid re-awakens it.

    -Being mostly just wood and plant-life, it can be certainly killed or destroyed. Including the spear-head.

    -The Starlit Monacrie core can never be brighter than an average torch.

    -Capable of becoming unusable by means of respective anti-magic.

    -The moss and flowers are aesthetic only, no use of herblore here.

    -The staff will not act on its own unless exceptionally necessary, like if it needs to to prevent destruction. There will never be anything extraordinary like a staff sprouting legs and walking around.

    -Mostly acts as a mossy vine-covered inanimate staff for a non-druid, unless they attack it. This makes it mainly unusable for them.

    -Staff prioritizes druidic requests from those it has formed bonds with, much like any intelligent being would listen to their friend over a stranger.

    -The limited sentience only effects using Control on the staff itself, not anywhere else otherwise. Such as with a separate plant entirely.

    Explanation of effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):

    Initially the staff was just an amalgamation of several different plants, mainly the oak wood of its shaft, that were awakened and restored to life by the art of blight healing. They acted like any other awakened item, interact-able only as far as controlling any other plant-life via druidic arts. Though as time went on and its creator spent much time in meditation coursing his natural energies through it, a lot of druidic energy remained in excess inside the staff, allowing it to over the course of decades gain sentience akin to spriggans. The excess druidic essence stored inside has formed into a pseudo-soul (notably not a true one or even a soul shadow one) so it may react to requests with autonomy. However since it has quite limited sentience, it will only ever act fully on its own if exceptionally necessary.

    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:

    None (This is the only one)

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?:


    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. [An already accepted MArt being resubmitted for the new system.]


    Name of Artifact:

    Piper's Whistle

    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:

    Yes (This attracts animals which may in turn have impacts on combat scenarios - good or bad for the user.)

    MC Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact:


    RP Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact:

    Ram Druid Jeremiah

    MC Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

    Gladuos, Gallic

    RP Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

    Ram Druid Jeremiah, Oliver

    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A)


    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):

    In one's hand rests a small cylindrical wooden instrument, hollow and covered in various holes for the creation of beautiful melodies. This flute retains a dark-hued texture, like a diminutive branch fashioned into its current shape. To play the artifact with skill is to attract nearby fauna with its curious songs, symbolically mocking the very songs of Nature. An ancient natural power signals to any druids closeby, indicating to them its unique essence. [PM Gladuos for details]

    Effect(s) of Artifact:

    A wooden flute carved and molded by druidic magics, any whom plays the flute at least some what sufficiently will find that all fauna or beasts within hearing range will become curious to the sounds, gaining strong urges of curiosity to come and listen, following the flute player as they would play. A powerful relic of the Aspects in its own right, the living wood would expend its own natural energies in this display of druidic power, meaning that even non-druids would be capable of utilizing its effects to an extent. For any druids, the flute would emit a pulse of life, sensing its existence as they would normally for a regular awakened wood object.

    Red Lines of Artifact:

    -As it is magical, the effects of the flute may be warded like druidic communion.

    -Doesn't force animals against instinct: if it outright endangers them or they have something more important to do (like protecting companions or feeding), it will not work. It's a strong persuasive effect similar to a high-tiered druid asking nearby animals to gather and listen.

    -Purposefully or inadvertently playing a discordant melody will result in the flute having no effect (requires knowing how to play a flute)

    -Only gathers animals/beasts/fauna. This means it has no effects on plants, people, etc.

    -It may gather a hungry lion for example, but it wouldn't calm them from deciding you're their next meal in that case (in accordance with no forcing against instinct, this would require direct druidic communion to potentially persuade against)

    -Although being alive like standard awakened objects, the druidic energies do not dwindle unless actively playing and utilizing its effects. In which case it may run low and become dormant, requiring a druid to meditate with the object and revitalize it with their natural energies. Otherwise one may recharge it by leaving it within a fairy ring for long enough. (Basically think Aspect Stones recharging methods)

    -Despite seemingly an awakened item, it may not be directly molded by way of Druidic Control of Nature as the unique Aspectual enchantment denies this.

    -May be destroyed like any regular flute (catching on fire, being snapped in half, etc.) However if minimal enough damage was done the flute will expend portions of its energy to regrow itself into its original shape.

