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Posts posted by Avacyn

  1. Just now, Jaeden said:


    Somewhat. While their main dominion is within the natural world (I.e: the world excluding descendants and other 'creations' of other deities), they still represent life and death, as well as the other main cycles that ensures natural stability. In my opinion, Eshtael and the Aspects do have somewhat conflicting views, though nothing that would inherently affect any roleplay or confusion in lore. One focuses on the natural world such as animals, plants, fae, etc etc. While the other is more primarily focused on descendants and 'unnatural' creatures.


    Or at least that's how I'm understanding it, correct me if I'm wrong.

    No, you're right. Fertility and the Hunt are both sorta just different ways of describing the two sides of that natural 'cycle', Life and Death respectively. Their views conflict but Eshtael herself isn't concerned with the micromanagement of the natural world: she sees to it simply that the large forces at play do not permanently annihilate one another from the game board.

  2. This piece is to serve as a preliminary example for a project the LT will be undergoing in the near-near future to clean up, correct, and update all the Aengudaemonic lore we have in a simple but informative format. Eshtael had a severe lacking in actual written canon, and so I began with her. These pieces will be purposefully simple in nature and serve mostly as a quick reference for anyone needing information about the Aengudaemonic deities we have in our universe.


    Eshtael, Aengul of Balance



    Image credit to Winona Nelson


    Canonized Name -- Emma


    Sigil -- Balanced Scales




    Naturally the most neutral of all her brothers and sisters, the Aengul Eshtael represents the worldly aspect of Balance in its manifested forms: some reason her to be the provisioner of the Heavens, evenly distributing things like births and deaths among the mortal populace alongside other material dealings. In truth, Eshtael makes it her occupation to keep the very world itself in check. The eternally warring forces of dark and light, moral and immoral, nature and progression are all her business (though their outcomes are not so important, as she sees to it only that all things eventually keep their balance) and she has kept an ever-watchful eye upon them throughout the ages. It was She who bid to the rest of her kin in council to not destroy but chain the Betrayer in the end of the First Age and thusly became a steadfast voice of judgment among the Aenguls, She who chained the terrible Titan Azdromoth within her realm when he was sure to lay waste to all of Malin’s folk, and She whose hand has always been there to guide and serve the Balance of all things.



    A depiction of the First War, a victory resulting in Iblees' containment at Eshtael's urging.

    Depicted within mortal artistry as a female seraph with a staff of radiant light (and known among some human circles simply as Emma), Eshtael has descended on scarce occasions to conduct business upon the earth. The few to encounter her or be unlucky enough that she seem them a threat to the balance of things see her as an ineffably otherworldly figure before they are spirited away to her realm, Bastille.


    The Bastille




    Eshtael, like all her kin, resides mostly within her realm: a place called Bastille, it is said (those who do stare upon it tend not to leave) to appear quite like a city of massive spires and towering parapets of silver and gleaming white resting upon the clouds. It, however, is deceptive in appearance. Bastille is not a city but a prison constructed to house anything and everything Eshtael sees as too dangerous and harmful to the balance of the world at their moment in time. Eshtael does not kill, but instead places these threats and detriments within a sort of timeless stasis within the towers of Bastille. It was here that the Titan Azdromoth spent so many years, roaming the boundless white skies of the realm, unable to ever find his way out of the perfect prison Eshtael constructed until the day came that she saw Azdromoth fit to return to the waking world, and spirited him back to it. Just who exactly has been snatched up by the Aengul and locked within Bastille’s confines is mostly unknown, for Azdromoth is the only known to ever leave the impregnable penitentiary; some whisper that the Lady of Balance has locked up great horrors in its depths, waiting for the day that the world must come to an end. Others say that perhaps a fellow Aengul of hers who fell far from grace rests inside Bastille in chains. Whatever may be inside, Eshtael has kept them there for the sake of the world’s balance.




    Unlike many of the other Aenguls, Eshtael carries no faithful following among mortality. She offers no powers to any would-be acolytes and trifles not with the machinations of theology among the masses. Her business in the world is her own and as a result she lacks the raw strength and power that others like Xan carry with themselves. Instead she makes work of the nature of the realm she built in order to see to it that all things find their balance.

    Present Day


    It is difficult to discern what exactly Eshtael is concerning herself with at any time, as most of her influences are just about removed from palpable existence upon their imprisonment, but it is rumored among some that the smoke and ash rising from the West has drawn her attention.

