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big narstie

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Posts posted by big narstie

  1. Username: - yekim7
    IRL Age: - 17
    Parties of OOC political affiliation: - BNP and UKIP
    History of Characters RP’d: - Rocco Romstun
    References for the quality of your RP (1 or more usernames of folks you RP with): - 69Jew69, Chuckaboo, Cytros
    Are you committed to playing this character in a manner appropriate for a Winter and Queen?: - course mate
    Have you read the House Winter thread, found here https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/92458-house-winter/ ?: - yeah course mate
    Can you give a 1-2 paragraph sample backstory and personality summary describing how you would envision your character: - Michelle Winter is a buxom bastard lass of one of Edward's many sexual conquests. A bit of a spoiled brat due to daddy's extreme power, Michelle is naive and childish. She loves her family more than anything and hopes to please her daddy. She particularly hates the Raevirs and wishes to see them all die, though deep down she does have some envy for their success. She is fiercely independent and will kill anyone who denies her right to be Queen of the North.
    Easiest method of contact (Please provide Skype, or appropriate alternative): - will pm skype x
  2. 395aLQ0.png

    Alexios I Komnenos of the Basileia Romaion


    • The army lead by Michael Komnenos began to leave Athens in a great parade, taking a proportion of the garrison with him, he traveled south through the south of Greece, his army well trained and well fed. He began trailing the remainder of the Sicilian Army using the reports of survivors from the attacks on the villages. He outnumbered the proposed Sicilian force by around 2750 men and felt great about smashing the invaders against the Greek soil. As he traveled villagers and survivors rally with the army and their cause to expel the invaders, raising the numbers significantly, despite the how ineffective the peasants would be in battle, they were eager for their revenge.


    • Andronikos and his navy move towards Crete before starting to intercept Sicilian ships transporting food to the Saracen invaders, longing out the siege of Armenia.  


    • Bacchus Komnenos arrives at the western border of Armenia, his 4350 men bolstered by the garrisons of Nicomedia and Pergamon totally up to around 7300 men. These men would too be bolstered  by the Armenian army, however ineffective they may prove in the battle scheme.


    • A missive is sent to the Doge of Venice, accepting his request. He implies that the entire of Sicily is up for grabs, should the Doge want it.


    • The men raiding northern Greece are thoroughly dealt with. 


    • Alexios begins to conscript men from the burning villages, trying to raise the size of his army significantly.


    • Waits for news from either the Hungarian Queen or the Assassins sent after Coloman.


    • Alexios accepts the Spanish Kingdom's trade request.


    Alexios laughs at the request from the Saracen 'fucks',  he sends them the bottom half of a long dead and rotten Turkey with a sign bolted through the genitalia "with kind regards, the 'south-end'! Take a hike; ****!" he smiles at his masterpiece and informs that it is of paramount importance that this reaches the Saracen lord in great haste!

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    Alexios I Komnenos of the Basileia Romaion


    • 300 of the Bulgarian Knights make a U-Turn and return to Constantinople, taking 600 Cataphracts,  1750 Spearmen, 1000 Swordsmen, 1000 Archers and Alexios's half-brother Bacchus towards Armenia after reports of movements by the Saracens along the border and into Armenia.


    • Navy sent to Cyprus moves after the Saracen Navy in hot pursuit, trying to burn the docked boats so that part of the Saracen Force cannot retreat via the sea.


    • the other 300 Bulgarian Knights are sent to the northern Byzantine lands, Serbia and Bulgaria are expected to join forces against the Hungarians. 


    • Alexios sends a letter to the Tsar of Russia about attacking Hungary to help preserve the Orthodoxy.