    Explanation of effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):

    Brought on as inspiration from a vision in a duo's dream by the Aspects, it brings forth an image of perfect representation of the songs of Nature. The flute was molded of wood from a tree within the Sutican Mother Grove, shaped surely by way of druidic control. It was then meditated with by the two druids powersharing, flooding the object with natural energies to pump it with life in a similar way druids would normally create awakened living objects, such as their awakened staves. Once the flute had been properly awakened, another unusual step was performed. Before the shrines to the Aspects, remembering the vision that was brought upon them, the druids spoke out to their deities in prayer, beseeching them that should there be more... The Aspects bless the flute personally. Humbly accepting whatever their patrons decide, the druids continue flooding their energy into the flute as assistance. The flute, which was to be a physical symbol for the songs of Nature, was decidedly blessed by the guiding hands of the Aspects, imbuing it with druidic power beyond any mere servant of the gods could accomplish alone. And with that, the Piper's Whistle was born.

    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:

    Zero (This is the only one)

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?:


    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  4. [An already accepted MArt being resubmitted for the system.]

    [I want to just spend some time clarifying the potency of this artifact. It is NOT more powerful than a T5 blessing, as is put in the redlines. The sentence referring to "slightly enhanced" only referred to its ability to last longer. The burn is just as powerful as a T5 blessing, and no more. It is only allowed to last longer because if it had the same longevity as a normal T5 weapon, the blade would vanish in only a few hits... Which is obviously very impractical. That is ALL it is. Thank you.]


    Name of Artifact:


    Is this a combat related Artifact? If marked as “no”, it will not be usable in combat situations:


    MC Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact:


    RP Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact:

    Velulaei Elillera

    MC Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

    Kender123, NoSilhouette

    RP Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

    J'alan Aureon, Velulaei Elillera

    Screenshots showcasing the attempted creation of the artifact (use an imgur album or a spoiler please | if an event item just screenshot the item itself | If you're resubmitting an old MArt put N/A)


    MC Item description (the exact description that will be used for the MC item if this MArt is accepted):

    A steel hilt with sturdy wood making up the handle with long bars for the crossguard. A singular amber gemstone is embedded at the center of the crossguard, sometimes lighting up with glimmers of holy energy. The greatsword's blade is composed entirely out of aengulic light, giving off a dim light for all directions. Such a blade would surely cause extreme agony with contact. Otherwise, it seems to be a normal blade in function. [PM NoSilhouette for details]

    Effect(s) of Artifact:

         Elandria'lar is a divine-blessed two-handed hilt made from a steel central bar, a wooden handle, and a precious amber gemstone on its crossguard. When active it manifests a weapon composed entirely out of golden aengulic light from Tahariae himself. With blade and hilt combined this makes for a decently-sized greatsword useful for direct combat.

          In all practicality Elandria'lar is equivalent to that of a regular T5 blessed steel greatsword with a slightly enhanced endurance to purge through its light: The greatsword purges with similar strength to that of a T5 blessing but may persist for quite a bit longer comparatively speaking. The weight and durability is the same as a normal steel greatsword as well. Perhaps much more trivial, dim light is shed in the surroundings of the weapon no brighter than that of a torch.

         Over-using the blessing to purge impurity can threaten dispelling the blade. This would result in it disappearing instantly. Due to the presence of a light-stone absorbing any incoming holy light, any cleric using this blade cannot use the stored energy to help their spells. Likewise, this also means the blade is an inherent enchantment to the hilt and requires no clerical concentration to use. Finally, Elandria'lar cannot be turned on and off under normal circumstances, especially in combat. When out of fuel, it requires a cleric to re-activate out of combat for the blade to reappear.

    Red Lines of Artifact:

    -Cannot be manually turned on or off while in combat.

    -Destroyed as easily as a steel greatsword.

    -Dispelled by over-using its energies. The blade disappears in this case.

    -Does not exceed the potency of a T5 blessing, but lasts many times longer.

    -Weighs as much as a common steel greatsword.

    -Cannot withdraw stored energies to help in clerical spells.

    -Must be refueled by a cleric periodically.

    -Ambient light from the sword is no brighter than a torch.

