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Posts posted by Gladuos

  1. A man hailing of Oyashima catches wind of the pamphlet from many miles outside of Atlas. The elderly farfolk can't help but smile, shaking his head. 

    "It seems they never learn." he utters in surprisingly clear Common, small amber glimmers rising from his irises.

  2. MC Name:


    Character's Name:

    Ram Druid Jeremiah


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

    Tree lord halfling


    Link to your accepted MA:

    Communion and Control MA

    Blight Healing MA

    Herblore MA


    What magic(s) will you be teaching?:

    Communion/Control, Blight Healing, Herblore


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):


    The magic by which all other druidic arts are derived. A druid using communion can feel the ebb and flow of all life around them as something of a sixth sense. Always active, it is a constant bombardment to the druid's mind as though consistently stuck in a very crowded room (assuming they're around ample nature). Over time they become better are making sense of this chaos, listening in to certain voices and even being able to convey messages through empathic bonds. The stronger this becomes, the more skilled a druid is at making requests of animals or making sense of their "language".


    This is the art by which a druid makes requests of the plants in nature. They can perform amazing feats such as growing flowers in seconds or causing vines to move in accordance to the druid's request. Shaping plant matter or even ungrowing (more difficult than growing), there are endless possibilities that a druid can perform with this. The more grandiose the ability, the longer it will take and more exhaustive it will be for a druid as they must expel druidic energies and lend it into the soul essence of plants to properly animate them - meaning larger ones require more power.

    Blight Healing:

    The power by which a druid restores life to dead plant matter, destroys taint over lands or nature (plants/animals), and restores fertility into ruined soil. The greatest form of land correction, druidic blight healing can be used for a number of amazing feats following the aforementioned list. This is the magic how awakened objects are made possible such as living staves, restored by BH and kept alive through control.


    Herblore is how a druid is capable of enhancing the properties of herbs. After learning the various traits of the plant matter in question, a druid may commune with it and request to make several alterations. They may amplify or hinder different traits to make unique powerful potions or poisons. It should be noted this can't be used on anything but plants and that they can't request to make traits that don't already exist. For example, they could make tippen's root better at clotting blood, but not make it a blood thinner so it would flow easier.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:


    Jeremiah glares down at his pupil, crooked hand clutching the dark oak of his staff. The halfman speaks, "Focus inteh yer 'eart, don' listen wit' yer ears. Communin' wit' nature isn' abou' wha' makes sense wit' yer 'ead, boy."
    The pupil listens intently to Jeremiah, sitting down to be at eye-level with the old small man. "So how do I hear an animal's words?"
    "Ah'm gettin' teh it, jus' be f*ckin' patient already."
    The sour old man replies bitterly, standing and walking around the pupil's perimeter. The halfman glares at the flower living on his staff, quickly extending it in front of the pupil's nose. "It's wit' yer gut, wit' yer 'eart, wit' tha' life crawlin' all through ya. Don' wait fer words, wait fer the meanin' an' feelings o' t'is floweh teh fill up inteh ya."

    With a discomforted frown, the pupil looks down at the purple flower hovering in front of him. The bombardment of noise from Nature had always been present, but none of it ever made sense. Memories swirl through his head of straining his ears to listen, but for what the halfman said, something 'clicked'.

    Continuing to squint at the flower, the pupil's brow furrows with intensity as he focused. Eventually, he relaxed his body and exhaled through his mouth. Looking at the flower not with his mind, but in serenity, something emerged in the heart of the pupil. The flower's very essence felt for a fluttering moment ever-so-apparent.



    A decent amount of time has passed since last, Ram's pupil having spent countless hours in meditation so he may best understand the feeling of an empathic bond to the nature around him. Ram stares down at the pupil again, an ever-present sense of anger emanating from the halfman, but that's normal. "Now yer 'gon do somet'ing useful wit' yer blessin's. A Druid is nothin' wit' out the poweh o' 'is influence wit' nature. Wit' out it, ya will neveh be able teh accomplish balance. O' course, there are mundane ways - but even tha' will not do. Time is o' the essence, and the rate o' imbalance will not wait fer useless fuckin' 'round."

    A mild blink comes from the pupil, clearly used to the old man's foul language and intense rambling. "So what do I do now?"

