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Posts posted by Avacyn

  1. Thallassos

    Or Ketomancy
    The Songs of Sea Beasts




    “Come, ye wild things and the waves that come with ye--
    Come, sea and swell, salt and brine, o tumultuous storm--

    Come crash upon shores and let your children crawl forth--

    The tide is high and the voice of Nerea calls to you!”

    -The Hymn of Okanus, translated from Ancient Crataein


    In an age long past and a land long forgotten by time, the vastness of the primordial world was ruled by the King of the Oceans and his people. They came to conquer the sea by the will of the depthless Fathoms themselves, for the sea is deep and dark and strange things dwell within. Before the great kingdoms of Man, the stalwart groves of the Elves, the bottomless riches of the Dwarves and the mighty reign of the Orcs, the Mother of the Sea and her children ruled. Her name was Dresdrasil: she was an Old One, an elder Goddess of yore.


    It is said that Dresdrasil first came from the sky. Her children and worshippers murmur that she once sat among the thrones that the Lords of Ruin, Knowledge, Companionship, and other burning mortal desires reign the world from but grew dissatisfied with simply looking down on the earth. Life was her charge, and the sea her cradle, but to be so far from one’s heart is a draining thing, Goddess or mortal alike, so the Mother of the Sea let herself fall from the skies and plunge into its waters. It was there that she settled herself at the very bottom of the Depths, making the unfathomable blackness of the deep her home and the birthplace of her children: Cephos, the King of the Ocean and a mighty many-limbed conqueror: Kavous, the Warlord of the Ocean’s armies and a hard-shelled warrior himself: Thetis, the Siren Princess, a beautiful yet deceitful creature: and the youngest, Nerea, the Sea Witch whom this story is about.

    Nerea was born under different circumstances than the rest. Her mother took a mortal form and wandered the shores for some time until she grew enamored with one of Malin’s very first folk. From their brief but impassioned love was born Nerea, a physical union of the land and the sea-- bearing the grace and form of a land-treader from the waist-upward but her family’s affinity for the ocean’s depths beneath that.




    Nerea’s demigodhood granted her a natural inclination towards magickal arts her mother was capable of, but without the boundless power. Scorned by her siblings for her dirtied heritage and abnormal appearance, she took to her studies and practiced the sorceries of the sea in isolation, only occasionally surfacing to gather audiences of mortal seafarers for her eldritch experimentation. Through years of careful research and practice she learned of the nature of flesh and the powers it bears: lifeforce, the brick and mortar of organic life. The Sea was brimming with its own life. Nerea’s mother had populated it with innumerable schools of fish and aquatic creatures, and they dwelled within a perpetual and natural cycle just as the hairy beasts upon the shore did. She came to realize the two were not so different, and saw this in the next fishing boat she dragged to her trench. Flesh could be shaped, and while she may not have her mother’s gift for making it anew, she could certainly change it. So her brood grew: twisted unisons of the earth and the sea, just as she was. All were welcome within her family, though not many were given a choice. She cared for each and every one as if they were her own children, however, and with enough time spent with her in the darkness of her watery abyss they came to love her in turn. Eventually their numbers grew large enough for Nerea to turn her sights to the coasts, and they marched until they came ashore at what is the present-day Blackwald.


    An army, amassed of a tangle of tentacles, claws, and gnashing jaws came crashing into a small fishing village built upon the base of the morass there, and the swamp was soaked with blood in a matter of hours. The few survivors were taken captive and brought to Nerea herself, who subjected them to her brightest innovation yet: from the lifeforce latent in her own flesh and blood, and a piece of coral from the reef that sheltered her home, she fashioned the very first Pelagia, a membraneous, pulsating organism vaguely resembling a bestial heart adorned with wriggling cilia and protruding coral. The village’s last surviving warrior had his beating heart wrenched from his chest and the cavity filled, flesh sutured shut by Nerea’s seawater. Within hours the parasite had bonded with his body and he was breathing once more, albeit an entirely changed person. The first being a glowing success, Nerea then had the rest of the survivors brought under her sway, one by one, until the first generation of the Thallassians were born, ready to sing their mother’s songs.