    Explanation of effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):

    The hilt was blessed by two clerics convening their powers together via holy alteration. The effort resulted in a Divine Blessing guided by Tahariae, allowing the Manifest Weapons spell to be bound into a hilt. Particularly, the manifested weapon of a radiant greatsword. Thanks to its binding through a blessing, the spell is no longer considered just a finishing move but capable of being readily used in combat (albeit weaker). Much of Tahariae's light is able to be stored into the enchantment mostly due to the light-stone thoughtfully embedded in.

    In the end this is functionally the same as a T5 blessed sword with more interesting holy aesthetics; very similar to the common manablade seen in arcane enchanting. There are still some varying effects due to what it is but those were all hopefully listed above. Other than said changes, it's mainly flavor!

    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:

    Zero (There's only one)

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?:


    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  5. 3 minutes ago, ChonGojDragonski said:

    Fair enough regarding Clerics, Ascended can however. 


    I can't speak for Ascended because I'm not one but I don't think I've ever seen them legitimately regen a missing limb before. Besides that, there are a lot of ways to deal with missing limbs or permanent injuries that aren't directly healing methods like magic prosthetics. Those can be fun tbh, I wish clerics had some type of neat prosthetic.

  6. 12 minutes ago, ChonGojDragonski said:

    Perhaps you could explain something to me, as it's very plausible I misunderstood.


    Couldn't an Ascended take an injury, such as losing a limb, onto themselves, therefore heal the person?


    Just want this clarified, as I know it explicitly states in Cleric redlines that they can't regenerate limbs/extremities. 


    I don't believe there are any ways to regenerate entire missing organs or limbs without the use of resurrection from monks (not a player thing) or regeneration potions. I'm not an expert on Ascended, but I am a cleric. Clerics certainly cannot restore missing organs/limbs.


    13 minutes ago, ChonGojDragonski said:

    I personally have qualms in the way alchemy is utilized as well, though I think it's less prevalent of an issue. The way I see it, Holy Healing Magic should work really quickly for small injuries such as cuts, bruises, forms of fatigue, and other such things. And it should be a way to heal super diffiult things that couldn't be healed without the use of Magic. Medium things, such as broken bones, or muscle tears, etc, etc, should be tied between Holy Healing and Mundane Healing. This system would give Magic Healers some usefulness in an immediate sense regarding small and minor injuries, as well as vital in the long term sense for certain kinds of injuries. By making them equivalent to mundane healers when it comes to medium level injuries, you preserve mundane healing roleplay and prevent Holy Healing from being the save all be all to any kind of injury. It should be rare and awe inspiring when you see it, the current system doesn't fully provide for that. Just thought I'd state my opinion as to how it should be done to explain why I sort of disagree with you.


    That's fair enough, but I stand by my opinion that if you put a lot more time and effort into practicing a magic dedicated to RP, you ought to be better for it in some way or another than a common mundane healer.


    15 minutes ago, ChonGojDragonski said:

    I see no reason as to why Clerics and other holies can't also learn medicine Roleplay, and provide both kinds for victims and prospective learners aside. What if Clerics also made a guild where they teach the basics of human anatomy, how to properly stitch a cut up, set a broken nose or something in battle, stop blood loss, etc. The two don't have to be mutually exclusive, and you can maintain their importance through the healing of injuries that are beyond the capability of simple mundane healing.


    Clerics do actually do this, but the point isn't to be on par with alchemists but to be the healers on the server. That's what holies ought to be, and I think they should deserve it for all the months of RP and magic slot usage it takes to get there. Plus, some people really like the religious light magic style of healing things over gritty manual fixing things.

  7. I've had some time to sleep and recollect my thoughts, so here's a little more of my two cents. I'll admit that I was wrong about a few things in my initial comments throughout this thread. Also, I apologize for any aggressiveness towards people, including chon, regarding this. I was feeling very frustrated about what I felt was an injustice towards the RP I and many others regularly do.


    The following are just my thoughts, and not directed at anyone. Holy healing magic is incapable of regenerating lost limbs or organs, I'll note. I know many people have been bringing this up, so I'll clear it for you. If someone loses a foot, or a hand, a cleric won't be able to grow it back. They might be able to reattach it if they bring it soon enough, but that's about it. The only thing available to players which regenerates lost organs like that is the regen potion, an alchemical method. The truth is that mundane doctoring and alchemy are able to replicate everything clericism does with enough time and preparation, if not some what more due to the aforementioned potion. Sure, you might not be able to fix curses, but a potion could certainly be written up and submitted to address such. Like a "break curse" potion. I'd even be willing for such, I'm all for letting there be methods of healing certain things without the necessity of holies.