    Role note: I would like to add one of these to every piece we update and release justifying the role this specific Aengudaemon plays within the sensibilities of our canon. Eshtael is a plot device and a means of event agency that opens a variety of avenues (that are permitted, of course) for the development of storylines. Bastille, specifically, is quite like an 'event playground' and offers our creative teams a means to introduce long-lost and forgotten things.


    Archangel_Avacyn, Writing and Concept
    Fitermon, Concept
    Whoever the original creator was, Concept


  3. 19 minutes ago, Evocress said:


    First I'll note, this reply is by phone so I apologise for any shortened words.


    First, you're incorrect in the soul blueprint being a non known fact IC, monks since aegis to current have always role played and discussed in character that it exists and how it works and subsequently other guilds have spoke on the soul blueprint. 

    I will say you're correct in how puppeteers who have soul puppetry do not know how the Magic works IC at this time though out of character they know it works via connecting to the soul and that access the soul blueprint to work curses on.


    In your suggestion of not wanting to change lore I can think of a way we "both" can agree to disagree, due to lesser souls not having a soul blueprint, you do not need a puppet to resemble them.

    A puppet in soul puppetry needs to be the shape of the person reflecting the current soul blueprint. If one does not have q soul blueprint then they don't require a puppet being a shape of an individual.


    I understand that you do not run or are not so formally knowledgeable on soul puppetry though would you think this is a good compromise?

    In the end, it doesn't so much matter to me. Superior Souls are the only ones with Blueprints and that's how it is-- if what you described above is Soul Puppetry's explanation, then by all means, go ahead.

    As for the monks matter, a lot of things that were RP'd or happened in Aegis or even regarding the monks are pretty nonsensical and don't hold much canon weight to what we use contemporarily in the lore.

  4. Just now, Evocress said:


    It has been discussed with the creators of the lore and even the MT that soul puppeteers connect to the soul blueprint of the living object for years, even on lore creation it had mention of this. Why should this change? Wouldn't it be easier if you say lesser souls have some sort of a soul blueprint besides twisting how soul puppeteers teach?


    No, because the Blueprint isn't a tangible, knowledgable thing people should be speaking about or understanding in-character and from what I understand of Soul Puppetry is entirely inconsequential to how your magic functions, i.e. there is no actual difference in what you do whether we say you connect to the Blueprint or just Soul. Also, changing the entire canon nature of what a Blueprint's function is (giving persistence beyond death, which only Superior Souls have) just to suit the arbitrary use of a term for one magic subtype doesn't seem like a necessary endeavor in my opinion. 

  5. 40 minutes ago, Gladuos said:

    Perrin please. Is this like the eighth lore piece in the past couple weeks? You've been working hard.


    Also what would you call "the colloquial term referring to the frame that Soul Essence is built around in order to construct a living, functional inferior or lesser soul"? Not a soul blueprint? What is it called then?

    I thought about using some obscure phrase like I've designated for the other processes specified, but those aren't things that are usually referred to by their name alone: Blueprint isn't really a great "immersive term" but it's already used enough that trying to use anything else would be an effort in vain. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Evocress said:


    I understand not many people are 'happy' with monk lore though I believe if you are not comfortable with it you can change it. Though to sum up that lore piece I submitted in once sentence.

    "When you die, your soul goes into the soul stream returning to the monks for Resurrection, the husk of your body remains with little fragments of your soul which gives it life into a zombie after X time."


    Though to:


    The first real paragraph in the Soul Puppetry clarifications which went through alterations yet the concept of a soul blueprint remained is:


    Which is in:

    A majority vote from all puppeteers when asked said the soul blueprint from the most viable option, as with some MT when discussing.


    Soul puppetry directly access the soul blueprint of the /victim/ being a person, animal or beast. So saying that lesser souls do not have blueprints clashes with a certain teaching method of learning soul puppetry. If I could go for a small amends of changing this to more so suit the lore of soul puppetry i'll greatly appreciate it or find an amends which can be worked on. 




    Upon reading the lore fully i'll also like if it can be clarified that a soul puppetry link cannot be transferred through childbirth done by Metasis which you worded in a way it could potentially be able. I understand this isn't the intent though a simple line;


    "The new soul forming will start anew removing any effects from the parent's previously" 




    If I see anything else or if you wish to reply on this I do think it is a worthy discussion, though the 'Metasis' issue I addressed isn't really a problem it's moreso the blueprints.


