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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by Wretched

  1. This lore is accepted, but aspects of the lore are still being disputed amongst the LT. We may change parts of this lore at a later date depending on us seeing what this magic is doing for the server. As of this moment, we are only enforcing 2 changes to the lore by removing the following:


    -Non-Kharajyr can learn Muun’Trivazja, although when attuning they suffer the chance of losing their minds.


    -It takes longer for Descendants to learn the magic than the Kha.


    These no longer apply. There are no racial restrictions on the magic. Anybody can learn it, but it will remain a guild locked magic, and must be taught be an existing moongazer.

  2. A white parchment finds its way to the High Pontiff, and only to the High Pontiff, via a large barn owl - sealed with the red insignia of a dragon. It would read as follows:


    "The institute of honest learning thats calls itself the Library of Dragur stresses neutrality and unbias amongst its gathered tomes. All tomes donated are displayed, what is done with knowledge is upon the reader, we are not to judge and nor should that power belong to us. It is for this reason that you discover tomes of varying nature upon my walls. It should be known I display documents pertaining to human history and the cannonist faith too. As for the claims of being associated with the so called cult that calls themselves Xionists, they are unfounded. I believe I may prove this to you more clearly in person, thus would like to extend an invitation for your own visit to the library. Bring guards as you see fit, though I can promise they will not be required. What a day it is, when even books upon shelves become enemies of man. I am upset by the accusations, but as a man of honour and truth I stand prepared to ease your concerns, and are hopeful you are a man of similar morals. Send the owl back with your response, and potential time of meeting. For my own sanctity, I wish not to tread unto your lands.


    -Orithur Of the Eight, Librarian of the Library of Dragur"



  3. An old Harbinger's ashen form sits draped across a worn spruce chair, atop his various books and documents before him on his desk rests the poster. In silence he would peer across its content over and over again, steepling his gauntlet's digits together as he produces a soft, metallic "Hmmm."


    Orithur is caught off guard by a flash of thunder, his helm snapping upward to the skylight where his hollow stare would rest for a few moments in further contemplation. After a short time had passed, he would reach out to roll up the poster, sliding it into his robes before departing his office in silence.

  4. 5 hours ago, Croleo676 said:

    Uhh, I know I'm a bit late on this topic but I just want to not one thing that Benbo said in his original post.



    Tbh, I can clearly see that as a countermeasure to the "hur hur my niche hur hur" situation, since It's clearly to be run by GMs, and if a GM thinks it's going to be used for so called niche BS, can't they just go full nope mode and take their book away?


    It is a clause for potential future situations. If a player is deemed to be misusing the tome then it shall relocate, likely through another event. Misuse, is entirely situational.


    8 hours ago, Bloodnight said:

    Yeah, so regardless of what people say to defend this, I am a firm believer that this'll be just another thing for the "niche" players.


    Regardless of how presumptuous players admire to be, the books are still being spread across the playerbase. I really hate that the main problem with these books is that they'll "end up with tiny groups", as if somehow you just have some greater knowledge that that is the case. The first book that's being released is actually being released to one of the four main races in general, but for the sake of the event I'm not going to go into specifics.

  5. 1. Since I've become lead we've introduced a single piece of global Aengudaemonic lore and it was for you guys, not for the Aengudaemons. I'm in the process of recruiting more human LMs for the reason that they are often excluded, being the human masses.


    2. Everybody SERIOUSLY overestimates the amount of hidden lore we have. It is pitifully small, it all fits onto one thread. The real chances are if you can't find it, it's not hidden, it doesn't exist. I don't believe we have any hidden historical lore whatsoever.


    3. If it's mundane it doesn't need lore. Feel free to find spoons and any other manner of cutlery you wish, give it your own backstory if you want, you don't need us to be giving you renamed items of every piece of furniture you find. As for magical items, we already have a mixture of powerful ones, mediocre ones and straightup useless ones. See Razmot, for example.


    4. This one is just focused on your own lore lol. Barely a point that needs addressing. You are welcome to work with members of the LT, nothing stopping you. However, it might take a little less telling us we're doing everything wrong and a little more coming forward directly to us with your ideas.


    But seriously give me a chance lol. The truth is I'm aware pretty much every problem with lore anybody could ever bring up, that happens when you've been part of  the LT for so long. It's so easy to say "This is wrong" but it's so infinitely more complex than that, it is not possible to just 'fix' LoTC's problems with a feedback post. I am very gradually reshaping the lore team, I am planning a variety of long term events and findings different ways to include those usually left out of them as my human LM cracker can tell you. My first project as LM lead was to organise the mess that was LoTC's lore and for the most part, it's worked, but there is still more to do. I am expanding the LT's horizons but the nature of the team is that you don't see this until it is in effect, so again I'm just going to have to call for patience.


    tl;dr I know. Trust me I know. Give me a chance. Feel free to dispute me but I won't be responding further.

  6. Naturally god-like entities are going to be used frequently in lore, they have power, power leads to potential. I struggle to think of many other ways we could be introducing these tomes if not from the greater entities of the world. I'm running the plan to implement the tomes across the server so my explanation is going to be brief as not to spoil it, but every concern mentioned here plus more has already been expressed and deliberated over, I'm going to ask you don't do the norm LoTC thing and bash something into the earth before it's even begun. But to clarify:


    - Most the tomes will be introduced through events accessible to many. They aren't going to be limited to certain groups and in the instance that they are, it is to give that group some influence usually only achieved by an abundance of players (such as the necronomicon,  which allows for the summoning of an army, allowing for significant political and RP influence over large nations that would usually disregard the smaller groups.)


    - No, it will not be aimed at just the magical community. In fact, about half the books are aimed to not be in the hands of the magical community, which given that they are magic books is significant.


    - This lore's background exists for lore's sake beyond anything else. What the players will be receiving and the events that will be following, will be distant from Aengudaemons all together, don't use this as an opportunity to bash Aenguls and Daemons when in truth they are only the background, nothing more. I know that's an easy point to argue against but it's what you guys do with the books that's going to become prominent, this is about you, not Aenguls and Daemons.


    - Once again, while bringing up points of concern is fine, I don't intend to act upon anything until we've started to see these tomes in effect in-game. The simple truth is I'll respond to action, not 'foresight'. If it fails, it fails. We're not professional writers and game designers, failure is always a possibility, we're a server of experimentation so I'm asking you to see this through before you jump to the "I hate it" or "I love it." 


    For the above reason I won't be responding further. Let's see how this plays out.

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