    “Splish splash, the great waves crash
    They grab you tight and pull you down
    Splish splash, the deep teeth nash
    A lord fit for the ocean’s crown”

    -Old Crataein children’s rhyme

    Thallassos-- the Art of Ketomancy


    Nerea’s school of magick is known to her and its practicers as Thallassos, and considered a sacred gift among them and the Ancient Crataeins whose history is chronicled elsewhere. To the common scholar of things magickal and eldritch, Thallassos might be more simply called Ketomancy, or the magick of sea beasts: deriving from the Crataein prefix Keto-.



    The fundamental capabilities of Thallassos are all accomplished through the use of an ichorous seawater-like substance known as Brine. Brine is produced by the Pelagia within the caster, which feeds off of the lifeforce found within flesh of all kinds though much prefers the lifeforce flowing within the mage’s blood because for ease of access and its abundance. Brine is similar to warm seawater aside from a somewhat palpable density akin to lukewarm, loose gelatin and a vibrant glow running through it whose color can range from teal to shades of blue and blue-green. It is released from the host’s body through through holes and wounds in the flesh that give access to their veins, or orally-- though vomiting the substance is a weary and uncomfortable thing. The first bit of Brine must be produced from the body, though it is capable of reproducing and creating more of itself by feeding upon fresh flesh and blood outside of the body and growing. Naturally, the more lifeforce within a body is devoured, the larger the mass of Brine is allowed to grow. The Pelagia is capable of producing 5 gallons of Brine from the blood’s lifeforce before the fatigue becomes debilitating. This is enough to use for most rituals, curses, and basic combat skills; the lifeforce of an animal’s (or a mortal’s) corpse is recommended for maximum combative effectiveness, however. Brine is manipulated and maneuvered through a variety of songs called Hymns that are given power by the Pelagia within them, sung in a long-dead language called Crataein. The Thallassian’s vocal chords are transformed by it, allowing the caster to expend mana in order to weave eldritch song. This being said, Brine is at its most powerful when allowed into a body of water: it is capable of acclimating the water temporarily and turning it into a massive font from which to draw forth more Brine. Of course, the larger the body of water, the more can be pulled from it, and the longer it takes to be acclimated. Small sources (ponds, small sections of rivers) are affected in about a minute, medium sources (smaller lakes and larger sections of rivers) take about 5 minutes, and the largest sources (big lakes) take about ten minutes. Patches of oceans and seas, however, are almost immediately acclimated because they are ancient things: Dresdrasil’s descendants have lived and died for millenia within them and they are the place a Thallassian feels most at home. Thallassians, their Brine, and the accompanying Hymns are capable of a broad variety of abilities, most easily reduced to:


    - Manifestation. The Brine still truly originates from the sea, and can emulate phantasmal limbs and body parts of sea creatures. Acclimated water is a useful source for this.

    - Sea-calling. Aquatic animals and even the darker beasts of the ocean can be communed with and controlled quite like a Druid does with most plants and animals. The Thallassian’s Philios is found and bound to them with this.

    - Cursing. Brine can be forcefully ingested into beings of flesh in order to afflict them with a variety of ailments, like constant choking upon seawater.

    - Mending. Flesh can be sutured shut with Brine.

    - Anagennos. Commonly seen as ‘flesh-smithing’, Anagennos is capable of temporarily (and sometimes permanently) twisting limbs and body parts into marine shapes. As applies with Manifestation, the limits are only the caster’s creativity and how accurate to aquatic life the mutation is. The most experienced are able to shape and create

    sea-horrors called Ektromas.


    Brine Red Lines

    -Brine must emerge from a wound in the caster’s body first, no matter how little of it is created. You cannot use blood, a corpse, or acclimated water as a starting source.

    -Physical damage does not interrupt casting and manipulation of Brine. The Pelagia must be damaged.

    -Brine must remain within a proximity of 20 feet of the caster before it turns back into seawater. Thusly it can be contained and carried, but must be held nearby.