    Thank you


    This clarification is just changing what the Blueprint means, exactly-- it's not that much of a task for us to backtrack now and say with Soul Puppetry that the Blueprint isn't what you're necessarily connecting to. This Clarification would let you go and edit your lore accordingly to remove mention of needing to connect to the Blueprint.

    I hardly call out any magics in particular with this clarification and when I do its just for example of certain things. Also, Metasis wouldn't carry on any actual connections or **** from the parents, it's basically just a Soul-friendly explanation of how depositing genes works when you make a child. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Evocress said:

    I'll comment on how this ties with soul puppetry, though I am about to leave uni and can do such later though I have two questions.


    With 'lesser souls lacking blueprints' how does this effect soul puppetry which uses the blueprint to access the magic? Puppeteers practice on animals, people, anyone with a soul.



    You never really described what has a superior soul and lesser soul to determinate what has a blueprint.


    Added on:

    Jistuma's monk Resurrection lore here:

    Could you add in something of the soul on death like which is described here?

    Nothing grinds my gears more than monk lore, so we're going to leave it at 'monks make your body as the blueprint is'.

    Superior/Lesser Souls have been outlined previously, but to put it here: Descendants and Dragons have Superior Souls. 

    As for Soul Puppetry, while I'm admittedly not an expert, I'd imagine the Soul Puppeteer's abilities at the moment aren't within the realm of entirely twisting another person's Soul Blueprint or even Soul, so I simply believe you can effect anything with one, Blueprint or not. Lacking a Blueprint just means you lack the mortal complexities: ability to cast magic/connect to Deities, perseverance beyond death, etc.

  8. Just now, Данстан said:

    But if lesser and inferior souls lack blueprints wouldn't that make every thing about their existence completely undefined and just a press of the random button?

    The lack of a blueprint means they have no persistent definition beyond death-- they do not return through any means. The Soul Essence they are made up of is shaped together at their inception and remains that way until they die. Think of the sculpture analogy: they're simple sculptures that didn't have diagrams drawn up prior that they continuously adhere to.

  9. Just now, Данстан said:



    If only Superior souls can preform Metasis then animals and bugs would be unable to reproduce and eventually all die off thus causing the eco system to enter a continuous downward spiral until everything died.

    This was a discourse upon the Superior Soul most specifically-- I briefly mentioned animals when discussing Soul Essence.

    Connor's lore is already apt description and explanation for those buggers, though it can be assumed they undergo a process quite similar but much less complex seeing as Metasis refers specifically to re-filling portions of the Soul Blueprint, which those creatures don't have.


    The following is a clarification and rationalization/update of currently canon lore. It simply details the structure and nature of souls in a way that should help to clarify future questions and interactions relating to the soul.


    Boss Soul 1.png


    This dissertation makes use of a handful of terms related to the Soul and its structure, specified as below:

    Soul Essence: The raw and ineffable material which makes up the Soul. It has one singular point of origin: the Creator himself, who gave up a portion of his heart in the Beginning of All Things. All Soul Essence is a remnant of the Creator.


    Blueprint: The colloquial term referring to the the frame that Soul Essence is built around in order to construct a living, functional Superior Soul. Only Superior Souls bear Blueprints, and they determine everything about the one that possesses it.


    Metasis: The innate ability of a Superior Soul to repopulate itself with more Soul Essence. All Superior Souls have this, explaining why the Soul can be damaged and have fragments taken only for it to heal over time.


    Transmogrification: Any unnatural change within the Soul Blueprint, oftentimes called ‘Warping’. Examples of Transmogrification: the Fjarriauga curse, Wightdom, Wraithdom.

    Metanoia: Any restructuring of the Soul Blueprint in an authentic and correct manner. Examples of Metanoia: Nephilim, Archons.

    Relegation: Any displacement of a Soul to another location while keeping it tethered to the hosted body. Examples of Relegation: Liches, Keepers, Soul Tree Druids.


