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Posts posted by Alakabam

  1. *looks at the halfling and thinks while scratching his beard a little*

    It seems like you have never been to Skravia we have none of those things though once a dragon attacked thats over now.

    My people only attack or draw their sword if you do something so thats not really a problem.

    *smiles and sits down next to the halfling waiting for an answer*

  2. *sees a small halfling standing next to a drawing board and walks over, he slowly pats the halfling on the back while looking at the wonderous painting*

    "Thats a great painting you have young man, if you want to make some more I could pay you to make some paintings of Skravia."

    *smiles as he waits for the halfling's answer*

  3. *looks at the grave still sad at what was in the letter*

    I made this city but without Barry its an empty city with no pleasure...!

    Still, I know my father loved me.. He always helped me go trough hard times and now hes gone..!

    *walks away kicking some stones and then thinking about jumping off the roof of the church*

    This is a sad day for us all..

  4. This is really cool... I have one question for Native though.. Okay so I used my bedrock donator on the Skravia City thing.. now im gonna upgrade to Aether next vacation would I still be able to use my Aether plot to help Skravia with my Aether money?

  5. Name: Jax

    Rank: Recruit

    Age: 16

    Other and Previous Jobs: I guess you could say apples gatherer and sales man.

    Short Bio: I am an adventurer and I want to get better at my swordsmanship and archery skills. I spent a few weeks in Seventis helped a little with their migration and decided I should find newer places which bought me to Skarvia. It was a extremely long journey. All my senses and skills were put to the test. I have decided to join the military to help hone my skills.

    Current member of (other guilds): None [[On this character.]]

    Previous member of (other guilds): None [[On this character.]]

    Credibility out of ten: 9 I take responsibility for all my actions.

    Loyalty out of ten: 9, I am extremely loyal and never turn my back on anyone.


    Just message Daedric when hes online ;)

  6. (( Alright so first off, Alakabam, screw off. I'll take the warn status for this post. Basically, get your facts right before you come and ***** at us. Even Native defending us wasn't enough to silence you. Furthermore, I thank all of you who have shown support for the Kingdom of Seventis. ))

    Alright Ursolon did you even read the thread further then page 2? After Native told me to cool the argument down I did and dont try to deny it just look on page 3... I am also basing all of my said arguments on the things im seeing OOCLY and ICLY as these were OOC messages I was sending to an IC thread with brackets, So me bitching huh is having an argument called bitching these days? I will say it again I was not flaming nor was I hating on Seventis I was just trying to lay arguments to support my point I was giving on the first page as I know unconstructive arguments are very annoying.

    Regards Alakabam ))

  7. ((Okay Jake(Alakabam) I don't know what possessed you to start flaming this Seventis post but cut it out. I am surprised at your reaction because I think its more of a inspiration because of the fact Seventis grew from scratch similar to what we have done in Skravia. They worked their butts off to get to this point (have you seen the damn charter), they can move wherever the hell they want. It's also not a crappy little town that all of a sudden decided to become a nation, compared to the other nations they are on par with them. Sure they may not have the most unique architectural style (you can only go so far) but that also makes it easy to navigate and easy on the eyes (you can practically place it in any environment). So don't be an arse (and this goes to all the flamers) and bring up Salvus and other bull crap because they are not Salvus, they are Seventis and they will be run things in their own little way.

    Also Jake, don't bring Skravia into this either, Seventis isn't Skravia and Skravia isn't Seventis, you can't compare the two. Odds are they do some things better than us and we do some things better than them but that is with everything. By the time we get to this point I doubt you would enjoy simply negative posts all up in your topic.))

    Im not at all hating.. Im just explaining what I personally think about Seventis.

    I am inspired by Seventis and the good leaders, but I just don't like where the nation will be placed. I never said it was a crappy town if I did quote me on this want that isnt how I do things. I dont insult people and or organizations if they have done nothing wrong as Seventis has done nothing wrong, but the plan behind their placement is what I don't like. On some points I can agree with. Alright so I've been to Seventis a few times and just saw a crowded thing with streets that didnt even fit in the city, looking like what they wanted to put in the city wasnt meant for the size they had inside the actual walls, I didnt bring Skravia in this some guy started talking about Skravia and how it was different to Seventis.. I only used my own opinion. Soran its not being negative its being realistic.. And I ended the argument so Im just responding to the people that are continueing the argument. As I like to get their feedback and how they think about the topic)

    And Thu'um you think that im hating on Seventis in general while im not im just hating where they are placing the new capitol. As I dont want another Salvus. As for Seventis I dont really think there is something wrong with it and I even like some of the people living there so thats not the problem here I just came here at the start of the topic to express my opinion and seeing that some people took that as hating(as it was not intended as) I dont really see how I could be hating.. You noticed I began to flame the topic? I only talked about my argument against this with Dez. We had a small discussion and ended it. Regards Alakabam ))

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