    "Now ya mus' do the same as the countless times 'fore. Listen wit' yer feelin's teh the floweh 'fore ya. Bond wit' it an' concentrate. When the time 'as come, ya mus' convey back teh it. Relay through Nature, wit' yer 'eart, wha' it is ya want it teh do. Keep yer mind on it, neveh falteh even as the task begins. Neveh falteh until it's done." The Ram began to explain, eventually plotting himself down in the dirt, revealing a similar flower as before, now planted in the soil before his pupil. The halfman, with his legs crossed, gestures to the plant wordlessly and then looks to his student - expectant.

    The pupil knew what this meant, continuing along with what was told of him. He looks at the flower as before, a gentle green glow beginning to encompass his irises as he felt its essence - as he connected with Nature.

    The pupil opens his mouth and began to speak, whispering as though speaking to the plant itself. Though his words were meaningless, it was the message that mattered. Thick globules of sweat immediately began swelling from his forehead, the fatigue of expunged energy already occurring.

    At first it seemed nothing would happen, the pupil's inexperienced efforts making no sway over the wills of Nature, even in such a tiny flower. However, the closed pedals of its bud began to swivel and move.

    Eventually the flower pedals began to open, the flower slowly but surely blooming before their eyes.

    Ram Druid Jeremiah frowns as he always does. Even in the presence of his student's success, it seemed nothing pleased him. "Keep tryin'. Don' give up until ya can't move anymore. Then we'll continue."


    Blight Healing:

    As always, the Ram circles his student. Eventually he beckons for the student to follow, leading him through the dense foliage of the grove before reaching an end to the forest. There they see a small patch of deadened plants. "T'is is where we begin ya firs' lesson o' correctin' the imbalance o' Natures more directleh. Bligh' 'ealin'."

    The pupil follows Jeremiah all the way to the taint, listening in as Ram began to speak. "So how do I fix this?" Generic pupil guy asks, as is expected of the information sponge robot.

    Ram glowers, as he always does, at the apprentice. "When ya concentrate on requestin' t'ings o' Nature, yer often givin' way forces o' the Aspects from yer vereh 'eart. In ordeh teh 'eal wha' was lost 'ere, teh break away the imbalance, ya mus' do the same. Force ya enehgies inteh these dead plants, speak through ya connection wit' Nature teh request life back inteh them. Neveh falteh in these though's, t'is is a 'ardeh practice than the un's prioh."

    The pupil dipped his head as Jeremiah finished explaining, trying to get started immediately as his eyes began to glow a generic green. The pupil extends his hands and looks down at the nearest wilted flower, eyes narrowing in concentration.

    An emerald mist just barely appears in the druid's palm, eyes glazing over and sweat producing on his brow. Despite this, he continues as it drifts through the air in the flower's direction.

    The wilted flower is filled with new life-giving energies, its deadened material taking on a new vibrant hue over time until it was entirely restored. The pupil drops to his knees, winded by his first exhaustive blight healing.



    Getting onto some of the last lessons the Ram will be giving to this pupil, he glares at the boy. "Ah don' know why ah've fuckin' bothehed teachin' ya anyt'ing so far, lad. Yer really not tha' notewortheh. Guess ah ought teh jus' finish wha' ah started at leas'..." The elderly halfman speaks harshly, pausing for a second before continuing. "Next we're movin' onteh herblore."

    The pupil says nothing in response to Jeremiah's mean-spirited words, not wishing to gather his ire. "What must I do, teacher?"

    With a disdainful frown, Jeremiah continues. "Herblore is all abou' enhancin' or 'indering the effects o' herbs, as ya migh o' guessed. Ya mus' learn everything ya can abou' wha' it does, as when yer communin' wit' the herb, yer meant teh request the changes ya desire. 'Oweveh, it's 'ard gettin' these requests righ' when yer jus' a young blood such as yerself. Furtheh, ya can't request somet'ing o' an herb tha' it couldn't already do... 'Ence the only enhancin' or 'indering wha' is already there."

    Sitting on his knees, the pupil nods his head as he listens attentively like a good generic boy who does nothing but absorb information.

    "So get an herb an commune wit' it, ask it wha' ya wish teh change. Chances are yeh'll **** it up, but try it anyway. When yer doin' it, focus on sharin' yer enehgies wit' the plant, soak it in it... It will need the poweh teh make the changes ya wan'." Ram waves with his hand, gesturing for him to get a move on already.

    A cluster of blissfoil rests in front of the Hierophant's apprentice, swaying in the gentle breeze. The pupil gathers his confidence, taking in a deep breath as he stared down to focus on its voice. A generic green glow sheens over his eyes.

    With his hands cupped and hovering over the blissfoil, the student begins muttering incoherently. A green mist billows down to encompass the flower, imbibing into it directly. A long period of perpetual whispering is shared from the pupil in the flowers' direction, druidic power performing some change in it.