    To understand the soul from our perspective, the analogy of a sculpture is used. Soul Essence is clay. A raw material that, when compounded together and treated (firing it in a kiln or, to the Soul, giving it lifeforce and the means to bear a vessel) takes on solidity and clarity in its form. The lesser creatures and life of the surrounding world are quite like simple sculptures of clay. They have been shaped and given bodies but lack the detail and size of the Superior Soul. This Soul is the apex of the sculpture gallery: beautiful and awe-striking, titanic and miraculous in their form and impossible to understand what exactly inspired the artist and how they went about making such a statue. Of course, one can assume they sculpted it from clay, but what techniques did they use? How did they achieve such stunning definition and detail? Mortal hands have never been able to create such.


    The Superior Soul is this grand, incredible figure of art: a monument to the glory and miracle of our world’s creation and the Incomparable Light of the Creator. The Superior Soul is indeed made of Soul Essence, just as the cattle that roam their pastures or the birds that take nest in the trees, but what exactly has made the Superior Soul so different from them that its holders, the Descendants and other similar folk, so unique in the scope of the world? The answer lies in its origin: The Superior Soul is the statue, and there have only been three artists in the history of the universe as we know it who have been able to comprehend the celestial technique involved in its sculpture. They are the Creator, the Composer he made to aid him in the shaping of mortal Souls, and the Daemon Dragur: the Lord of Knowledge, it was only he among all his brethren who hungered for the secrets that lay hidden in the origin of mortalkind and eventually found where they lie. There he made the first of Dragonkind, and their Souls are as genuine and divine in make as any of the Descendants’.


    Metasis is a miraculous trait of the Superior Soul to regenerate itself and lost Soul Essence. Some forces in the world are capable of tearing away portions of it for their own devices, and in this event the Soul is able to, over a period of time increasing with the severity of the lost fragment, replace the missing piece with new Soul Essence it generated itself. Metasis also explains the mystery of childbearing among the Descendants: two mortals able to mate with one another, when they successfully do so, plant the beginning seed of a new Soul within the female. It grows as the child does until they are ready, the newborn now bearing a brand-new Soul Blueprint formed of the parent’s Soul Essence deposited during coitus that reproduced itself during gestation.


    If the Superior Soul is a sculpture, its Blueprint is the framework that the sculptor drew before compounding the Soul Essence. Within the Blueprint is every single painstaking detail: The height, weight, health, sex, hair color, eye color, skin color, memories, and injuries of the person it belongs to. Some of these details may change over time as the mortal grows naturally from childhood to adolescence and finally adulthood, or they may find themselves wounded and gain scars. The Blueprint will at times adhere to these injuries: sometimes adapting itself to these lost limbs, or even something as trivial as a haircut. These details will shift and change and accompany the Soul through death, remaining constant when and if they eventually return to life. The Blueprint will at times undergo larger changes to its structure, and there are three distinct types of this.

    The first is Transmogrification, and it is the forced and improper ‘warping’ of a Soul. It is commonly observed among forces of dark nature. Let us return to the analogy of the sculpture and take for example the curse of the Fjarriauga: the sculpture has had new pieces of clay attached on top of what currently exists or had pieces ripped out and replaced. To any capable of viewing and inspecting the statue, the distortions and damage are noticeable. It changes the very nature of the Soul, as seen with the Frost Witch’s hunger for male flesh, icy complexion, and other alterations. Anything warping the Soul in such a manner displays a misunderstanding of the Soul and the techniques needed to properly create and change it without causing it damage. Most instances of Transmogrification are irreversible because of their nature of ripping the original soul apart. Were they to be removed the Soul would simply collapse and die without the integral pieces, so it makes itself resistant to reversal in such a manner: this is why the Fjarriauga curse has not had a legitimate cure found for it.

    The second is Metanoia, and it is the opposite of the former. A Soul that undergoes Metanoia has been changed and rebuilt with proper technique. The Nephilim are an example of Metanoia: in the sculpture analogy, it is a proper and graceful modification to the original statue in order to make it something new. The same clay has been used, but it has been reshaped correctly and retains no damage or twisting. The Nephilim are the souls of Descendants who have been, through the indirect power and influence of Dragur and his children, reborn as Dragons themselves: their Souls are broken down and rebuilt through the ritual necessary to make one into a Nephilim. Metanoia, just like Transmogrification, is hardly ever reversible: none living or willing have the knowledge and ability to undo such a vigorous restructuring without simply warping the Soul.

