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Posts posted by Avacyn

  1. MC Name: Archangel_Avacyn


    Character's Name: The Drowned Sentinel


    Character's Age: ???


    Character's Race: 'Elf'


    Link to your accepted MA: N/A


    What magic(s) will you be teaching?: Thallassos


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s): 

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student: The preliminary lesson for all students will be educating them on the fundamentals of the Pelagia now within their body. They will be instructed to concentrate on a particular extremity or part of their body and become self-conscious about the blood flowing through it. From there, it is a task of enduring and acclimating to the sensation of the Pelagia draining some blood, before the student is then tasked with opening a wound to let the Brine flow out like bodily fluid. It is a new biological function they must become used to in order for any of the succeeding lessons to go well.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No

  2. Clickbaited again.

    This is a friendly reminder (and maybe even a clarification for some) that character age lifespan expectancy is something we enforce within the Lore Team. While we don't hunt and peck for people whose character cards aren't quite matching up with what's accepted lore, when issues are brought forward to us, we do deal with them accordingly. So if you're knowingly roleplaying a 300 year old human, please stop! Or if you know somebody who is, let us know! Or you could politely inform them of the standards yourselves. We will give fair warning and conversation to anyone this becomes an issue with, but if people don't want to comply, then reprimanding will unfortunately have to happen. 

    Happy RPing.





    Far, far beneath the churn and tumult, on a stormy night, something besides the waves began to stir.


    The fish spoke to her, whispering for centuries, keeping her asleep with lullabies and sweet peaces. 

    But now they whispered to her of blood and darkness, the encroaching Chasm, a haven of Man falling beneath the Black Sun's shadow.


    Her departure from the Blackfathoms was not marked by tremors, nor quakes, nor anything grandiose- the Drowned Lady abandoned the deep, forsaken caverns in the quiet of the night and began the climb through the briny dark, the surface thousands of leagues away.

    Her forgotten brothers would be fine without her, mother would stay sleeping. For now, there was much, much work to be done, and wishes to be fulfilled. The wanting comes in waves, and so does She.


    Over the course of the next year, odd things occur to those who stray close to the shores and beaches of Axios' islands. Some say seashells spoke to them, and others hear fish calling from the waves. Perhaps there's some truth to be found in these rumors?


    ((If I am online as TheMaskOrMyFace and you're at a beach and would like some preliminary event RP, just shoot me a PM and I'll hopefully be free.))

  4. timberlake18n-1-web.jpg

    woah heheh hey now kiddos lets uh heheh keep the aggression down yknow heheh dont wanna treat your fellow campers like heheh trash now yhear heheh remember the golden rule campers heheh treat others the way you wanna be treated heheh alright now lights out enough of that minecraft game for one night heheh

    • Minecraft name/s: (List the username of your main, and any alternate accounts) Archangel_Avacyn, PanicAtTheCostco, TheMaskOrMyFace, TooMuchTuna
    • Age: (Your age in whole years. Must be at least 14.) 21
    • Timezone: (State your Timezone. Ex: GMT-6) Pacific Standard
    • Skype/Discord: (Both are required. You will need Discord to be in the chats and for interviews.) Skype is logan.ferioli, idk what my exact discord is but you have me in there already
    • What is your availability: (Tell us how many hours you can spend on the server daily, and between what times.) I work a 9-5 desk job but I'm always on Skype then. I don't sit on the server all that often, 1-2 hours a night if I do get on, but I'm always participative in Skype/Discord if needed.
    • How would you improve how the Game Team handles things? (Explain or state how you would personally expand upon the handling of situations.) I think up-front transparency about decision processes could be entirely beneficial: just citing the recent controversy regarding Nathan's ban, my opinions on the verdict notwithstanding, had what Cablam explained about how the ban was discussed and decided within the feedback thread been conveyed to Nathan and others at the moment of banning I'm sure a lot more constructive discussion could have occurred rather than hate-generating at one person in particular. 
    • If you could add one thing to the Game Team, what would it be? (This could be anything from a rule to a policy, try and dig deep.) An initiative to proactively search for areas of improvement, rather than working reactively, would be something I'd like to see presently. I've seen it in the past with weekly polls, Your View's, etc., but a much more proactive approach to be gathering insight about necessary or even just beneficial change would be a good thing to add.
    • Why do you wish to contribute to these discussions? (Silly question, though expand on why you are interested.) The LT seems underrepresented in any of its interests currently, all of our back-and-forth occurring within the shared channels. As a member of the LT management I'd like to add my much more creative-and-narrative-inclined perspective towards anything I'm allowed to speak on. Also as somebody employed in corporate management, I think I have a swath of tools and resources to provide everyone with when it comes to presentation, education, management, and personal relation that I'd like to bring forward.
    • What would you ideally wish to work on if you were a member of the Contributor System? (A brief statement on what you would like to discuss and take part in. Ex. War, Villainy) Mostly Lore/Lore-Team related matters though I'm familiar and experienced with a variety of other topics that I'm sure I could occasionally provide insight on.
    • What topics of discussion would you like to raise? (List a few topic headings and descriptions as to what you would like to discuss)

      1. Inter-team communications: Just from my LT management experience alone, it seems like communication between teams and sorting out issues that necessitate the input of a few of them at once is a slow, arduous, and often painful process. 

      2. Increasing/improving the overall 'production value' and 'look' of the server and our resources: While strides have been made here, there's certainly still plenty of places to improve. This is something I'm working on with the LT at the moment and something I'd like to hear the thoughts of others about and how we can accomplish this to give the server a much more cohesive visual and 'at-a-glance' structure.

    • List some of your worst traits: (Shoot for two or three of each.) I can be blunt and condescending and don't think I'm suited for anything in the realm of public relations. I also have a tendency to overreact to some things at first due to extenuating personal traits, though I'm rather conditioned and self-aware of it at this point to rein myself in. I also suppose I might talk too much, but that being a bad trait is entirely subjective-- I'll list it anyways.
    • What specific parts of the server and or Staff are you most interested in? (What is it that compels you? Is it the Lore of the server, the development and plugins?) The Lore and player engagement/immersion with the creative aspects of the server.
    • Link a good song: (Don’t cheap out on me.) 
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