    • Alexios sends a letter privately to Coloman's wife Pauline von Habsburg, informing her of potential Byzantine support to her claim to the Duchy of Koln and Trier should the concoction enclosed in the letter reach the stomach of her new husband Coloman of Hungary. He also offers financial and military assisstance to her, should his request be accepted. He also hires an expensive group of assassins and mercenaries to knock off Coloman within the week should his Wife not end him first.
  4. 395aLQ0.png

    Alexios I Komnenos of the Basileia Romaion


    "******* fat shits!" exclaims Alexios as he's informed of the Sicilian Navy fast approaching. "Stupid ******* idiots, think they can withstand the pyroclastic flow coming from one thousand Byzantine Ships." he breaks into a fit of laughter, joined by his entire court, before filling a golden goblet with French Wine. "Our navy will meet theirs on the high tide, and Greek fire will be spewed from the mouth of a thousand ships and we'll torch their Navy and their Army!" 


    "M'lord Komnenos." says one of the courtiers as he rises from his seat. "We also have been informed that Muslim raiders have landed in Cyprus and have begun raiding the villages in the local countryside."


    "How many?" asks Alexios as he takes a swig from the goblet.

    "A few hundred."


    Alexios sighs as he hears the news. "******* mudshit. How dare they? When will the Pope call a Crusade against these fucks? Very well, here's what'll be done. Uncle stand." Alexios's uncle Andronikos rose from his seat. "You are an acclaimed sailor, correct?"

    "Yes, m'lord."


    Alexios claps his hands. "Brilliant, you'll be going to Cyprus with 10 ships, 3 of which will house Greek Fire, your task will be to burn the Muslim fleet wherever it is along the coast of Cyprus, before riding to Nicosia and raising the garrison before hunting down the Saracens are carving them a new arsehole."

    The court chuckles.


    "Make sure that your are not seen, if the Saracens see you coming they'll surely flee or do more damage, nothing is more dangerous than a cornered dog, if possible take as many as possible alive, and bring experienced spearmen, I wager they'll be important. Onto the other matter then... Manuel, cousin, rise."


    Manuel Komnenos rises, he's a veteran warrior and a great tactician, and looks like one with a greying square beard and wide shoulders. He simply nods his head towards Alexios.

    "I want you to rise the Greek Fireships from Hella and Constantinople and intercept the Sicilian Navy, you should be able to get there as soon as possible whilst your brother, Michael will take the Cataphracts from here and the Bulgarian knights and prepare in Athens, they will rue the day they dared attack. Make haste, ensure you intercept them and make sure their fleet lies at the bottom of the Greek rocks. Furthermore, Scribe reaffirm that the Kingdom of Italy received my request for an alliance, inform them that if they join me in this struggle they'll have in their control the entire Italian peninsula after the fighting is done." 



    • A missive is sent to the Armenians accepting their offer of vassalization as well as informing them of the need to construct fortifications along the Saracen border.
    • A missive is sent to Serbia, accepting their alliance request.
    • A missive is sent to all allies of the Byzantine Empire, informing them of the coming war and that they should all rally alongside Alexios.


    Picked Nation ~ Byzantine Empire
    Nation Leader’s Name and traits ~ Alexios Komnenos, Genius but Drunkard and now developing a rude trait.
    Type o’ Government ~ Absolute Monarchy

    Nation’s Chief Focus ~ Sicily getting destroyed

  5. 395aLQ0.png


    Emperor Alexios I Komnenos of the Basileia Romaion


    Two letters are sent out to their recipients on the behest of Alexios.

    "Dear King _____ of Italy,

                My dearest sir, I write to you in invitation to a feast in the ancient seat of the Basileia Romaion, to discuss matters of Politics, Friendship and Faith. Please bring any members of your dynasty that you deem worthy, as they will be involved in the matter at hand. 

    In friendship, Alexios I Komnenos of the Basileia Romaion."


    "Dear King _____ of Poland,

                My dearest sir, I write to you in invitation to a feast in the ancient seat of the Basileia Romaion, to discuss matters of Politics, Friendship and Faith. Please bring any members of your dynasty that you deem worthy, as they will be involved in the matter at hand. 

    In friendship, Alexios I Komnenos of the Basileia Romaion.