    It would not be until later that the student realizes he accidentally made it worse at numbing pain, effectively making it useless. Ram chose his apprentice poorly, shaking my head.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

  3. I woke up from my pupper borking so loud it broke the windows or something.


    Why is life so hard


    Can I see your doodle?


    Let's RP later pls 


    On Tichar


    I can probably just talk to you but I feel obligated to post on your AMA is that bad

  4.      The Ram Druid hears the news of the Bull Druid's unattunement and death. The vision of a young, stubborn man preventing progress into the higher levels of an old elder tree crosses Jeremiah's mind. The remembrance of he who stopped the Ram from saving the life of his cherished friend. From those that considered themselves the 'judge, jury, and executioners' of his life - deceivers. A dear friend lost forever. He recalls how each of them named it a mercy to this friend, to allow him to pass on to the Eternal Forest.

         Ignorance. Unattunement and death is to have your soul barred from the afterlife of nature, to send the spirit careening into an oblivion from which it will never escape. Such was the fate of he whom Ram loved as a brother. Thus is the fate of the Bull Druid now. Despite it, there was no satisfaction. Nothing will bring any of them back. Nothing will give them the afterlife they deserved. The Ram's withered visage sours again, scowling with its familiar wrinkles.

  5. Velulaei Elillera watches in horror from behind closed gates as her own people are mercilessly slaughtered for some reason she does not know. The 'Aheral, forced to enter the Dominion, tip-toes around the entrails of her fellow thill. A disturbed sadness can only grow in her heart as she is then suspected as a potential raider, being a Mali'Aheral herself. Despite her good deeds as a cleric of the Adherents, it mattered not.

  6. It'd be pretty awesome if you added a little more to this piece to separate it from Necromancy blight (with unique aesthetics). Maybe you can also mutate animals to appear malformed and become malicious entities. Perhaps not with any more power than they originally had, just more aggressive and spooky as hell looking! @Smaw

  7. This is cool and all but I think you should come up with a different name than "dark druids". That's something that already exists in the form of druids truly protecting the balance by the views of the Aspects albeit with questionable morals (Thuleanism being an example of these druids). This is legit harming the balance due to being deceived by a servant of the deity of deception. They're actually more like unintentional draoi, so you ought to just change the name to avoid confusing this with groups that already exist IRP. Otherwise, I've not read it all yet, but it looks pretty cool so far!

  8. 4 minutes ago, zaezae said:

    Doesn't the whole idea of a creature kinda...conflict with the cleric's theme?


    Debatable. This is no more interference than Tahariae giving his blessings as it is. Considering they're still mortal fleshy beings, aren't inherently heightened in power, and still have access to their normal forms.

  9. Ya'll fell for drfate's shitpost. So here's me also falling for it.


    Also nah, it's deceiving. This lore doesn't actually have a lot but repeats a ton of the same paragraphs for EVERY. SINGLE. SPELL.




    Each spell isn't a unique ability but the same ability described with slightly different functioning. I.E. healing bruises, healing cuts, healing muscles, healing bones when it could've all been simplified as one technique of healing that gets stronger over time. 


    Not to mention there are entire sections just about history and rules a cleric must follow instead of mechanics or "more spells". Silly silly man.


    EDIT: Also yes don't take Suticans as the baseline examples. What you described has never been possible by-lore and was Kary literally just powergaming. Smh

  10. Not sure if you meant 'experienced' the multiple times you said experimented or not. Also saint years is IRL years so 40 of those may be well beyond the server's longevity.


    Otherwise seems good to me.

  11. God have mercy he's making me comment at 4am . . .


    JK, good job Fury. As slow as any rewrite appears to be happening, it's nice to see a consolidation of current canon which is (slightly) more concise. Maybe learn from our predecessors and don't use so many spoilers though, they'll be broken easily. +1

  12. 3 hours ago, Edel said:

    call it uplifted or sanctified or elevated form or something our pantheons are all aenguls it'd be strange to call normal people with cosmetic changes the same


    "hey look it's an aengul!"

    "tahariae? where?"

    "no silly, the cleric with wings aengul!"



    also aren't paragons a dwarven thing


    Thanks for giving some alternatives. I'll change it to sanctified form when I get home from work. As for paragons being a dwarven thing - paragon is just a word meaning a person with preeminent qualities, a role model. If you wish to distinguish them, these are Paragons of Tahariae/Purity.

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