    -The amount of additional Brine created when it devours flesh is directly proportional to the flesh devoured. A small animal = 3 gallons. A medium animal = 5 gallons. A mortal corpse = 10 gallons. A large mortal corpse = 13 gallons. A large animal = 15 gallons.



    “The sea is ripe for battle.”



    Hymn: Polemus, a rough, tumultuous melody.


    The caster’s Brine can be shaped into a variety of forums by this hymn, all in tune with the spirit of the ocean. Most common and utilitarian are the kraken’s limbs: long, prehensile tentacles which are effective at a variety of sizes and skill levels, and alone or in numbers. The most inexperienced of Thallassians are only capable of creating a tendril a meter in height and a tree branch in width, while the most practiced can shape tentacles the size of large trees-- provided they have the necessary Brine to do so. The amount of tentacles or other moving limbs and shapes they can concentrate on manipulating directly correlates to their tier. One, two, three, and so on. The shapes also must be made in emulation of a sea creature-- if it dwells in the ocean, then the Thallassian can imitate it with a manifestation. While the shapes created can never be entirely solid, a density similar to living flesh can be accomplished for brief periods of time to maximize the blunt force impact of the caster’s manifested limbs.

    -There isn’t much of a limit upon the size of a manifestation, aside from the necessity for more Brine to make it. The strict limits are their number. One for Tier 1 casters, two for Tier 2 casters, and so on.
    -A limb cannot be made solid enough to grapple a person for longer than thirty seconds. Anything beyond that will become rapidly depleting upon the caster’s stamina and their ability to sustain the manifestation.

    -If it’s a sea creature and your character is likely to have encountered it, your manifestation can mimic it. Entire animals cannot be created and controlled, only limbs/parts.



    “Sing so loudly that even the deepest of things hear your song.”



    Hymn: Kano, an alluring and inviting melody.


    In line with their affinity for the sea and the things that dwell within it, a Thallassian is capable of a feat known as Sea-calling. It is mostly used to commune with and direct fish and other aquatic life, though it is capable of speaking to much greater things and is a key ritual in a Thallassian’s learning. Kano is a hymn that when sung draws the attention of nearby marine animals and brings them close to the source. Once brought, they can be questioned and spoken with. ((To be roleplayed by LT/Knowledgeable ET.))

    Beyond simple communion with fish, however, is the bond a Thallassian makes with their Philios. The Philios is a large, unique sea beast directly tied to the Thallassian, for it is born of the heart that Nerea takes from them when their Pelagia is planted within their body which she sings apocrypha to before casting it to the waves. At the first tier, the creature is small, and as the Thallassian’s powers grow so does their Philios. Each is entirely different from the other and their shape and the sea creature they resemble is somewhat affected by the Thallassian themselves. A warrior may have a crab-like Philios, or one more inclined towards destruction may have something resembling a great kraken. The Philios is summonable at any coastal area so long as there is seawater, as it follows the intrinsic bond it has with its owner and stays as close as it can-- so long as it is still within the ocean. The Philios is able to be communed with like any other fish, though it is much more intelligent-- nearing a Descendant, even if it is naive like a child is at first. They are also capable of aiding the Thallassian in combat, which regular fish and creatures are not.

    -Sea-calling cannot be used to metagame information, so you cannot roleplay the creature you are speaking to. You must contact a member of the LT or an ET who knows the lore to roleplay as it.

    -Even if one is speaking to something like a shark, it cannot be directed into combat- only the Philios can.

    -The Philios gets no larger than a large minibus, size varying with form (within reason). 



    “Drown, wretch.”


    Hymn: Katra, a haunting and frightening melody.


    A Thallassian is able to place a debilitating curse (these type of songs are known specifically as Katra) upon any who ingest their Brine-- voluntarily, accidentally, or even forcefully. The more Brine swallowed, the more severe the curse’s effects are upon the afflicted individual. There are three possible Katras, each one learned at tiers 1, 3, and 5, and each the same melody-- though with different words.

    Myxa- A person cursed with Myxa will find their body producing an irregular and discomforting amount of mucus from the skin’s pores with the telltale reek of low tide. Severity doesn’t vary much, aside from the amount of slime produced by the curse.