    The third and final is Relegation, and most often does not result in a true change for the Soul but instead a displacement of its location. A notable example is the Keeper’s Soul but the sculpture analogy, unfortunately, does not hold up as well here. The Soul has been moved elsewhere: for the Keepers, this place is Xan’s realm. A tether remains between the Soul and the body it holds, so the mind and consciousness of the Soul is still able to pilot the body as normal. Those versed in Souls like the Ascended are able of obviously detecting a Soul that has been Relegated.

    To finish, Soul Essence is a material very rare but still possible to find. The Creator’s Heart was plentiful in it, and over the Ages of the world the Descendants have populated the corners of the earth they walk upon and filled it with even more Soul-bearing folk. Soul Essence can be acquired and shaped by beings of Deific power from dead (or not-so-dead) mortals, though the creation of Superior Souls with Blueprints is a power reserved to the three ‘artists’ listed earlier. The extent of its nature is still a mystery to mortalkind, though some like the Ascended bear a (relatively to what there truly is to know) rudimentary understanding of it and the Blueprint and are able to manipulate it on simple levels.

  11. MC Name: PanicAtTheCostco


    Character's Name: Janos 


    Character's Age: Something over 400


    Character's Race: Archon


    What magic(s) will you be learning?Voidal Feeling


    Teacher's MC Name: KnghtArtorias


    Teacher's RP Name: Avenel


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No

  12. MC Name: PanicAtTheCostco


    Character's Name: Janos 


    Character's Age: Something over 400


    Character's Race: Archon


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Cognatism


    Teacher's MC Name: KnghtArtorias


    Teacher's RP Name: Avenel


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No


    Azdrazi Smithing






    “Ta’ coalmoiners call et ‘Dragon-stone’. If ye foind it yer too far feckin’ deep.”


    To the inexperienced eye, one might mistake this elusive ore for simple volcanic stone. The amateurish in geology should, however, not be mocked for this error for it is an understandable correlation to make seeing as they share two distinct similarities: their dark, glossy color and their tendency to appear in igneous areas of the world’s caverns and deep places. It does carry a distinct difference from other magmous rocks in that it always bears orange, sulfurous veins running through it and it has an extreme resistance to heat. Due to its high melting point, it cannot be utilized in mundane smithing and is therefore disregarded as having no practical use as an ore as a result of those qualities and it being naturally brittle alongside the fact that it is only found in volatile environments.





    "A weapon befitting a dragon."


    An alloy created from the intensive fusion of raw Dralachite and steel, Dracanium’s creation has only ever been observed and recorded by the Drake-smiths of the First Age. Its rarity is chalked up to the fact it necessitates intense amounts of heat in a very brief period of time in order to fuse the steel and dark ore together, and so only Azdrazi have conventionally been able to smith it thanks to their innate gift of dragonfire: a flame that bellows with sweltering heat from their very bodies. The steps to create the alloy were marked by the ancient smith Anestrasz in the book Heat of the Heart: Dragonsmithing, written in the Draconic tongue.

    I. Place the Dralachite within cast-iron, enough to make up half the ingot.
    II. Do the same with your steel, making up the other half.
    III. Bathe the steel in your flame until it smolders and flows like the blood of the mountain.

    IV. Let the Dralachite be swallowed in your fire: make this quick, and as soon as it slickens pour it into the molten steel. Dragon-stone will brittle and lose all value if left to the cool of the air for too long, so this must be hasty.
    V. Once both have settled and become one, pour the ingot-mold and let set.

    Thus results in the creation of a single ingot of the alloy. The would-be smith must make as many necessary for the weapon they are forging. Once they have enough, they must create their quenching: it is a mixture of dragonblood (which the drake-smith does possess within themselves) and simple water. The ratio is nine parts water to one of blood, so not much is needed for a barrelful and it carries a deep, ocherous and reddened hue once mixed to sufficiency. The smith must then simply forge their weapon as any other: their own dragonfire will be necessary to re-heat the metal enough for shaping, but it is important to keep on quenching it within the barrel of dragonsblood. Enough treatments gives the weapon an innate resistance to heat, making for fine material for the Azdrazi to light aflame without worry for the armament’s integrity.


    The Binding



    "Henceforth, the two of you are now one."