    I believe the only real difference in capabilities and limitations between mundane doctoring/alchemy and holy healing is that holy magic takes less time and preparation (like not needing extensive tools, materials, salves, potions, etc). This may seem unfair at a first glance, but let me explain my reasoning as to why I don't think it is. Anyone is able to make a "master alchemist/doctor" at any time. You can have one made in less than a day. As for mastering clericism? Six IRL months filled with progressing RP to acquire such. I believe that due to the large OOC barrier between being a regular character and learning the fullest extents of a holy healing magic is justification for letting it be some what better than mundane doctoring. People waste months and months of time RPing this, learning about how to cast the magic, using up one of their magic slots, often times researching anatomy. I feel like there's no reason their RP should be devalued by having their magic made worthless, all of those obstacles in the way only to be as useful as the alchemist someone made yesterday.


    Clerics and other holies are a lot about being dedicated to healing, and medicine RP. If they're not allowed to be exceptional for it because people are afraid of ignoring consequences, I don't know what to say. It seems like the equivalent of saying a problem shouldn't be able to be fixed because putting in endless time and effort is worthless in the equation. This is their main shtick, let holies do what they're meant to do. Fact of the matter is you can ignore their healing, and their healing isn't particularly better than mundane/alchemical healing anyway. Yes, anyone can OOCly choose how effective holy healing is on their character.

  8. 8 minutes ago, ChonGojDragonski said:

    You missed the point completely. You claimed that opinions are subjective, therefore no meaningful discussion can be had regarding them. I just demonstrated two examples of opinions people have where there is meaningful discussion every day. It's not a straw man, you just didn't understand the analogy. You said Holy Magic is fine for X, Y, and Z. I explained why X, Y, and Z is wrong. If you disagree, answer my explanations. If not, this is pointless and we're further cluttering a thread that was meant for discussion.


    Or rather you fall back on your classic 180 maneuver and change what you meant so it better suits your argument. You seem to have misunderstood what I said too.

  9. I think whether or not holy healing magic is fine in a fantasy server is a little different from racism or sexism, guy. You're fighting the straw man. It's subjective, there's no proving sh*t and it's more subtle than what you think it is. In my opinion, holy magic healing is fine. You're picking the extreme on the other spectrum.

  10. I actually don't know where to start, everything you say is basically the exact opposite of what I believe is the right thing to do. And it comes down to subjective opinions on what is good and what is bad, I didn't say anything you advocate for is evil, just terrible imo. Every single time. I don't know how it gets in your head, it's so foreign to me. The point is I don't want to discuss it with you because you're the type of person who will go on for hours and hours because you're so set in your ways. It actually does piss me off, yeah. You're acting very smug.

  11. @ChonGojDragonski I'm not gonna make a huge analytical response to everything you've said and turn it against you in the same petty manner as you have, but you seem a pretty big advocate against holy healing. That's fine, you're allowed to not use it. Don't force other people to suffer your """""""""""""quality""""""""""""" roleplay though, it won't be fun for anyone but you. I'm sure that's what you're after though.

  12. I recall once during my basic af studies of US law, you have rights up until it infringes on the rights of another person. Knowing this, I'd say everyone has the right to enjoy their RP here on this server, and if you can't enjoy things without forcing harsh consequences on RP (and thus taking away their enjoyment), you should probably check yourself. Not to say people should be allowed to "lahdeedah" and ignore all RP because they can have things fixed, but rather you making it a sweeping across the board nerf on magic healing just because of those instances is rather unfair. Some people would rather not be mutilated, or turned unplayable just because there's no real method of fixing things. That's just not the kind of RP they enjoy, so perhaps don't be selfish and let them enjoy their time here, guys?


    Healing magic is fine in literally every other medium of fantasy, so why is LotC the exception? Even in combat it can be fine, if there are ample methods of disrupting the process. (Like hitting the healer as they will take quite some time and energy to do things). ****, Dungeons and Dragons has healing in combat all the time and that's fine by everyone afaik.