    Pnigomai- One afflicted with this Katra will find themselves periodically choking on an overwhelming amount of seawater to the point where drowning is a hazard if not attended to properly. Severity ranges from hourly bouts of suffocation to seawater flooding the lungs nonstop.

    Physoma- The final Katra learned by a Thallassian, and the most devastating upon another. Once Physoma is induced upon the body, it begins a gradual degeneration into rotting seaweed. It begins with the extremities and consumes the heart and brain last. The afflicted doesn’t feel much pain, the nerves being numbed and vanishing as they are transformed. The curse’s speed is increased by the amount of Brine swallowed before the Thallassian curses them.


    All Katras fade after either killing the afflicted or enough time passes. The Thallassian is able to prematurely withdraw the curse from the afflicted, resulting in a possible tool for interrogation, blackmail, or other reasons for torture. The magic of Tahariae’s clerics is capable of expunging them from a body, and Aeriel’s Ascended are able to take the curse upon themselves for the remainder of its duration.


    -A curse expires after the character it inhabits dies, the caster or its Pelagia dies, the caster withdraws it, it is healed away, or 2 OOC days pass.
    -The severity of a curse that can be applied reaches its maximum after 3 gallons of brine or the rough equivalency has been swallowed.



    “The ocean is brimming with resplendent life, old and new.”




    Hymn: Epoulos, a soothing and gentle melody.


    Brine does have minor healing capabilities when applied to wounds in the flesh. With concentration and intent of the caster, and the right song, both flesh and muscle can be sutured shut gradually. While it is incapable of replacing material like bone and organs, gashes, rending, and rips in the body are easily sewn and restored by expending the lifeforce within the Brine used to heal the wound. The healing isn’t a terribly long process, and can be accomplished in a matter of half a minute, give or take more depending on the severity of the wound.

    -Limbs cannot be sewn back on.

    -Broken bones cannot be mended.
    -Missing body parts cannot be replaced.



    “The Drowned Lady welcomes all to her family.”


    Hymn: Poiesis, a complex and tonally varying melody.


    The last hymn and the most difficult to execute of all a Thallassian’s repertoire, the ritual of Anagennos involves the shifting and creation of new flesh with Brine and a song to direct it. It is a closely-guarded secret taught only to the most trusted and experienced of Thallassians by Nerea, and reserved usually for executing her will. It makes the caster capable of inserting their Brine into a concentrated portion of a body, theirs or another’s, and then shaping it in a similar manner as their Manifestations and the hymn of Polemus. Similarly, they can only transform flesh in mimicry of aquatic life: cephalopod tentacles, crustacean claws, fins, teeth, and anything else imaginable. Gills can even be given to breathe underwater.

    These mutations are agonizing and permanently scarring if not executed properly, often resulting in flesh sloughing away and the need for amputation. They are also temporary and the affected body parts return to normal in about an Elven Day’s time through another bout of painful twisting. The initial warping occurs over a several-minute hymn from the caster.


    Despite the above, there is a single method of making Anagennos permanent in a body, and that is the creation of an Ektroma. They are akin to Nerea’s first children, the unfortunate sailors she dragged into the ocean and shaped at her will: an eldritch union of land and sea, mortal and monster, and a part of the Drowned Lady’s ‘family’. The ritual requires two Thallassians with knowledge of Anagennos, the presence of Nerea herself, and the unfortunate (or fortunate, if one accepts such a grisly fate) mortal who will be brought into the ocean’s fold. The mortal is bathed in the united Brine of both Thallassians while they sing the hymn until they drown within it and their body is consumed entirely, the Brine becoming saturated with their lifeforce. Nerea then draws their malleable soul from the pool and warps it to a new form of her choosing. The shapes she chooses for her new children are stitchings of aquatic creatures and Descendants: an elf with the legs of a squid and the spines of a venomous fish, or perhaps a human with the claws and shell of a crab and the jaws of a shark. Her dark mind and the imagination within it is the only boundary, and she often chooses mixtures she will see as assets. Once she has made her choice, she plants the soul within a heart of coral and submerges it in the pool of Brine where the Thallassians shape it into flesh to match the newly-fastened soul. The creature emerges with hazy memory of its past life and a new affinity for the ocean and its ‘mother’, ready to be sent into the world. However, Nerea and her followers are capable of using a body and soul ‘mulched’ this way to summon an Ektroma Colossa, a towering beast of the sea and one of Nerea’s oldest children. This requires the aid of an additional Thallassian present to break down the body, and then all three must partake with Nerea in a sea-calling to beckon forth the leviathan from the ancient depths of the world.