    The final step in the creation of an Azdrazi’s personal weapon, which binds it to them for their (indefinite) lifetime, the Binding is relatively simple in practice: whosoever holds the title of the Immaculate Blade must take the sword and, with a mallet and a chisel warmed by their dragonfire, etch a name into two places upon the weapon. The first name is the Azdrazi’s ‘true’ name, the one they take on upon their rebirth. The second is the weapon’s: this is something the drake-smith chooses when it is created. Once both names are etched into the metal the Immaculate Blade bestows it upon its new owner, and in that moment a link is established between the draconic blade and the Azdrazi’s soul. From then on, they are never to be parted. An Azdrazi without their Vehement weapon will feel unmistakably miserable and dreary, and in the instance that they are slain it shall turn to ash along with their body and regain its form as its owner does as well. The Binding imbues no other effects into the weapon besides this: in combat, it is a regular armament to bear.


    Red Lines

    -A Nephilim or Dragon must use their dragonfire to smelt the Dracanium alloy.
    -A Vehement weapon has no magical properties other than the fact it crumbles away when its owner’s body does, too.

    -The Immaculate Blade (or the equivalent for any other possible Nephilim flight) must be the one to etch the names and establish the bond between owner and weapon.


    Archangel_Avacyn, Concept and Writing
    Bagley, Concept and Writing

  14. 2 hours ago, Cooliomafia said:

    who's your favorite witch? *nervously glances to meg* 

    Tek, she slapped gwyns butt


    1 hour ago, ski_king3 said:

    Which of these is best for little Janos the jet plane?


    Image result for little janos

    hope ur next needle is dirty you tweaker


    35 minutes ago, TheDarkIsEternal said:

    What do you think of the Caretaker Magic Lore? Any Suggestions?

    haven't gotten to read it yet, soz

  15. 1 hour ago, rosediode said:

    I thought you were a top?

    When are you going to admit Sailor Moon is the best anime ever made?


    Fav episode of always sunny?


    How does it feel being my lesbro and my bro bro?

    of course I am 

    when you remove Hamtaro from my memory

    The Gang Makes Lethal Weapon 6

    it's the greatest feeling in the world, rosiedude

    1 hour ago, Sug said:

    Can we cuddle by a fire and write lore together?


    Can you pm me what you're gonna write about on skype so I can be kool and knowledgeablez? On a serious note I think you're doing a splendid and outstanding job with the team, sooooooo What has been your biggest challenge as a LT Manager? How did you overcome and why?


    Feeling productive, tbh
    I don't agree with the idea of the LT just being a moderation group and really want us to be content-driven so we've been working on a nice little project we'll be unveiling on the first of June wink wonk


    43 minutes ago, DivineJustice said:

    -What's the lore going to be about?


    -If its random could that race I like a lot get more interesting lore hint hint wink wink  (orcs)?


    -How would LT feel about cooperating and editing other race/history/lore?


    -What's the most annoying thing the playerbase asks you in terms of questions/things they want to do?


    -Whats the most annoying thing the playerbase legitimately demands?


    -What piece of lore do you specifically feel that shouldn't have been denied or accepted?


    i've got an azdrazi smithing piece, CAMERAS, SOUL-OLOGY, and a few other surprises planned

    im really not that knowledgable about orcs so its hard for me to accurately create in that space without absolutely destroying what you guys already have

    what did he mean by this?

    'read my piece of lore and tell me what you think'. i like to look at ideas, but i don't have all the time in the world to give thorough criticisms when you haven't posted the lore for official reviewal. short pieces are always fine, but the long ones? yeesh

    'no hidden lore'. i disagree with the idea of being 100% transparent because theres a lot of things that are sorta rewarding to discover and reveal at the right time

    Kha, i ******* hate animal people


    7 minutes ago, Aesopian said:

    Are you writing them now or are they old stinky ones?

    some are ideas i've been brewing for a while now but i'm genuinely sitting down and writing one of these a night after work + my bike ride

    6 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    If a lore post contains a halfling deity magic, would it ever get accepted?


    If lotc has pikes, why haven't people tried to create a phalanx yet?


    Pick your poison: Pipeweed or Cactus Green?


    i mean it depends if it was good or not xd

    how the **** are you gonna phalanx with a bunch of click happy teenagers

    pipeweed, i like me a chill afternoon 


    6 minutes ago, Matheus said:

    can u accept my werewolf lore submission ill put up soon???

    I H A T E A N I M A L P E O P L E 

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