  13. I honestly don't understand this fad. The LotC community always has specific things of the week they want to hyper focus on and criticize unnecessarily. There's literally nothing wrong with it, and healing magic is fine in any other medium. I can't help but feel the problem lies in the players themselves, such as people who get angry when others don't conform to their grimdark consequence RP. Let people do what they enjoy, that's what we're here for. Don't drive more people away.

  14. As much as ya'll love your consequence roleplay, I have to say holy healing is a necessity. Sometimes people would resort to doing bullshit stuff like removing all limbs, gouging out eyeballs, removing ears, scarring, and leaving someone a mutilated, unplayable mess. Implying mundane anything, even alchemy, can deal with that in an extensive manner is ludicrous. It just can't. Before anyone mentions regen potion, no. Some people don't want to be retarded murderers just to bring back a finger. Furthermore, I don't think your arguments are very valid for arguing holy magic as a bad thing. You can make up a false debate towards anything in the format you've chosen.


    Izkuthii and illusions are bad because you can shapeshift or disguise yourself into any form you please. This removes the consequences of having to formulate your own costume to get by through roleplay. This detracts from the real non-magical masters of disguise on this server. It needs to be nerfed because it has little to no consequence for being able to look in any fashion that you please.


    Evocations are bad because it lets you create fire when you could otherwise create fire through plenty of wood, tinder, and flint and steel. Being able to evoke anything from nothing is bad because it has no consequence of having to collect that element before using it. This detracts from the elementalist non-mages who like to throw rocks at people and create bonfires. smh Nerf all evocations and illusions/izkuthii.


    In case you couldn't tell, that was entirely satire and I can't help but believe this is a well constructed attempt to lash at holy magics when in reality it's just the function of the magic. It's MEANT to be good for healing, and it's a good thing because some people would rather have fun than deal with the ultra harsh consequences forced on them by other players. LotC is full of murder hobos, after all. If anything, all this would do is encourage people to die of wounds more often so that they just resurrect. Healing RP isn't all that fun for the victim, so tbh having something that deals with it quickly seems like a good thing. If you're worried about consequences of holy magic healing, make it so that it has a detrimental effect on the patient. Something like exhaustion or unconsciousness for taking a lot out of the body to heal itself rapidly, as orchestrated by holy magics. *shrug

  15. Another is lost in a vivid dream not unlike Klaus', as it appears the machine god has plans in store for those he finds have potential in the material realm. Daniel awakens within his dark, empty shack deep within the Oyashima lands. A sweat had gathered on the Mali's brow, visage sharpening to one of deepened thought. As he had left in search of tying up loose ends before going to chase his dreams, it appears his dreams did not want to wait and came for him first.

  16. MC Name: Gladuos

    Character's Name: Daniel Ward

    Character's Age: Approximately 215

    Character's Race: Mixed Elf

    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Animii Crafting

    Link a MA of a magic your character already uses that is in the same archetype as the magic you are self teaching: N/A

    How did you learn this magic(s)?: Having been an artificer for many decades, with practice in crafting a number of magical or nonmagical contraptions, Danny should have the smarts to build off his inspiration. Inspiration acquired from a dream through roleplay. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/172347-dreamer/ Furthermore, I helped Phil write the original lore and have his blessing to create this app. https://i.gyazo.com/d7690e054689d67fc72ea2bccd7e4cbb.png

    MC name of OOC overseer (Note: they must either have a TA in this magic on any character or be a member of the MT): Niv_Mizzet

    Offer an explanation of the magic(s) you are learning: Through completely mundane methods, one is able to utilize various materials in a complex structure to create artificial lifeforms. Via alchemic fluids, redstone, gems, cogs, tubes, and mechanical attachments, automatons are made possible. They require at the very least a week's worth of work to create, and must have the various parts as described in the animii lore. So long as the animii has a scientifically sound frame that would function in motion, it can be crafted.

    Provide evidence you've a proper means of learning this magic(s): I helped Phil make the lore and the prior sections should have all the evidence needed.

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes

    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No

  17. Congrats on the first year. I celebrated mine via PKing my first character. :,^]


    Favorite color?


    Favorite character on LotC? (Can be your own or someone else's)


    Opinion of me?


    Elvira Jr. meets Tichar when


    How has your day been?


    Why don't we RP more?

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