    -Anagennos mutations last only for 1 day OOC, or until the character is killed.

    -Mutated mortals and Ektroma are weak to both Ascended and Cleric magic.

    -A player’s OOC consent is required to make them into an Ektroma, whether they are willing or unwilling ICly. They must also create a creature app-- the underlying race for an Ektroma is ‘Necrolyte’.

    -An Ektroma Colossa can only be played by an ET/LT and its actions must be approved by whoever is in present control of Nerea.


    Amendment (As approved by the LT):


    Pelagia Creation

    One of the Thallassians’ most closely guarded secrets would be the creation of the Pelagia: a process once only mastered by Nerea herself. This is the first process required to create another Thallassian, but such is not the only reason the forging of a Pelagia is so barren of adepts. The already grueling and complex process also requires access to a sea vent connecting to Nerea’s plagued homeland. When a master Thallassian has access to the required resource and has perfected their Hymn of Poiesis, they may start the arduous task.

    To begin the process, coral born of Nerea’s homeland must be fished out from the sea vent either by the Thallassian or their Philios. As it is held by the Thallassian, a Hymn of Poiesis is sung to breathe life into the coral. When finally risen from the sea vent, the coral will appear to take on the pulsating motion of a beating heart, murky and flagella-filled brine spilling from its pores. The heart now lives.

    The final step to raise a Thallassian revolves around replacing their heart with the freshly created Pelagia. What at first may seem like an entirely messy process can once again be simplified through Anagennos, though this time it is combined with a Thallassian’s cursing ability. The prospective Thallassian is made to drink the Brine of their elder counterpart. A Hymn of Katra follows, allowing the student’s chest to be nearly liquefied to the point of malleability. What follows is the least elegant, yet most intriguing portion of Pelagia creation. The elder Thallassian then rips their student’s beating heart from their chest, allowing the life to fall from the fledgling Ketomancer. The heart is quickly replaced with the coral Pelagia, the Anagennos process then taking over and reconnecting the blessed marine creation to the descendent to form a working heart once again.

    The Pelagia will still work to pump the descendant’s blood as a normal heart would, but when required, it will instead funnel brine from its coral valves to whatever wounded area a Thallassian may wish it. Damage to the Pelagia will further inhibit a Thallassian, preventing them from producing more Brine from within their bodies. Within the first week of a Thallassian’s transformation, they will feel a distinctly unquenchable thirst for seawater. This strange addiction serves the purpose of fueling the heart’s first acclimation as the Pelagia starts to alter the Thallassian’s insides. It is in this one week period that a Thallassian’s vocal cords will mutate at the will of the Pelagia to form a true Thallassian’s enhanced vocal cords. It is this final step that allows the individual to finally begin their casting of Thallassos.


    Being and Roleplaying a Thallassian

    This section is mostly OOC information relating to proper emoting and roleplay.


    -All Hymns necessitate one emote’s time before their effects start to take hold. The wound can be opened in the caster’s body and the Hymn started in the same emote, but a Manifestation/Calling/Curse/Mending cannot begin in that emote.

    -Specify the name of the Hymn you are channeling in your emote. While this shouldn’t be IC information to anyone who hasn’t learned Thallassos, it is still necessary for legitimizing your roleplay and making sure you aren’t powergaming or metagaming by making it clear what spell you are preparing.

    -Manifestations require two full emotes to form themselves, regardless of their size or shape-- this is to reflect the corresponding and growing prowess of the Thallassian making them.

    -The density of a manifestation must be specified when it is created or when it changes.