    The 600 Bulgarian Knights are treated with a heroes welcome as they entire through the Huge walls of Constantinople, Alexios leaves immediately from the Great Palace of Constantinople to greet their men and their leader, briefing them shortly on where they would be residing during their stay in the city. He offers them wine before taking a golden goblet of his own to his mouth. 


    He then turns his eyes towards the border with Serbia, swirling the wine within the goblet. No word was received yet from the Duke there, and he was sure it was due to the strained relationship with the Serbians in the past. He decides he would attempt to rectify this by sending them too a letter in great haste.

    "Dearest Duke _____ of Serbia,

                     I am writing to inform you of my continued wish for vassalization, I believe it true, and my spys report that disingenuous forces within our neighbour's court - Hungary; have their eyes set on the fertile soil of Serbia. This ignominy i'm sure we both can agree must not continue, and I stress to you the protection that I can offer Serbia and her people as a consequence of vassalization. To further my efforts, I implore you to accept my gift of 350 ducats should you accept my offer.

    in faith and war, Alexios I Komnenos of the Basileia Romaion."


    Alexios then calls for a meeting with his Lord Marshal, asking how the growing retinue are performing in training, being informed that their discipline is extraordinary and their ability of what you would expect. The Lord Marshal expects 300 Greek Cataphracts to be fully trained and ready to join the retinue and standing army in 6 months times and that he eagerly awaits Alexios to see them in battle.


    Picked Nation ~ Byzantine Empire

    Nation Leader’s Name and traits ~ Alexios Komnenos I, Genius & Drunkard
    Type o’ Government ~ Absolute Monarchy
    Nation’s Chief Focus ~ Allies

  6. 395aLQ0.png


    Alexios Komnenos I, the Emperor of the one great Byzantine Empire looked over the lands that had been lost to the Seljuk of Rum. It disgusted him, quite frankly. He had inherited a considerable amount of money from his predecessor - Nikephoros III, and intended to use it wisely. The trade that flowed through the great capital of Constantinople was that of which the world envied, and brought Alexios the wealth he would need for his campaign to reclaim the lands in Turkey. Before any of this, however, it was obvious there were other enemies close at hand that he needed to keep an eye on. God could only guess what the weaker Bulgarians, Serbians and other assorted Slavs were planning against him, and it would only be wise to secure his borders. To do this he sends three letters, one to the Duke of Serbia, one to the King of Hungary, and the other to the King of the Bulgars.


    "Dear the most Esteemed Duke ______ of Serbia,"

                              The Grand Empire of Byzantium flourishes once more, and your assistance is required. I offer you one thousand of the finest acres east of Constantinople if you would only accept my request for vassalization. Swear yourself, your land and your men to me, and together we will conquer the Seljuk of Rum and reclaim the land lost over the last century to heretic Turks.

    Alexios I Komnenos, Emperor of the Basileia Romaion"


    "To the dearest King of the Bulgars, Boris III,

                          The Emperor of the Basileia Romaion makes one simple request of you, your help in conquest and battle in the coming years would be most grateful, and Alexios I Komnenos would reply in the same way to any provocation against the Kingdom of Bulgaria. A military alliance, if you would.

    Constantine Palagious I, Chancellor of the Basileia Romaion."


    "To the dearest King of Hungary, Coloman

                          The Emperor of the Basileia Romaion makes one simple request of you, your help in conquest and battle in the coming years would be most grateful, and Alexios I Komnenos would reply in the same way to any provocation against the Kingdom of Hungary. A military alliance, if you would.

    Constantine Palagious I, Chancellor of the Basileia Romaion."

    Alexios then begins to invest in retinue, raising several hundred Greek Cataphracts and Spearmen. War would come to the Seljuk of Rum.

    Picked Nation: Byzantine Empire

    Nation Leaders Name and Traits: Drunkard & Genius

    Type of Government: Absolute Monarchy.

    Nations Chief Focus: Raising men for war, & alliances

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