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Posts posted by Alakabam

  1. ((Your Grammer is hard to follow. And we arnt attacking Salvus to be some "big kid". It's for many reasons. And bandits arnt a problem because we behead them. Now if you want to continue this, bring it to RP, as this is an rp topic after all. And please try to use understandable Grammer. Thank you.))

    Mind pointing out what is wrong with my grammar apart from the occasional misstypes cause I am on my mobile phone..))

  2. ((So your against Seventis becoming a nation because you think yours is better? Thats RP and should not affect OOC. Also,we've grown from a small town to nationhood. Now, can this thread PLEASE get some RP and less OOC?))

    I dont at all try to imply that Halvaska is better then Seventis as I stated. I just dont like the idea behind it.. Im fine with Seventis being a nation as it doesnt affect me at all though I dont like a nation to be on such an unfair location just like Salvus...))

  3. This isn't a new nation. >.< We ALREADY EXIST. How can we take away from a playerbase when were already here? And being close to spawn has major disadvantages. ie. Bandits and noobs. Also, we arnt selling dirt cheap houses. Heck, we don't even have any for sale right now. And bandits arnt our only enemy, were at war with Salvus.))

    First of all being at war with Salvus is like saying well all other children are attacking this one kid so I will attack too to make myself seem strong.. Salvus is doomed and you know it. You are are/were a self proclaimed nation that isnt the same.

    Last time I checked Seventis you had a whole wall full with 3x3 house boxes on top of eachother bandits and noobs arent a big thing at all you havent even be atyacked by other major cities.))

  4. So...what is the difference between Skarvia and Seventis? Apart from distance wise.

    First before you do research Sherlock its the nation Halvaska and the capitol is Skravia the difference between Skravia and Seventis is that.they dont look alike at all examples as prizes of houses, better optimized districts and different architecture and other religions. As I stated im not hating on Seventis at all im clearly stating that I dont like the potential situation of a medium big nation as Seventis.. ))

  5. ((I don't think people realize that Seventis already exists......were just moving farther from spawn.))

    Pfft you call that further I call that a 2 minute walk... Why did the gms even accept this as I was told that there wouldnt be any new nations for awhile cause that would cause another playerbase spread I dont have a grudge about Seventis I just dont like the plan and the location behind it. Take Halvaska for an example, were far out in the wild we still get enough people and have a 60 people playerbase we are a self proclaimed Nation but if we should move so close to spawn sell dirtcheap houses and only have small bandit groups as enemies everyone like that could get a major nation with 200 people.. ))

  6. This isn't Salvus. We are completely different. The only thing you can relate us to Salvus with is distance to Temple. Which we actually just migrated AWAY from the temple. We are forging our own unique culture and relations to specifically prevent another Salvus.

    ((Sorry for the triple post, i'm not quite sure how to multi-quote yet.))

    The problem with Seventis is that its so close to spawn compared with other nations that it gives Seventis an unfair advantage.))

  7. This nation will be the same as Salvus and that is what the community doesn't want... some examples of things that match with Salvus : Close to spawn... very close, accepting all races, dirt cheap houses so everyone can buy one, probaly going to be the new main place where ALL roleplay will be at, lots of shitty military that is probaly gonna be worse then the damn peacekeepers. /end arguments))

  8. Could you give more information on how exactly this will happen? OOC info, not IC lore.

    Yea I too am interested to see how we will get to fight giant sea creatures.

    I imagine minecraft seacreatures like this D: Arrrr...


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