    -While it is unreasonable to stay entirely mathematically accurate when it comes to the gallon sizes of Brine specified in the redlines, they must be adhered to within reasons, and are moreso ‘guidelines’. You can’t create a massive manifestation without the aid of a large amount of flesh and blood or a large body of water, etc.

    -Brine takes one emote to consume a small animal whole, two to consume a medium animal or a person’s corpse, and three to consume a large animal or a large corpse. The flesh and blood is dissolved and devoured quite like acid does to organic matter.

    -The Pelagia protrudes slightly as a bump in the flesh where the heart normally is, and does emit light in heartbeat-like pulsations. The color of the light matches the caster’s chosen Brine color.

    -The Pelagia and the vocal cords are the sources of the Thallassian’s power-- if either are damaged beyond use their magic no longer has a source. Their magic will not continue posthumously, for as soon as the caster dies or the Pelagia is destroyed the Brine loses all magical capability and becomes simple seawater upon the spot.

    -Thallassians are weak to Clerical magic, seeing as the organic intrusion of the Pelagia in their body makes them an impurity.

    -Being a Thallassian does not weaken your body, aside from the staminal drain of expending your mana for the hymns. One can wear armor and wield weaponry normally.

    -Your Philios’ shape is mostly up to you and your teacher: get creative with it as it grows and takes shape. When summoning it to a coast, after the Hymn emote, a Philios takes 3 emotes to arrive.

    -If things get confusing when combat roleplaying as your Philios, kindly request an ET/LT roleplay it for you if you’d like, and direct them to your MA if necessary for proof.

    -Don’t use your sea-calling to metagame information from fish and water creatures. The ET/LT playing them should do their best to avoid this, but don’t take advantage of them.

    -Don’t powergame your experience and capabilities beyond your tier. If you ever need to check in on what tier you should be at, speak with your teacher.

    -Don’t hinge your manifestations and mutations upon bizarre loopholes within animalia. The general rule to abide by is ‘if it lives in a sea or the ocean and people are able to encounter it, you can mimic it’. If you’re ever unsure about the legitimacy of your manifestation, ask your teacher.

    -Don’t roleplay an Ektroma without a CA.
    -There is no going back from becoming an Ektroma.

  2. MC Name: TheMaskOrMyFace


    Character's Name: "Velstadt"


    Character's Age: 458


    Character's Race: Elf (Mixed)


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Mysticism


    Teacher's MC Name: KnghtArtorias


    Teacher's RP Name: Vakryfis/Akhortep


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No 

  3. MC Name: TheMaskOrMyFace


    Character's Name: "Velstadt"


    Character's Age: 458


    Character's Race: Elf (Mixed)


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Shade


    Teacher's MC Name: Iyliar


    Teacher's RP Name: Calledos/Aliyard


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No 

  4. Eventually a proper notice is formatted and sent to the Worshipful Society of Wizards, reading as follows;


    To the newest Mage's Guild,

    KALAMEET IZALITH'S low character is the subject of Druidic plays. This is a formal declaration of FRAUD. The HOLOCRON and LEXICON (All rights reserved (c) 1247 Janos Ith'ael) are both original creations of one JANOS ITH'AEL, whose schematics and whole prototypes pre-date Izalith's. The Artificers and olde Arcane Engineers of the world will not stand the perpetuation of dishonesty in our respected field.

    We are issuing this AMCA (Arcane Millenium Copyright Act) takedown notice to request that you immediately remove any claim Kalameet Izalith invented these devices. We are grateful for your further compliance.

    AAA, the Artificer's Association of Axios

  5. As is currently canon, the Aengudaemonic beings all came into existence through the same manner. 

    Why is it that Lyes would be so intrinsically tied to her realm and the dreams she create and only able to interact with the mortal plane this way, whereas the other Aengudaemons don't follow that rule? Why is she different?

  6. 1 hour ago, 吳憾戰士14 said:

    Like it says in the app I'm simultaneously reapplying and appealing my blacklist so they can hold off on looking at this app until the latter goes through.

    Cool. Update this thread / let me know if/when it's repealed so that I can look over this app again.

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